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2019 ELECTION CvCLE Campaign Financel Secrighiewmatpiate ame of Canaatel¥™ Fic fr Missission Address P- O. Box 698 cisyrzipMadison, MS 39130 “eephone Woriy(001) 605-0722 (601) 605-0722 (g44(601) 605-0733 Cecil Harper Republican (om: Contact Name Aitomey General Ball Address, ‘omice Sought Poliieal Party (if any) 1 check here it above is different from previous report ‘TYPE OF REPORT ___May 10,2019 Perioate Report (January 1, 2019 through April 3, 2019) on “ Mandatory june 10,2019 Periodic Report (May 1, 2019 tuough May 31,2019) os sss Aor __tuly 10,2019 Periodic Report (Sane 1, 2019 through June 30,2019) sos. - Mandatory ___Suly 30,2019 Primary Pre-Blestion Report July 1, 2019 through July 27,2019) sons nen Mandatory _August 20,2019 Primary Pre-Runoft Report (uly 28,2019 through August 17,2019) sn. nARUROfT Canaaates Only tober 10,2019 Pertodie Report (Sly 1, 2019 through September 30,2019) = so Mandatory October 28,2019 Pre-Election Report (Oster 1, 2019 through October 26,2019). vnsnandetory ____Novernber 19, 2019 Pre-Runoft Report (October 27, 2019 through November 16,2019) ....neRamoll Candidates Only Jnnuary 10, 2020 Perlodle Report (October 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019). wo Mandatory “Termination Report (Committee will no longer avcept contributions, make campaign Required to terminate ‘expenditures, has ao oulslaning eampsign debt obligation and zero cash on reporting obligations hand balance) TMPORTANT (0) All candidates for office shal file perlodie reports in the year in which they are to be elected. ta Periodic Reports are mandatory, even if no expenditures were made during the period. In such ease, the candidate shall submit a report indicating “0” (zero) for total amount of reported contributions and/or expenditures during this period, Pre-Election Reports are mandatory if the candidate fs opposed. (Until a candidate files « ‘Termination Report, annual reports must be filed in accordance with Miss, Code Ann. § 2315-807 (b) (i) and (i), (4) Beginning on Jun, 1, 2018, candidates and officeholders may not “personally use” campaign contribution Section 23-15-821, Miss, Code Ann, sets forth those “personal use" expenditures which are specifically prohibited from campaign contributions and those disbursements which are not defined as “personal use” and therefore permissible from eampaign contributions. Campaign contributions accepted and held prior to Jan, ly 2018 ARE NOT subject to the “personal use” restrictions of Seetion 23-15-821, Miss, Code Ann. Beginning on Jan, 1, 2018, campaign contributions aecepted and accumulated theretrom ARE subject to the “personal use” restrictions of Section 2-15-821, Miss. Code Ann, Separate record keeping and reporting is required for ‘Candidates sud officeholders for any campuign contelbutions held prior to Jan. 1, 2018, disbursements made therefram and contributions earwed thereon in the form of interest or dividends. (The receiving office must be In actual receipt of the required reports by $:00 p.m, on the deadline. If the deadline falls on a weekend or a holiday, the office must be in actual receipt of the required reports by $:00 pat. ‘on the rst working day before the deadline, REPORTED CONTRIBUTIONS AND DISBURSEMENTS FROM CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS ACCUMULATED PRIOR TO JANUARY 1, 2018 JAN. 1,2019 CASH ON HAND BALANC! | si8 7824 leemized (+) Non-ltemized (~) | This Period | Calendar Year-to-Date TOTALAMT OF CONTRIBUTIONS' $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ‘TOTAL AMT OF DISBURSEMENTS $685.44 $0.00, $685.44 99,427.20 CASH ON HAND BALANCE, $15,964.04 REPORTED CONTRIBUTIONS AND DISBURSEMENTS FROM CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS ‘ACCUMULATED AFTER JANUARY 1, 2018 JAN, 1,2019 CASH ON LAND BALANCE $202,001.25 tema (2) Nontemized (2) | This Period | Chlendr Year-to-Date TOTAL AMT OF CONTRIBUTIONS $48,950.00 ‘$3,150.00 ‘$62,100.00 $311,206.99 ‘TOTAL AMT OF DISBURSEMENTS $55,145.38 | $120.00 $55,265.38 | 162,282.57 ‘CASH ON HAND BALANCE, $411,915.87 certify that I have exained this report and to the best of my knowledge and belief its true, accurate, and complete. lola Date AAutorty: Mls, Code Ane 23-1 sen ‘Penalties A cnndgate who Ills fi fall to tmely He eu ports aecordance withthe statutory deine cannot be cored 8 {Ssced to ofec unless and wal he file ll eports dea of the date of ertitication. No candidate whol elested (aoc sll feesive ny slnry oF ather remueraton forthe office lets ad unl bes al reports requlred by satate. Pallre Co submit Tequlred reports ia necondance with aplleabe statues my result the txposton of evi penalles of SSO por day fora maxtnam ten (10) enlendardayvand/or prosecution. Miss. Code Ans, §§ 2315-811 and 813 (1972) Candidates for Statewide, State Dirt or Leystative Office fe thls Report with the Secretary oft shan, ‘MS; P.O. Box 16, Jackton, MS 39205; fax (601) 576-284; or mall Capysignaancefsosss.04- ‘Candidates for county anor county tle offic le hs Report with thelr respective Cireult Certs OMe (9401 Misaspp Ste " Contributions to presdan 1, 2018 campaign funds are limited to intrest and dividends earned upon pre-Jan, 1, 2018 monies ares Cod faroart [oro = ar memos TST faroser [000 a oA wast —[ooweat = a Coa od sore =o Ror om poo [ooaars — [earners [amare a Rese] mm m rote [ooo —eraere | rear essai cer [0s oer [so ooart —[arvort | oer [eo tpoos a nmea mT errs —[eroars [erences | wimon mia eras | aooe waar oat [erat | er aroset —aroart [rors ore [eran —— | wee ee stew oo Tia GORI OTE 6102 sidi294 pozta2T} esorateg wong eek

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