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Repaso inglés


Think= Pensar Ate= Comió

Sell= Vender Dance=Bailar/Baile
Understand= Entender Dancing= Bailando
Hang out= Salir con amigos Talk= Hablar
Dream= Soñar Talking= Hablando
Want= Querer Believe= Creer
Make sure= Asegurarse Breakfast= Desayuno
Countries= Países Hate= Odio
Well-know= Famoso Junk= Basura
Crowded= Lleno de gente Seldom= Rara vez
Sure= Seguro Fill= Llenar
Amazing= Increíble Gaps= Espacios
Noisy= Ruidoso Cheaper= Más barato
Near= Cerca Sweet= Dulce
Busy= Ocupado Settler= Colono
Together= Juntos Ship= Barco
Also= También Fireworks= Fuegos artificiales
Song= Cancion Backyard= Patio interior
Sing= Cantar Invade= Invadir
Singing= Cantando Aussie= Australiano
Eat= Comer Harbour= Puerto
Eating= Comiendo Pattern=Patron

Choose the 3 most difficult words for you and make a complete and coherent
1 ___________________________________________________
2 ___________________________________________________
3 ___________________________________________________

Present simple allforms

Do: I-You-We-They / Does: He-She-It

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I help I don’t help Do I help?
She cooks dinner She does not cook dinner Does she cook dinner?
Frecuency adverbs

I. Rewrite the complete sentence using the adverb in brackets in its correct

1) My grandmother goes for a walk in the evening. (never)

2) I drink coffee (seldom)
3) She cooks dinner. (always)

II. Put the words in the right order.

1. breakfast/eggs/eats/she/for/generally
2. dancing/sometimes/at/the/go/they/weekend
3. usually/friends/she/in/plays/with/home/her/the

III. Correct the mistake in the following sentences

1) My sister is punctual always

4) She is late to work seldom
5) We revise our tests usually
IV. Complete the following sentences with adverbs of frequency. Sometimes
there is more than one possible answer. Use the verbs in the brackets ( ) to
complete the answer.

1) She _______________________________ (eat) fish because he love it.

2) I ________________________________ (go) to the cinema on weekend.
3) You _____________________________ (be) at home when I call you.
4) They _________________________________ (go) on holidays in
December, but this year they will not.
5) _________ she ____________________ (eat) clean? It’s so nice

V. Circle the right answer to complete the statements.

1) I’m always late for our English class. I’m__________________on time.

a) always b) usually c) never

2) I _______________eat junk food because I know it’s not very healthy but I don’t

a) always b) sometimes c) seldom

3) Andrea lives in Italy so we _____________ see her.

a) always b) never c) rarely

VI. Fill the gaps with your own ideas

For example, “I always clean my teeth in the morning”.

1) I seldom _____________________________________________ in my bedroom.

2) I never _______________________________________ at school.
3) I usually ____________________ when I eat.

VII Read the text and circle true or false

I seldom go to the cinema on Sunday because it’s so expensive. I usually go with

my parents. I sometimes takes weet swith me. I always buy a drink there. I
generally get popcorn because I like it!

True or false

a) I sometimes go with my parents. True / False

c) I never buy drinks at the cinema. True False

e) I generally get popcorn. True False

Present continuous for future plans and arrangements

We use the present continuos to talk about future arrangement

Examples: I’m traveling to Busan on Sunday Positive

We aren’t go to France next yearNegative
What are you doing tonight? Interrogative

I. Find the mistake, underlineit and write the correctsentence.

1. I’m meet my friend after school

Answer: I am meeting my friend after school.

2. My grandpa comes to Santiago today.

3. Myparents is playingtennisat home.

EXAMPLE : I am going(go) to the supermarket tomorrow.

1. All my friends ________________________ (come) to my party next week.

2. My teacher ______________________________ (not/ go) to school this week.
3. _________ your English __________________________ (get) better?
4. She _________________________ (play) football this afternoon.
5. I __________________________ (go) to the museum this evening.
6. I ___________________________ (not/work) tomorrow.
7. I ________________________ (start) piano lessons soon..

V Answer these questions using the information in brackets.

Question: What are they doing on Monday evening? (To meet Tom)
Answer: They are meeting Tom on Monday evening.

1. What are they doing on the recess? (play boley)

2. What is she doing on Friday afternoon? (watch a movie with her sister)
3. What is she doing on Saturday morning? (Hang out with her parents)
4. What is he doing on Sunday morning? (take Laura to the airport)
VI Complete the sentences with the suitable preposition of time (at, in, on)

1. ________Monday I have a date.

2. ____the last years the world has changed.
3. My first kiss was___________ the 17th of May.
4. I must sleep _______________the weekend.
5. He is not coming __________ the moment.
6. He called me ________midnight.
7. I wake up___________10 o’clock.

VII Complete these sentences with the suitable preposition of place (at, in, on)

1. Did you learn something _______school?

2. Don’t put all your carrots one _________basket.
3. Is John still ________bed?
4. James meet us ________ the door.
5. There were no clouds _____________ the sky.

Phrasal verbs

Hang out= Go out with someone

Hang up= End a phone call
Go around= Visit someone at their home
Go out=
Get on= Have good relationship/be friends
Get Together= Meet someone socially
Stay up= Not go to bed
Ask about= Ask how someone is
Ask for= Ask
Take away= Go on holiday with someone
Call back= Phone someone that phoned you first
Looking up too= Respect someone
Go out= Go out on a date or something planned
Stay in= Stay at home
Take out= To take someone to a place like a cinema or
a restaurant and usually pay for them.
Call off= Cancel
Every day Jobs:


1. Future plans and intentions:

John is going to cook dinner for his wedding anniversary today.
2. Predictions for the near future based on evidence.
The child is playing near the water, he is going to get wet.
Affirmative form of “be going to”

Negative form of “be going to”:

Interrogative form of “be going to”

Decisions made at the time of speaking

The fridge is empty. I will buy some food.


Don´t leave your toys on the table; I will throw them away.


She will buy some presents, she promised.

To talk about future facts.

The supermarket will close at six

To offer to do something for someone.

I will help you do the shopping.

Affirmative form of will

Negative form of will

Interrogative form of will

Uses of get
Raise from a bed. Leave or go out from the bed Get up

Arrive to a place  Get to

Understand  Get

Buy: To have, to a quire Get

Feel better Get better

Be angry Get angry

Receive something Get

Choose 3 connotations of the verb get and write a sentence with each

1 ___________________________________________________________



Also learn the vocabulary that is difficult for you in the song
"DO-RE-MI", and -reading comprehension.

BYE! :3

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