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Some people say that parents should encourage their children to take part in

organised group activities in their free time. Others say that it is important for
children to learn how to occupy themselves on their own. Discuss both views and
give your opinion

Although it is sometimes thought that parents ought to urge their children to participate in
disciplined group tasks or sports, other people believe that keeping oneself busy when
one has nothing to do, is something that needs to be taught to children. In my opinion, I
consider that taking part in organised teamwork help children learn the most important
skills for the future.

On the one hand, some people think that children who are engaged in group tasks which
comprise of different children having divergent thoughts, are more likely to do better in
life and even in schools and I agree. In other words, the participation in group task or
sports motivates them to be disciplined which, consequently, produces better results and
their academic performance as well. For example, children generally apply themselves
and work hard consistently in the group as a team member when they are in direct
competition with other groups. Furthermore, being driven to achieve the best is vital to
succeed in the tasks, games or letter on in life.

On the other hand, it is often believed by some that it is better for children to be keeping
occupied by themselves as per their interest or inclinations. It is generally being seen
nowadays that most of children spend their leisure surfing internet and various social
networks such as Facebook and twitter. In other words, they waste their valuable time
having random gossips and chats with their friends whom they did not even meet in
person; rather they should watch videos regarding science and technology instead. As a
result, they end up getting nothing but a huge loss of precious time that could be used in a
constructive way.

In conclusion, people may vary in their opinions, I think that children stand a better
chance to succeed both in school and later in life if they are encouraged to participate in
the organised group activities.

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