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Degree 8 - 9 SAN ANTONIO, Number 169
Copyr~gh ~ 1958 by The ~a ya ~s
Your miracle Power
1fJf/ayan feeve!afion rJumbeJ• 16 9

P.·ayeJ• 7}ou Are 3ncfuded

A ::J;·u.ofrafed (fenerafion You Can
IJe/w/d Jhe Jriu.mpftanf Oneo ~aifh SaijJ, 'y 2:Jare


Jfw Secref ~,Ut,_lj riot now?

Beloved Centurion:
The class of which you are a part has traveled far on the :.Iayan Path .
rAany truths have you learned . I n many ~ays your life ha s been c~a~g ed greatly
for t he better . Why do we know all this? Because so many letters have told us
so - letters testifying to happy and harmonious home lives, wher e before all
was misery, to good positions attained in spite of seeming handicaps, to self-
confidence restored , i llness surmounted and the blessings of good ~ealth realized ,
even complete changes ;n appearance and disposition . In fact, in Jy files o~
letters t here is presented every t ype of problem t he human race ba s to face, and
many , many letters testifying to success over t hese problems .

Some t hings which are brought t o you in this new series -;vi:ich we have
called YOUR MI:RACLE POWZR are a lready known to you , - well known , but regardless
of how well we m.ay have learned and accepted these trut hs, t here comes a time i::1
the lives of all students when we need to strengthen our beliefs .

We feel that t his new series 77ill be a real chal lenge to you . If you have
become a little discouraged , or your faith has become a bit we~~ througn one o:
life's disappointment s or whatever the case may be , hence it is our desire to brL~g
t o you in this series a secret. It is nothing supernatural; as a matter of fact
i t is a seeming miracle , but natural rather t han supernatural when we understand
how it works and how to use it in every phase of our live s.

As t his series progresses, i t becomes stronger and stronger . ~ou are shovm
many t hings which can be tremendousl y helpful to you in t his stage of your develop-
ment, and in your quest for a rich life , abounding i n all good t hings .

The many years of experienc e 77hich ~our instructor has had has brought a
wealth of understand;ng of your pr oblens, and I know that the truths br ought to
you in this new series have in them the power to completely change your life and
add much unto it.

What has been set down i s not ne'-r to you , but t here :nay be several instruc-
ti ons which will make ~ new i mpression and come t o y ou at a ti.11e of need .

I am sure you have had our book called THE MIRACU PO'NER , of Vfhich t h ere
has been thirteen printL~gs made, and hundreds of thousands of copies sol d . It has
been really miraculous i n t he wonderful changes it has brought acout for so many.
THE MIR~CLZ PGNER is something which cannot be explained ; it ~as to be experienced .
T'n e reason so many thousands of copies hav e been solei year after year is because of
t he uword of mout h" advertising . This book advertises itself through it s povter to
change one's lif e . If you do not have a copy, i t can be had ·:tri ting to
y our Mayan nook House .

Please understand , this series of lessons is not to be coc useci ·;ti th the
book, TF...E MIRACLE POTIER . I mention it only because it -;toul d be ~ elpful i::1 you::-
study of this seri es of lessons callec YOUR ?IIIRACLE POWER. The:: are entirelj'
di f f erent .


Rev. 169 : Pl
Rev . 169: P2


BELIEV:t:; IT AND KNOR IT, and start the study of this new series vrith the
following praye::- :

Heavenly Father, help me more and mor e to

see l ife and my r elation to it clearly .

Give me faith to empoi-:er me to cio thy vrill.

Amen .

- g) -


We are a frustrated ·generation . The human race has let '7orld conditi ons
become more and more tangled , and life become more and more complex . Now we f ind
t hem more difficult to manage, and we stand aside 11ringing our hanci.s in what we
assume to be helplessness .

The great thing we have built up, or allowed to be built up, alarms us as
it rumbles by , and we are all t he more troubled when v1e get the bill for maintain-
ing it . We allow the situation to give us an inferiority complex.

We are here t o master life, yet we have built up a life that does not so
easily yielci. to the free and easy manner of t he yesterdays . t·:evJ ba:-riers foroid
us and new forces seem to rise from t h e neVi conditions .

We must still master life , however . As we were equal to it s challenge

yesterday, v1e must still be equal to it tociay, even if the challenge takes nev1
forms we do not know so well bon to meet . If i7e are ma}:ing progress we shot:ld be
able t o do more difficult things and meet more exacting standards t han ever before .

Instead of tha t we too o:ten y ield to these :rustrating conc:.tions . We

say the task i s oeyonci. our poner . Vie say it is not :or us , but :or the strong ,
the capable , t he resourceful , so v1e trust in t he f ew who are daring enough to
attempt great tr.ings . We might nell contemplate these lines by Nixon Waterman:
11 you a trailer, or a re you a trolley?
J.:re you tied to a leader t hrough wisdom , or folly?
J:e you somebody else , or ycu?
Jo you vote o~- t he ticket , and swalloit it straight?
Jo you pray oy t he oook? Do you pay by the rate?
Jo you tie your cravat by the calendar's date?
Do you follor; a cue? 11
Wor ld aff airs baffle us . We have let t he conflicting cries and shibboleths
of our leaders confuse us. We have let mater ialistic t hi nking eat i nto our reli-
gious f aith ana r oo it of its assuranc e . Sooe of us have even listened to f ah:e
prophets with sub stitute religions to pr opose. All t h is has '.vea:.zened our hold on
t he hope and courage t hat helped our fathers through . We have wzde our bed , and
now v1e fi nd it does not f i t . We have baked our cake, and nov1 ':le find it dr y anci
tasteless .

Ours i s t oo much an attitude of weakness . We talk of evil days and lost

gener ations a s though frustration had never blocked t he way of human beings before .
We assume that t hose who lived before us had it easy .

They di d not . Every age has had its problems . ~very generation bas had
its troubles. Every i ndivi dual has ha d hi s bafflements. Between ever y Egypt of
capti vity and Canaan of hope has been a long, hard wi l derness road . Every victory
has cost i t s toll, and every s tep of progress has had its pri ce . Me.ny hav e found
the way joyful , but none have foru1d it effort less . '

You may say t hat even traveling har d roads , a olng difficult t hi ngs , anci
struggl i.11g ·Ni t h forbidd i ng forces are more endurable t han just sitting -;vaiting f or
thi ng s to yield. Perhaps so . There is a certai n feeling of herois m about carry-
i ng loads t hat is lacking in just waiting for one to carry t hem for us . There is
a cure for that too , a s we shall soon begin t o see .

- -§ -


There is no such thing as havi ng no hope . Too many have proved it other-
wise to t hin..l< any such thing as t hat . We have hope, even when ever--jthing else is
gone, and it i s our way back . Behold the triumphant ones ~

Her e and t here #in all t his turmoil of confusion and frustra tion are peopl e
who have mast er ed life in spite of all that forbids it, and who continue to keep
t heir mastery . If new locks have been put on the doors , t hey have. f ound new keys
to f i t the m, or else t hey have found ne-.-r ·ways t o use old secrets .

We are not now referring t o the opportunists who have seized on thi ngs
and advanced t heir own interests by fair means or f oul . We are referring t o t he
people who have f aced conditions ~ithout f ear, and have kept calm and strong,
looking t he wor l d i n t he ey e with t he unflinching gl anc e t hat gi v es t he wild
animal trainer hi s mastery over t he potential danger he faces .

Among all the people who are despah•i ngly claimi ng t hat nothi ng can be
done about t his or t hat are other people ·r1ho nevertheless are doing somethin~
about it . T'ney are facing t he problems of life and doing something about them;
and iVhat they do is effective and successful. There are such people near you ,
perhaps known to you . If they have mastered life in
di ff i cult times, so can you .

Rev . l69 : P3
Rev . 169 : P4

While oein~ ~ade ~eady for h i s imp~rial corona~lon, Napoleon complained

t hat it was .:10 lange:- possible t o do anything great . That v:as a long time ago,
and more gre~t things have been acne since that t ime t han had been done before it •
..Uexa.:1der died at the early age of thirty- three, compl aining t hat there uere
no more i'lorlcis to cono_Ller. Yet, far more importa:::J.t phases of t he v;orld 1 s life have
been conquer ec since then than had been before, vrorlds of which he never dreamed .

These things have been possible because t here were people who di d
not pr opos e t o surrender t o conditions to which t hey k..'t'lew t hey were
superior. They had t heir dreams and v isions . They also had t he
deter rination to r ealize t hem. The progress of t he years , t he
bette:- conditions in which we live , the advances in human we1 f'ar e
- t hese are t heir wor ks and t heir monuments .

In your commu..11ity may be someone who has triumphe0. over a problem, or re-
fused to be cie~ eated by a handicap, or realized on an ambit ion, in spite of the
difficulties :.n t he way , or improved himself despite discouragements , or r enderea
an important service 1.ithout much t o work vii t h or means to meet the costs.

Tnese achievements are more significant than any seizing of chances t o get
rich, famous , or power ful by means of exploit at i on , fraud , or unconcer n about the
f ates of. others. These people will be gratefully remembered when ot h ers are for -
gott en. Theirs i s a glorious histor y . They may not receive all the credit t hat
is due them nm;, but t hey will not lose their rew-ard . They di d not cringe before
conditions, but had the secret by which to overcome. They are t he triumphant ones.

These people have appeared in every time, howev er discouraging ; and in

every place, however obscure. Thin.'!( of the triumph t hat v:as being achi eved in a
humble carpenter ' s home in a little town so poor t hat it was t hought nothing good
could come out of it.

- <G) -


The t:-iumph~11t living t hese peopl e have achieved in all generations does
not come about by ch~11ce , nor is it autorr~tic. They have a secret , and it is one
of the most glorious wonderful secrets ever known .

They have not had it easy any more t han you do , but there is a power that
has enabled them to endure . They have had their ups and downs , but i t has unfail-
ingly helped them up i7hen t hey wer e down . They have found conditions hard to cope
vli t h, but i t nas unfai lingly gi ven t hem the strength to win . They too s ometi mes-
felt li.l(e lost generations, but viith it nothing is lost .

others trusted in physical might and power , but t hey di d not. other s
trusted in material possessions , but their secret was something diff erent. others
trusted in fo:-ces they could measure, ana were always limited by whether t hey had
enough; but these triumphant ones had a secret t hat s ee~ed t o hav e no measure .

others laughed at them and t heir secret of tr i~phu~t livi~g . They sai d
it was impractical, mystic, unreali stic , t h eoretical; but it worke(; just the same.
Some thought about it deeply enough to s e e t hat i t i s rea_lj' one of life 1 s :1ost
real and definite forces - as much so as elect rici ty , gr avit ation, or the ol.Jwi ng

They found that it was the strange, boundless energy behind t h e mi racle s
that has so often mystified Science. Then t h e miracles were bounc t o be as r eal
as the forces that made them possible - j ust real , ev eryday t hings . Some said
it wa s capable of achieving more amazing t hings t han had yet occurred , be cause no
one had ever yet tested it to the full extent of it s po~er; s ome ~ere unbelievi ng ;
but some smiled, said nothing , and went right on appeal ing t o i t ·:rhen t hey 2ad
reached the limit of their own power. These ~ere the tri umphant ones .

It took the fear out of their l i v es, be cause t ho se ~ho had it kne~ t hat
deliverance would always be at hand. It had s topped t he mouths of lions and over-
come all sorts of perils. Since it had done so it would do s o again , so ·nt:.y be
afraid? A man is not afraid of falling overboard when he knows he has pr otection
and that a life line will be waiting anyway .

It had enabled people to do t hings calling for mor e t han their O\m
strength. Since it had done so, it could be depended on t o do so again .
Some took the attitude that t hi s power had existed in t he past but no mor e .
Many great stories of what it had done had been handed down , but those wonder ful
times were gone forever. But t hose who had t hi s s ecret smiled again, and ~ent
right on using it. They knew that t he constitut ion of l ife ha d not changeci , and
that any form of divine power that ever operated at all wi ll cont inue to do so .

So there is this secret of power. It fear s not hi ng , stops at ,

and fails in nothing_. It is the a ntidote t o f rustr atic.n, and anyone can have i t
who will recei ve and use it. Its name i s a famili ar one - faith .

- Q-


t hose chains of frustration another day . If you have let negative co!ldit:..c!ls ana
attit udes f asten them upon you, you can unlock the:n nm1 , for yov. have t he ~:ey .

Hear the young Jesus of Na zareth one Sabbat n day i 11. t he ~~az arene s::nagogue.
He takes upon himself a commissi on written long ago by t he prophet Isaiah , declar-
i ng t hat he had come to proclai m r elease to t he capt i v e s . You are includ e~ i n
t hat proclamation. Every slave of hi s own frustrations i s .

Your f etters were fast ened on you t he day v1hen you f i r st acknowlec~ed t hem.

Rev . _69 : 1'5

rtev . 169 : P6

They grew tighter every time you recognizee their restra:..nt . The;y ·::i::.l :'all m:ay
:'rom you when, once :'or all, you c iscl.s. im thei:- autho:-it;:,- m-er you . It i s a ques-
tion for you and not anytf>_:_ng oatsicie yoursel-" to .
You can be as free as t he ::':::-eest soul v:ho ever lived , as stro::1g as
the strongest human being r:ho ever v~alJ-::ec the earth, as triumphant
as the mos t victorious one has ever been over ci,..ctmstances. Say
v;ith rr~altb ie Eabcocl: :
11 3e strong .
Say not t he days are evil. Who 1 s to blame?
And fold the hands and acquiesce. 0 shame~
Stand up . Speak out , and bravely, in Goci 1 s name .
Be strong."
Consider t his till it is recordea J.n :.-our soul . Vie have saiC. t hat any-
thing faith ever did it can do nov.-. Let us noi'i ad::i. to that another statement -

It is not a matter of having so much , or doing so much, o:- attaining such

and such a position, or having such and such an advantage . People have done all
this , and yet have remained enslaved. It is a matter of making up your minci , and
not hing can keep y ou from doi ng that when once you are ready .

Stop now and t hen and meditate on faith . ThirLi.c deeply about the wonderful
things people have accomplished by oeans of it. Then tell yourself in the secret
silences of your own mind and heart that it is available to you and v;as meant for
you . , N.ake yourself beli eve it. T'nat moment you v1ho are nov; weak vri ll become
Sometimes we suddenly decide to do soGethi_rlg ·,7e had alr1ays considered im-
possible. We thought it 11as for otners but not for us , or Tie counted it too great
or difficult . But in a moment of suC.den :::-esolutian t hat may have seemed rec}:less,
we attempted it, and to our surprise, \7e di d not fail. VIe succeeded at 17hat we haci
assured ourselves we coulci not do. The door we assumed was loc}:ed opened readily
to our touch . Still we go ahead wondering why lie never did t hat before , then "We
would have known how easy it wa s . We realize that the reason was t hat we had lack-
ed faith , and the reason we had finally done the thing was t hat for a moment at
least, faith had risen to the right level in our hearts .

Do not go about thinking that the assurance of Jesus t hat he proclaimed

release to the captives operated tm6 er some }rind of a statute of limit ations .
The promises of Goci do not have eA~iration dates on them. They are forever and
for all .

- c-
you CAN :

It is sometimes said t hat t h ere is no such 7Tord as 11 can 1 t 11 • Essentially

there isn 1 t , but i7e s ee t hat the combination of letters t hus pronoun ceo is put
into the d i ctionary anyway . We are mistaken in its meani ng thoug!! . The word
"can ' t " , whi c h we so frequently allow to spring from our lip s aces not mean i m-
possibility but def eatism. Nothing is impossi-ole wi t h Goa, then ·."Thy s houl d any-
t hing be impossib le nth his chil dren, created i n h is mm i mage? But i7hen 7/e take
the defeatist attitude t h ere might as 7iell b e . We make it so, as =:ax as we are
concerned , so long as our viewpoint is a negative one.

Let us now put aside t h e thought of t h e numb er a nd k i na of things y ou

cannot do . You cannot make a wheel turn b oth 71ay s at once , You cannot make t wo
hil ls ·.vithout a valley bet ween them. So say the sophists .

What of i t? ~~ybe you can ' t , ana maybe it might i n some qay be possible
t hat you can . We do not know because no one ever t r ied it , and no one ever tried
i t be cause i t is of no i mpor tance . There is no reason why anyone sh ould try such
t hings because t h ere is no need that they s h ould b e d one . Have you not noticeci
that i f t h ere is an impossible th:b1g, it is one t h at t here i s no rea son why anyone
should do anyway? God i s not r unni ng 2, magic show, but ~ world i n ·.vh ich needful
thinc-s ~ supplied to tho se whc need them . So let ~ rather tur n 21!!. attention
to some things t hat, with the help of God , you QgD. do.

YOU CAN Iv!AKE THE MOST OF YOUR LIFE . No, we d i d not say i t would always
be easy . The easy way out is seldom of r eal i mportance , and does you no good in
the doing . It has l i ttle challenge and small result . We must learn t o p1·efer
t h e difficult probleo, t h e exac ting task . Doing easy t h i ngs d ev elops no strength
and no skill.

without havi ng to be resourceful , of course . You will have t o open g ates, unlock
doors , and get past barriers . Surely one s hould expe ct to do t hat much . You will
not =:ind all these things ready done for you . You must do them yours elf, but y ou
will have tb'3 power o~ God on your s i ne by faith .

may :1ot knon v1hy they are t here, but ther e i s a r eason . They are a part of t he
cond:.. tion of which y ou have to b e master . You ·.7 oulci gai n nothing and lose much by
try ing to chea t or evade t hem . Face t hem o r avely , and y ou will prove yourself
vrort hy of divine h elp i n overcoming t he::! .

F OLLCWING TE~OUGi: . T'ne greater your fait h t he :nore courage and dari ng y ou will
have in achi ev i ng ·.7orth-.7hile t h i ngs . 7ou can acco:npli sh any g ood pur pose to -.'Tnicll
you have the courag e to set y oursel:: i f y ou put fai t h into t h e ef:ort .

Ther~ is QQ question a b out that. oth ers ha v e cione it, and you have acc e ss to t h e
~ s ource of power t hey had .

J.ev . 169 : V.
Rev . 169 : PS '-

have only to accept t he challenge, work v.i'th God, and have a steady faith t hat
the best for you will come to pass .


I f faith had a voice and should speak to us, what would it say? Ce:-tainly
it would say nothing weak and defeatist . Neither would it say anything smacking
of egotism and bravado . It would speak v.ith courage and daring , and would probably
say something like: 11 I dare you. 11

I dare you to think of yourseli' in

11 the high terms of sonship to God. You
were not created to a low or mediocre lj~e. God created y ou to be somebody in t he
worl d . He did . not make you to give up, but to stand up. He never made you to
respect and cower before Qnreal danger s and imagined possibilities. He never
made you to cringe before the world, but to look it coP...fidently i n t he face.

1 dare you to conceive., life in large terms and to think of your part in it

as something powered to be majestic and ~orthwhile. You do not need to think

the thoughts and have the feelings that tend to classify you with lower orders
of creation,or even low grade human beings. Walk i n mind and heart, and if pos-
sible in person, with saints, sages, and :lr..ings of spirit and intellect. So live
as to classify yourself with the great souls, and the great souls will find you.
111. dare y ou to enter into the inner sanctuaries of God and be :!ome person-
ally acquainted with thE: One who made anc rules all things . Meet your Father , and
learn what fatherhood at its best is like . You r.rill f ind yourself t hi nki ng ,
planni ng, and working i'ii th the Divine . Ee will help you wor k out a life program
be can approve, and i f you vri ll help hi m carry out his plans he will help you
carry out y ours.
111 dare you to learn to t hink of' and see t hings, problems, needs, issues,
and possi bilities in universal terms . r: y ou do so, it will revolutionize every-
thing for you. Looking at life t hrough God 1 s telescopic lens you can say you see
it steadily and whole . How can you knov. t he whole trut h unle ss you do , and when
you do you will find faith ridding you o: your chains .
1 dare y ou actually to underta.Jce some of t he worthwhile things of which
you have dreamed . You would never have dreamed them unless t h ey were desirable and
possible for y ou. You do not need just to look longingly at your promised land.
It is there for you to enter and possess . If a forbi dding Jordan rolls betv;een it
and you , remember that life 1 s Jordans, like t he one the Israelites crossed , have a
way of opening channels for the crossin6 of those who have faith and courage
enough to undertake it. Remember that you and life 1 s best were made for each
1 dare you to face the issues you have avoided, to set right t he wrongs
you have neglected, to do the t hings you have so long allowed t o ·.va it, and to get
started on' the useful and meaningful liv ing you have long thought >'IOulci be so sa t is-
fying , and promised y ourself so often you would get started on some day . You will
find all t h ese thing s much easier than you thi nk . 11

Let life no longer b e puny and di s a ppointing . Listen to f a ith 's challenge,
11 I dare y ou . 11 Can y ou take a dare?

- cg -


A well- known American product used to use t h e advertising slogan ,

''Eventually, why not noi'l? 11 That i s a challenging angle from \'Thi er.. t o consider any
good thi ng , mat er ial or not . Sooner or later we a l ·:;ays come to a que st fo r the
b est, but i f we keep put ting it off a time finally comes ·.;rhen i t is too late . Wh:.r
not do it before t hat time dravrs near , specifica lly now?

Here is one of the gr eat and trag i c los ses to the Yrorld and to ourselves .
Everyone means to get around to it i n time, to be , and do, and accomplish his best
some day . It is a co~~on human dream. Tne mo st de prav ed person , t h e nost complete
human fai lure, and the most i ndolent procrasti nater, all t h i nk of a time ·:rhe n t hey
will shal<.e off t heir restraining f etters and rise to really high levels of living .

But that word 11 sometime 11 i s so ind efinite . What c osts the a ges so much is
t hat a ll t hese wonderful t h ing s are to ·oe d one after time h a s wea.l<.ened us until ·,.,e
cannot do them. We are about so many t hing s like Augustine whe n he asked God to
make hi m a gooci ~~n - but not j u st yet. Fort·~nately , Augustine d i d not put it of:
too long , however . He did wzke the change, and rose to sainthooc .

'Ne all knol'l ho~;; it is , for we have a l l had t h e experienc e . Good i deas co!'!le
to us agai n and again, and we think we must do something about them san e t ime '.'ihen
it i s conveni e nt , or perha ps v1hen v1e finis h what •:;e are doi ng . Th.en later v1e di s -
cover t hat t h e glo;;< has gone out of t h e vision or t ha t t h e i dea s t he mselv es are
lost i n the enfolding mists of forgetf·~ness .

Thi s happens very easily for a certain reason . The br a i n or materi al mi::d
can sometimes retain thi ngs by engraving records of t hem i n the retention c ell s .
But these inspired i d eas are not products of t he brain . They come out of t he
silences t h rough t he sub conscious mind , ·:1hich seld om bot hers t o tell us anythin~
more t han once . These thoughts pass over the memor:.r cell s . Unless we eith er act
on them or rrri te them down , 1.'/e forget t h e m or a t l ose the I 1re so ne c e ssar:r
f or forgi ng them into :rea 1-i ty . With l i f'e 1 s inspirations, '.7hich are God 1 s prompt-
i ngs, i t is l iterally non or not at e.ll .

Tne thing t o ci.o 'iii th the realization t hat someth i ng needs to b e done is t o
go at once and attend to it . The t hing t o d o with some extend ed ac tion , a life
work for instance , is to prepare for it , get st.::trted on it , a nd ;,ceep ':forking at i t
as constantly a s possible .

Rev . 169 : P9
Rev . 169 : Pl O

Fle..s:: of \".'a~'s to i mprove it h er e ana there and nor; and t hen r;ill
keep c oming . T.~ ese sh ould be acted on a t onc e~ or t h ey too will soon oe lost ,
perhaps in ar. ho·u: 1 s time . liotes of such t h i ngs should b e made while t he l i ght
is bright on t he::: and t he surge of f e eli ng is dynamic . At v;ork, when traveling ,
or in t he night, a t all times, in fact , notebool: and pencil shoulc oe viith in reach .

Es tif.l..c.te t he total of the d elays y ou have allowed to hold up ci oing t he

thing s y ou v;ere inspireci t o do , t hen add to it t h e value of t h e t hings themselves
i f they had b ee~J. done . It makes a r a t h er depr e s sing total , doesn 1 t i t? Now
multiply t his b:: t he number of people, past and present , r:ho have done t h e same
thing . Thi s nill giv e you some i dea of the values lost to t h e ages oy not con-
sidering what snould be cione and doing i t at onc e .

The only tense i n God 1 s Gr ammar is t h e present . The cor.unon r;ord f or it

is Nov1 . Do not let t he.t meaningless worci Tomorrow ro'.:> you of your p eri tage .

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God insp;~es me to progress, ach iev ement, and t o

na stery ; and I res pond nithout delay .

' l

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