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BAGIOT9S SLE, Mink a AMENDMENT NO. Calendar No.__ Purpose: To require a report on the expanded purview of the Defense Counterintelligence and Security Ageney. IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES—116th Cong, Ist Sess. 8.174 To authorize appropriation s for fise 2020 for military for military AMENDMENT N° 0519 the Depart vy person By...... LOaene her purposes. en and Dts inted tbs macy tt WARNER Viz: 1 At the end of subtitle B of title XVI, add the fol- lowing: SEC, __. REPORT ON THE EXPANDED PURVIEW OF THE DEFENSE COUNTERINTELLIGENCE AND SE- CURITY AGENCY. (a) REPORT REQUIRED.—Not later than 90 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Seeretary, of Defense shall submit to Congress a report on the De- Ce rane wn fense Counterintelligence and Security Agency. BAGIO798 SLC. 1 (b) Conte —The report submitted under sub- section (a) shall inelude the following: (1) Identification of the resources and authori- feneral for the ex- ties appropriate for the Inspe or panded purview of the Defense Counterintelligence ation of the resources and authori- 2 3 4 5 6 and Security Agency. 7 8 ties needed to perform the civil liberties and privacy 9 officer function of the Defense Counterintelligence 10 and Security Agency. ul (3) An assessment of the security protocols in 12 effect for personally identifiable information held by 13 the Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agen- 4 ogy. 15 (4) An assessment of the governance structure 16 of _ the use Counterintelligence and Security 7 Agency as it relates to the Department of Defense, 18 including with respect to status, authorities, and 19 leaders 20 (5) An assessment of the governance structur 21 of the Defense Counterintelligence and Security 22 Agency as it relates to interagency partners, includ 23 ing the Office of Management and Budget, the Of 24 fice of the Director of National Intelligence, and the 25 Office of Personnel Management BAGIOT9S sue 1 (6) The methodology the Defense Counterintel- 2 ligence and Security Ageney will prioritize requests 3 for background investigation requests from govern 4 ment agencies and industry

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