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Step 1:

Read these articles from modern salon and Forbes maga-

zine to understand what it takes to be a successful hair-



Step 2:
-For this activity, you and your partners will use Mind
Vector on the iPad to create a mind map on what you
think it takes to be a successful hairstylist.
- This map will address the following learning objectives:
-Know the personal qualifications, interests, apti-
tudes, information, and skills necessary to succeed in ca-
-Know important strategies for self-promotion in the
hiring process, such as job applications, résumé writing,
-Understand the past, present, and future trends
that affect careers, such as technological developments
and societal trends, and the resulting need for lifelong
-Analyze what you have read about being a successful
hairstylist and put into your own words the most impor-
tant attributes by using the double journal to organize
your ideas.
-Your Mind map must include at least 6 key points/ex-
amples of what it takes to be successful in the beauty in-
-Each idea will have that students name on it to receive
Double Entry Journal
Use this journal through your readings to reflect on the ideas
from the text.

Ideas from text Reaction/Connection

Rubric Scoring Guide

4 2 1
Reading & As a group As a group As a group As a group
Organization you read you read you read one you did not
of ideas both articles, both articles articles and read the
and and created created a articles and
Organized a mind map. mind map. created a
ideas on the mind map.
journal to
outline your
mind map.
Both the The mind The mind map The mind map
Journal and map is done is done with is done with
mind map are with effort minimal effort ideas about
well organized and reflects and only the subject
and done with the proper reflects one and not from
outstanding readings. article. The the readings.

effort and mind map The mind map

The Mind
reflects the displays less displays less
Map displays
readings. The than the 6 than the 6
Mind Map the 6 required required
displays more required ideas. ideas.
than 6 ideas. ideas.
The The The The
Assignment assignment assignment assignment
exceeded the met the was below the did not meet
expectations. expectations expectantions the

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