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30 Day Challenge - Consecutive Days

0) Do not dwell or a negative thought, or unresourceful state for more than one

1) Live at level 10 or above (constantly). Use QSPA & Triad Scanning continually

(Questions - Swish / Submodalities / Strategy - Physiology /

Power Moves -
Anchoring / Affirmations)
especially Morning, Power, & Reality Check Questions

2) Always Know my Outcome.

What do I want most?
What is my outcome?
What result(s) do I want to come out of this?
What's next?
What's important in this situation?

3) Turn All Fear Into Power

EFT - VKD - 6 Dir - R&W- R3RA - New Orleans Flexibility Drill - EMDR - Reimprinting
CHP - EHP - Time Line Therapy - Scenario Rehearsal - As If Scenarios - Weaving
Radical Change of Questions / Physiology / Focus / Breathing

4) Blaming - Complaining - Justifying - Making Excuses - Procrastination - Not

Giving 100 % -and negative emotions
Are symptoms of Fear => See #3 Turn Fear Into Power

5) Constant Appreciation = Serious Drill aka Handle Seriousness with appreciation

6) Succeed Continously -
A) There is no failure, only Results / Feedback
B) I always succeed in producing a result
C) I succeed by learning from every situation

7) Live in the Landmark / New Model of Communication / Clean - Up Procedure

8) Get Rapport to the point of Leading with lots of people each day

9) Utilize & Interrupt patterns and strategies

10) Elicit or notice criteria and Use Embedded Commands, presuppositions, linkage,
Causal Modelling, to link a persons criteria to something you want them to do.

11) Anchor lots of states, and collapse them, or use them.

12) use Preframing

13) use 10 step objection handling, simple "because", "what makes it that way?" &
How do you know?, language pattern flow chart, together with sleight of mouth, meta
model, framing model, presuppostions, and comparison components to dismantle all
objections and complaints.

14) Utilize persuasion array strategy

Power Questions:
1) What's Great About ___?
2) What Can I Learn from this?
3) How can I use this? What are the benefits & Advantages, opportunities, and
possibilities of this?
4) What is the truth?
5) What is important?
6) What do I want most?
7) What am I afraid of? What am I fearing?
8) What's possible?
9) What would that look like, specifically?
10) What opportunities exist to make this happen?
11) What am I willing to do to make this happen?
12) What will happen and how great will I feel when I take action now?

Reality Check:

1) Am I wililng to do something now to change this or make it better?

2) What is meaning I've been associating to this? This means ...
3) Are you sure? Do you have all possible information necessary to know exactly
what this means?
Could this be a miscommunication or misperception?
4) What else could this mean? Come with 3 positive meanings for every negative
5) What can I learn from this?
6) What is great about this?


1) What are 3 things I'm happy about?

2) what are 3 things I'm excited about?
3) what are 3 things I'm proud of?
4) what are 3 things I'm grateful for?
5) what are 3 things I'm enjoying now?
6) what are 3 things I'm totally committed to now?
7) Who do I love, and who loves me?

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