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Neurocomputing 70 (2006) 559–567

Mold temperature control of a rubber injection-molding machine by

TSK-type recurrent neural fuzzy network
Chia-Feng Juanga,, Shui-Tien Huanga, Fun-Bin Duhb
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, 402 Taiwan, ROC
Department of Electrical Engineering, Feng Chia University, Taichung, 407 Taiwan, ROC
Received 12 August 2005; received in revised form 18 October 2005; accepted 4 November 2005
Available online 17 February 2006
Communicated by J. Zhang


Practical mold temperature control of a rubber injection-molding machine is studied in this paper. The controller used is a recurrent
fuzzy network called Takagi–Sugeno–Kang (TSK)-type recurrent fuzzy network (TRFN), which is characterized by its recurrent
structure, on-line structure and parameter learning. Due to the powerful learning ability of TRFN, a simple controller design scheme
using direct inverse configuration is proposed. With recurrent structure in TRFN, no a priori knowledge of the molding machine order is
required. The designed TRFN controller performs well even if the sampling interval is different from the original one used for training.
The design of TRFN consists of off-line and on-line training. For off-line learning, structure and parameter of TRFN are learned, and
the consequent part parameters are tuned by Kalman filter algorithm. On-line learning is performed to fine tune the consequent
parameters of TRFN and achieve a better control performance with the use a simple gradient descent algorithm. Practical experiments
and comparisons with other types of controllers demonstrate the performance of the proposed TRFN controller.
r 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Recurrent fuzzy networks; Neural fuzzy networks; Fuzzy control; Direct inverse control; Temperature control

1. Introduction have been the motivating factors for its use in developing
adaptive control systems. However, slow convergence is the
For a rubber injection-molding machine to produce high major disadvantage of the NN. Moreover, when it is
quality products, precise temperature control of the mold trained on-line in order to adapt well to the environment
during the production process is an important factor. The variations, its global tuning property usually leads to over-
temperature of a mold depends not only on distribution of tuning, which will degrade the performance of the
the heater but also on the controller, and in this paper, we controller. To overcome these disadvantages of FC and
focus on the latter. Recently, the idea of soft computing NN, and to keep the advantages of both, the technique of
such as fuzzy logic (FL) and neural networks (NN) has neural fuzzy network has been proposed [14]. Two
attracted considerable attention for the realization of better categories of neural fuzzy network structures, feedforward
and more efficient control of nonlinear plants. For the FL [2,5,7,8,23] and recurrent [3,4,6,9,13,17,18,21,24,26], have
controller (FLC) design, conventionally, the selection of been proposed to solve the problems with static and
fuzzy if-then rules often relies on a substantial amount of dynamic characteristics, respectively. For mold tempera-
heuristic observations to express proper knowledge of ture control of a rubber injection-molding machine, we
strategies, which usually requires a lot of design effort. For usually face the time-delay problem, so control by
the NN, its nonlinear mapping and self-learning abilities recurrent neural fuzzy network would be a better choice,
as proposed in this paper.
Corresponding author. Recurrent fuzzy networks are fuzzy networks with
E-mail address: (C.-F. Juang). feedback connections in their structure. Many types of

0925-2312/$ - see front matter r 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
560 C.-F. Juang et al. / Neurocomputing 70 (2006) 559–567

recurrent fuzzy networks have been proposed [3,4,6, requires no emulation of the plant and is simpler for
9,13,17,18,21,24,26]. In [26], a recurrent neural-fuzzy net- implementation [10,15,22]. The direct inverse control with
work is proposed, where the consequence of a rule is a feedforward multilayer neural networks has been proposed
reduced linear model in AutoRegressive with eXogenous [10,22]. The direct inverse control by feedforward neural
inputs (ARX) form. In [17], a dynamic fuzzy neural fuzzy network has also been proposed, where the learning
network is proposed, where the consequent parts of the and control performance is demonstrated to be better than
fuzzy rules are recurrent neural networks with internal the feedforward-neural network [15]. Owing to the
feedback and time delay synapses. In [13], a wavelet-based feedforward network structure, proper network inputs
recurrent fuzzy neural network is proposed for dynamic are selected by trial and error [10,15,22]. For TRFN, due to
system identification. Previously, we proposed two types of its recurrent structure, the input selection process can be
recurrent neural fuzzy networks, the recurrent self-organiz- avoided. In this paper, we perform mold temperature
ing neural fuzzy inference network (RSONFIN) [9] and control by TRFN-based direct inverse control configura-
TSK-type recurrent fuzzy network (TRFN) [6]. In TRFN, tion. Other generally adopted controller, including propor-
the consequent part is of TSK-type, and its performance is tional-integrator (PI) and fuzzy controllers, are also
shown to be better than RSONFIN, in which a fuzzy set is compared.
used in consequence. Compared with other recurrent fuzzy The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes
networks which also use TSK-type consequence [17,18,26], the molding machine system. In Section 3, structure of
one major advantage of TRFN is that no a priori TRFN and TRFN-based off-line and on-line direct inverse
knowledge of the plant order is required, which eases the control configurations are introduced. Section 4 depicts
design process. In this paper, we use the TRFN structure as the experimental studies. Conclusions are presented in
a temperature controller, and modify the parameter Section 5.
learning process of original TRFN to improve the learning
performance. 2. Description of the molding machine temperature control
Many control configurations for time-delayed plant system
control have been proposed, and one generally adopted
approach is the generalized predictive control (GPC) [1]. The entity of the rubber injection molding system
Recently, fuzzy controller design based on GPC has been presented in this paper is shown in Fig. 1. The mold is
proposed [11,12,16] for nonlinear plant control. In the heated using both upper and lower heating plates
fuzzy controller, the consequence is of linear GPC form simultaneously to achieve a desired temperature. The
and is designed by linear GPC learning algorithm. The upper and lower plates are composed of six 220 V,
drawback of this model is that we should know in advance 1200 W heaters connected in a triangular shape, as shown
the order of input and output terms of the linear GPC in Fig. 2. The mold itself weighs 450 Kg with a size of
model in the fuzzy consequence. Other controller design 60 cm  60 cm  40 cm. The heating plates are driven by
configurations based on neural learning approaches include solid-state relay (SSR) drivers, and temperatures are
the direct inverse, direct and indirect adaptive controls [19]. measured by LM335 sensors. The system is controlled by
Among these, the direct inverse control configuration a PC with Intel Celeron 467 MHz CPU. The interface card

Fig. 1. Entity of the rubber injection molding machine.

C.-F. Juang et al. / Neurocomputing 70 (2006) 559–567 561

is Flytech PB-PC010/C card with 12 bits A/D and D/A. IF uðkÞp0, THEN PðkÞ ¼ 0% Heating plate voltage
The block diagram of the control system is shown in Fig. 3. off
The output of the TRFN controller is denoted by u, and IF uðkÞX5, THEN PðkÞ ¼ 100% Heating plate vol-
the plates are heated by the following rules: tage on
IF 0ouðkÞo5, THEN PðkÞ ¼ uðkÞ=5 Heating plate
voltage on

Heater x 2
where k denotes the sample number and PðkÞ is the output
R of the interface card sent in the form of PWM. For a
discrete-time control system, we must decide the sampling
interval in advance. For the control system, the sampling
period T S is 45 s.
3. TRFN-based direct inverse control
220v The TRFN is a general connectionist model of a
dynamic fuzzy inference system, which can find its best
structure and parameters automatically. In this section, the
Fig. 2. Basic circuit showing the distribution of heaters. structure of TRFN is introduced followed by the TRFN-
based control configuration.
yP(k +1)
3.1. Structure of TRFN
Interface card
u(k) The structure of TRFN is shown in Fig. 4. A network
with two external inputs and a single output is considered
here for convenience. This six-layered network realizes a
recurrent fuzzy network of the following form:
The heating SSR Rule 1: IF x1(t) is A11 and x2(t) is A12 and h1(t) is G
plate of mold P(k)
THEN y(t+1) is a10+a11x1(t)+a12x2(t)+a13h1(t)
and h1(t+1) is w11 and h2 (t+1) is w21
Fig. 3. Block diagram of the PC-based mold temperature control system.
Rule 2: IF x1(t) is A21 and x2(t) is A22 and h2(t) is G


Layer 6

(1, x, h1) (1, x, h2)

h1(t+1) h2(t+1) a1 a2
Layer 4
Layer 5
–1 –1
w 22
w 11 w21
w12 Layer 3
R1 R2

Layer 2

Layer 1

h1 (t) h2(t)

x1 x2

Fig. 4. Structure of the TRFN.

562 C.-F. Juang et al. / Neurocomputing 70 (2006) 559–567

THEN yðt þ 1Þ is a20+a21x1(t)+a22x2(t)+a23h2(t) calculated in each node,

and h1 ðt þ 1Þ is w12 and h2 (t+1) is w22 X
hi ¼ Oð5Þ
i ¼ Oð3Þ
j wij . (5)
where A and G are fuzzy sets, w and a are the consequent j¼1

parameters for inference output h and y, respectively. The As in Fig. 4, the delayed value of hi is fed back to layer 1
consequent part for the external output y is of TSK-type and acts as an input variable to the precondition part of a
and is a linear combination of the external input variables x rule. Each rule has a corresponding internal variable h and
and internal variables h, plus a constant. is used to decide the influence degree of temporal history to
To give a clear understanding of the mathematical the current rule.
function of each node, we will describe functions of TRFN Layer 6: The node in this layer computes the output
layer by layer. For notation convenience, the net input to signal y of the TRNFN. The output node together with
the ith node in layer k is denoted by uðkÞ i and the output links connected to it act as a defuzzifier. The mathematical
value by OðkÞi . function is
Layer 1: No function is performed in this layer. The node P
only transmits input values to layer 2. Oð3Þ
j Oj

Layer 2: Nodes in layer 2 act as membership functions. j¼1

y ¼ Oð6Þ ¼ . (6)
Two types of membership functions are used in this layer. P
For external input uð2Þ j ¼ xj , the following Gaussian j¼1
membership function is used,
8  2 9
< uj  mij >
Oð2Þ and uð2Þ ð1Þ 3.2. TRFN-based direct inverse control
i ¼ exp  j ¼ Oj , (1)
: s2ij >
The TRFN-based direct inverse control configuration is
where mij and sij are, respectively, the center and the shown in Fig. 5. During control, the reference temperature,
width of the Gaussian membership function of the ith yref ðk þ 1Þ, current temperature, ypðkÞ, and last control
term of the jth input variable xj . For internal variable input, uðkÞ, are fed as TRFN inputs. In this configuration,
i ¼ hi , the following sigmoid membership function
our objective is to train the TRFN to emulate the inverse of
is used, the controlled plant input–output mapping. The selection
of network inputs is an important task before network
i ¼
n o and uð2Þ ð5Þ
i ¼ Oi . (2) training. For the molding machine, the mold temperature
1 þ exp ui depends not only on current temperature and control input
but also on their past values. In addition, the dependence is
Layer 3: Each node in this layer calculates the firing related to the sampling interval. For TRFN, due to its
strength of a rule by product operation. The function of recurrent property, only yP ðkÞ and uðkÞ are used even when
each rule is the sampling interval varies. Training consists of off-line
and on-line learning phases, whose details are introduced
Oð3Þ Oð2Þ in the following.
i ¼ j
8 0   2 19 3.2.1. Off-line training
< Xn O ð1Þ
 m >
1 B j ij
C To obtain the training samples for off-line training, a
¼ n o exp @ A , ð3Þ
> s2ij > sequence of random input signals uðkÞ, 0puðkÞp5V, are
1 þ exp Oð5Þ
: j¼1 ;
injected directly into the plant, and then an open-loop
input–output characteristic of the plant is obtained. The
where n is the number of external inputs.
random inputs should be injected successively so that the
Layer 4: Nodes in this layer perform a linear summation
temporal relations between input voltages and output
of the TSK-type consequence. The mathematical function
of each node i is
Z -1
nþ1 X
u(k) u(k+1)
i ¼ aij uð4Þ
j ¼ aio þ aij xj þ ainþ1 hi , (4)
j¼0 j¼1 Molding
yref (k+1) TRFN yP(k+1)
where n is the number of external input variables, and aij ,
j ¼ 0; . . . ; n þ 1, are the parameters to be tuned.
Layer 5: The context node functions as a defuzzifier
for the fuzzy rules with inference output h. The link yP(k) Z -1
weights represent the singleton values in the consequent
part of the internal rules. The simple weighted sum is Fig. 5. TRFN-based direct inverse control.
C.-F. Juang et al. / Neurocomputing 70 (2006) 559–567 563

* * *
temperature are learned. For the molding machine, the A x ¼ d , the least square solution* x can be found by
* *
temperature increases as random input voltages are pseudoinverse as x ¼ ðAT AÞ1 AT d . To compute x , the
injected successively. The number of training data is Kalman filter algorithm provides an on-line computation
selected to cover the entire reference temperature space of way that computes x recursively. Detailed derivation of
interest and 70 training data is selected in the experiment. the algorithm can be found in [14]. With the Kalman filter
Based on Fig. 5, to learn the inverse of the controlled plant, algorithm, the parameter vector a in layer 4 is updated by
the values of uðkÞ, yP ðkÞ and yP ðk þ 1Þ are fed as TRFN * * *
inputs and the corresponding control signal uðk þ 1Þas the ^ þ 1Þ  uðk þ 1ÞÞ,
a ðk þ 1Þ ¼ a ðkÞ þ QðkÞ m ðk þ 1Þðuðk
desired output. Let the output of TRFN be denoted by " *T *
^ þ 1Þ during training. The TRFN is supervised to
uðk 1 QðkÞm ðk þ 1Þ m ðk þ 1ÞQðkÞ
Qðk þ 1Þ ¼ QðkÞ  *T
, (10)
minimize the error cost function l *
l þ m ðk þ 1ÞQðkÞ m ðk þ 1Þ
69 *T
Error ¼ ^ þ 1Þ2 .
½uðk þ 1Þ  uðk where 0olp1 is the forgetting factor, m ¼
" #T
k¼0 P
r P
1 = Oð3Þ ð3Þ
j    Or = Oð3Þ
j , and Q is the covariance
To train TRFN, we can divide it into two subtasks: j¼1 j¼1
structure learning and parameter learning, which are both matrix. The initial value of Q is set as Qð0Þ ¼ 10  I.
performed concurrently. That is, for each input data, the The other free parameters, mij and sij in layer 2 and w in
structure learning is performed followed by parameter layer 5 are tuned by a real time recurrent learning
learning. There are no rules initially in TRFN, and the algorithm [25].
objective of the structure learning is to decide the number
of fuzzy rules, initial location of membership functions, 3.2.2. On-line learning
and initial consequent parameters. Before structure learn- The objectives of on-line learning are to improve the
ing, two parameters, F in and b should be assigned in control performance of a TRFN controller after off-line
advance. The parameter F in is a threshold that influences training and to deal with unpredictable changes in the
the total number of rules generated. A larger value of F in control environment, which usually happens in many
will generate a larger number of rules. The parameter b industrial control processes. For on-line learning, the direct
decides the overlap degree between two rules (clusters). inverse-modeling learning scheme shown in Fig. 6 is used.
That is, it decides the initial width of each Gaussian fuzzy Parameter learning is performed alone during on-line
set. With the same value of F in , a higher value of b means a learning. This is in contrast to off-line learning, where a
larger initial width of each fuzzy set, and so fewer rules are whole network is learned with abrupt change in the desired
generated. Different values of parameters may generate output. For on-line learning, the network parameters are
different initial locations of fuzzy rules. Although different locally modified with smooth changes in the desired output
locations are generated initially, the succeeding network value. Thus a simpler learning algorithm, the gradient
parameter learning helps to find the optimal locations. The descent algorithm, is adopted. At time step k, the TRFN
detailed structure learning of TRFN has been previously controller generates a control signal uðk þ 1Þ according to
presented [17]. On the contrary, the objective of parameter inputs uðkÞ, yP ðkÞ and yref ðk þ 1Þ, and it obtains a new
learning is to tune the free parameters of the constructed temperature yp ðk þ 1Þ. Then we can define a training
network to an optimal extent. Since the desired output is a pattern with input ½uðkÞ; yP ðkÞ; yP ðk þ 1Þ and desired out-
sequence of random variables which change abruptly, it is put uðk þ 1Þ. The squared difference between TRFN
difficult to learn the input–output mapping. For this ^ þ 1Þ and desired output uðk þ 1Þ, denoted as
output uðk
problem, one possible solution is to get a smoother output.
For example, instead of using a random signal uðkÞ exciting
the unknown system to be modeled, a sequence of random ˆ
u(k+1) yP(k)
steps of limited size is devised. According to our experi-
ment, a smaller squared error is obtained from this training −
data, but the control performance is bad. The reason for
this is that for the molding temperature control system, + e(k)
abrupt change of the control voltage is required as is seen Z -1
in the following section. However, such abrupt variation is yref (k+1) u(k)
not learned in the training data with smoother output. TRFN Molding
Another solution is to improve the performance of the yP(k) u(k+1) machine Z -1
modeling network, which is the way adopted here. To yP(k +1)
u(k) Z -1
improve the learning performance of TRFN, we modify
the gradient descent-learning algorithm [17], and a new
type of learning algorithm, the Kalman filter algorithm, is Fig. 6. On-line training of TRFN based on direct inverse control
employed for consequent part parameter learning. Given configuration.
564 C.-F. Juang et al. / Neurocomputing 70 (2006) 559–567

^ þ 1Þ  uðk þ 1ÞÞ2 , is minimized at each time

eðkÞ ¼ ðuðk 12
step by the following gradient descent algorithm 10
qeðk þ 1Þ 8
aij ðk þ 1Þ ¼ aij ðkÞ  Z
qaij ðkÞ
for i ¼ 1; . . . ; r; j ¼ 0; . . . ; 4, ð11Þ

where 2

qeðk þ 1Þ Oð3Þ ð4Þ

i uj 0
^ þ 1Þ  uðk þ 1ÞÞ
¼ ðuðk . (12)
qaij ðkÞ P
k¼1 -4
For on-line learning, since the changes on the controller -6
as well as the controlled plant are usually small, the tuning 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
of the consequent part parameters is sufficient. In addition, (a) yp(k+1)
tuning with only the consequent part parameters signifi- 120
cantly reduces the on-line training time and is more
applicable to real-time control requirements.
4. Experimental studies

To train TRFN from the data collected off-line, the 70

learning parameters for structure learning of TRFN are set 60
as F in ¼ 0:06 and b ¼ 0:3. For network parameter learn-
ing, the learning constant for Kalman filter algorithm is
l ¼ 0:999, and the learning constant for real-time recurrent
learning is 0.01. Fifteen rules are generated after 500 30
iterations of training. Distributions of the training data and 20
generated fuzzy rules on two of the three input variables 10
are shown in Fig. 7, where Figs. 7(a) and (b) show 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
distributions on the inputs ½ yp ðk þ 1Þ; uðkÞ and (b) yp(k)
½yp ðkÞ; yp ðk þ 1Þ, respectively. In these figures, the contour
of each cluster corresponds to firing strength of expð1Þ, Fig. 7. Distributions of the training data and generated 15 fuzzy rules on
input variables (a) [yp ðk þ 1Þ, uðkÞ]; (b) ½yp ðkÞ; yp ðk þ 1Þ.
and all data are in fact covered by the clusters. The learned
root-mean-squared-error (RMSE) is 0.255. The desired 6
output and the actual output of TRFN are shown in Fig. 8.
The control result by TRFN after off-line learning is shown 5
in Fig. 9. Since only 70 pieces of data are used for training,
which may not be representative for plant inverse model- 4
ing, the control results are not satisfactory. To further

improve the performance, on-line learning is performed, 3

and better control results are achieved, as shown in Fig. 9.
To measure the control error quantitatively, we define the 2
following sum of absolute error (SAE)
SAEðm; nÞ ¼ jyref ðk þ 1Þ  yP ðk þ 1Þj.
k¼m 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
The SAE of the control result by TRFN is shown in K
Table 1. Fig. 8. Desired output (solid line) and actual output (dotted line) of
To demonstrate the learning performance of TRFN, TRFN.
learning by RSONFIN [9] and TRFN-S [6] with conse-
quent part parameters designed by gradient descent
algorithm is performed. The generated numbers of rules than RMSE of the proposed TRFN, where the consequent
in RSONFIN and TRFN-S are also set to be 15, parameters are trained by Kalman filter algorithm.
respectively. The learned RMSEs of RSONFIN and Next, the two generally adopted controllers, PI and
TRFN-S are 1.39 and 1.15, respectively, which are larger fuzzy logic controllers, are compared. For the PI control, a
C.-F. Juang et al. / Neurocomputing 70 (2006) 559–567 565

70 VS S M L VL



40 0 0.5 1 1.5 2

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Time step (k) ∆e(k)

Fig. 9. Desired temperature and controlled temperature by TRFN after Fig. 11. Membership functions for fuzzy controller inputs eðkÞ and DeðkÞ.
off-line leaning (dotted line) and on-line leaning (solid line).

Table 1 ∆e(k) VL L M S VS
The sum of absolute error (SAE) between TRFN, PID, and FLC for
different sampling intervals

SAE(8,120) 245.26 278.26 294.8 VL 5 5 5 5 5

T S ¼ 45 s
SAE(8,60) 124.49 144.31 147.83
T S ¼ 60 s L 5 5 4 4 4
SAE(25,240) 494.6 514.2 511.0
T S ¼ 15 s
M 4 4 3 3 3

S 3 3 2 2 2

VS 2 1 1 1 0
Fig. 12. The consequent values for each fuzzy rule.


40  C, the settling time of PI controller is about 15 min
20 longer than that of TRFN controller, which may seriously
influence the quality of the product. For quantity
5V comparison, the SAE of PI controller is shown in Table
0 1, which shows that TRFN achieves a smaller SAE.
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 For the fuzzy logic control (FLC), we specify the input
Time step (k) variables as the performance error e(k), which is the error
Fig. 10. Temperature control results obtained by TRFN (solid line) and between the reference output and actual temperature of the
PI controller (dotted line). water bath system, and the rate of change of the
performance error De(k). The output variable u(k) is the
voltage between 0 and 5 V. We partition the two input
positional form discrete PI controller [20] is used, and the variables into five fuzzy sets, respectively, and there are 25
positional parameter K P and integral parameter K I that fuzzy rules in all. Triangular membership functions are
achieve the best performance after several trials are found chosen for the fuzzy sets of the two input fuzzy variables,
to be 30 and 0.2, respectively. The control result is shown in as shown in Fig. 11. The output variable, uðkÞ, is quantified
Fig. 10, from which we find that the PI controller has larger into six fuzzy singletons: 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 and 5.0 V.
overshoot, settling time, and steady state error than the According to engineering judgment and tenths of trials, the
TRFN controller. Especially, at reference temperature consequent values of the 25 fuzzy rules that achieve the
566 C.-F. Juang et al. / Neurocomputing 70 (2006) 559–567

best performance are shown in Fig. 12. This manual design 70

process is very time consuming as each trial takes 120 time
steps of control, which corresponds to one and half an
hour when sampling time is 45 s. The natural cooling of the 50
molding machine requires more time. The whole design

process takes several days of trials. The control results are 40
shown in Fig. 13. Since the characteristic of the machine
differs at different temperatures, it is difficult for the
designed fuzzy controller to perform well at different 20
reference temperatures. For this reason, additional trials
considering the reaction of the designed FLC to distur- 10
bances and added delays are not experimented during the 5V
design process. Fig. 13 shows that the FLC has larger 0
0 50 100 150 200 250
steady state error than the TRFN controller, and the Time step (k)
settling time is hundreds of seconds longer. The control
error of FLC is shown in Table 1, which shows that TRFN Fig. 15. Control results of TRFN (solid line) and PI (dotted line) when T S
achieves smaller control error than FLC. is decreased from 45 to 15 s.
Finally, we test the recurrent property of TRFN in
dealing with time delays. The sampling interval is increased
to T S ¼ 60 s and decreased to T S ¼ 15 s, respectively.
70 Using the controller parameters designed at T S ¼ 45 s,
the SAEs of TRFN, PI, and FLC for these two new
60 sampling intervals are shown as in Table 1. Although the
parameters of the TRFN controller were obtained at
50 T S ¼ 45 , due to its recurrent property, we can still achieve
good control performance without performing additional

40 on-line learning. As a demonstration, control results of

TRFN and FLC with T S ¼ 60 s and results of TRFN and
PI with T S ¼ 15 s are shown in Figs. 14 and 15,
respectively. The result in Fig. 14 shows that the steady
state error by FLC is about 2  C higher than that by TRFN
for reference temperature 40  C.
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time step (k) 5. Conclusion
Fig. 13. Temperature control results obtained by TRFN (solid line) and
This paper proposes a TRFN controller for the
FLC (dotted line).
temperature control of a rubber injection-molding ma-
chine. This time-delayed property in this machine compli-
70 cates the control problem. We choose TRFN as the
controller since it is characterized by high learning
60 performance and recurrent structure. The experiments
have shown that good performance is maintained with
50 TRFN controller, even with the variation in the sampling

interval. The training process of TRFN is simple, and the

adopted direct inverse control configuration is easy to
implement without identifying the machine. Application of
the design process to other time-delayed plant control
20 problems will be studied in future.


0 Acknowledgements
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time step (k) This work was supported by the National Science
Fig. 14. Control results of TRFN (solid line) and FLC (dotted line) when Council, Republic of China, under Grant number NSC
T S is increased from 45 to 60 s. 94-2213-E-005-014.
C.-F. Juang et al. / Neurocomputing 70 (2006) 559–567 567

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