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Article · June 2007


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3 authors, including:

Ahmed Rashed Ahmed Mohamed Elhawary

National Water Research Center Drainage Research Institute


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Samaha-Dakahliya municipal wastewater treatment Plant View project

Lake Manzala Engineered Wetland Project View project

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Ahmed A. Rashed1, Ghada G. El-Refaie2, and Ahmed M. El-Hawary3 


In Egypt, agriculture drainage water is increasingly used in crop production and new
reclamation projects through direct application or mixing with fresh Nile water. The
El-Salaam Canal project is a mega-project that diverts considerable amounts of
drainage water to newly reclaimed areas after blending with the Nile water. Saline
drainage water of such lands is currently disposed to the sea via the northern lakes due
to high salt and different pollutants loads. If this poor quality water is treated, it may
be diverted and reused as a new unconventional water source for agriculture or
aquaculture. This may have multiple objectives of increasing crop fields and reducing
pollutants loads.

The Lake Manzala engineered wetland; (LMEW) was established at the outlet of Bahr
El-Baqr drain on the lake, North East Nile Delta in order to demonstrate a low cost
treatment alternative for polluted drainage water. The project is designed to treat
25,000 m3 of drainage water daily polluted with sewage and industrial wastes. The
LMEW includes a pilot scale model with a treatment capacity of 250 m3 per day
aiming to refine design parameters of the full-scale wetland prior to its construction.

The established treatment system consists of a primary treatment sedimentation basin

followed by three parallel free water surface cells (FWS) cultivated with reeds
(Phragmites australis) as a secondary treatment stage. Treatment detention time is
two days in the sedimentation basin and two days in the vegetated cells. Water
sampling was scheduled on a biweekly basis. Water samples were collected from the
inlet and the outlet of the treatment system. The collected samples were analyzed for
the Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Fecal
Coliform (FC), Total Phosphorus (TP) and iron (Fe) as a heavy metal. The analyzed
parameters are used to evaluate the effectiveness of this low cost technology under the
Egyptian arid climate. Results gained during the two year monitoring program have
shown that the overall treatment efficiency varies depending on the type and behavior
of each pollutant. The removal efficiency was as high as 98% for FC and as low as
24% for TP.


The reuse of agricultural drainage water is already practiced on a large scale in several
countries. In Egypt, due to scarcity of water resources, drainage water is being reused.
Currently about 5.5 km3 of drainage water is being reused after mixing with fresh

1. Drainage Research Institute, NWRC, Researcher, e-mail:
2. Drainage Research Institute, NWRC, Associated Professor, e-mail:
3. Drainage Research Institute, NWRC, Researcher, e-mail: a_elhawary@dri-eg-org
water. This amount is expected to increase up to 9.6 km3by the year 2017 (Abu-Zeid,
2005). Drainage water is actually a combination of agricultural drainage water,
industrial effluents, and sewage water mixed with different ratios.

The Egyptian agricultural drains receive discharges of untreated or poorly treated

domestic wastewater in addition to agricultural drainage water. Therefore, they
contain concentrations of various pollutants such as organic matter, suspended solids,
nutrients and fecal bacteria. Uncontrolled discharge of untreated sewage water to
agricultural drains and water resources is a major problem facing water management
in the rural areas of Egypt. A major concern when considering drainage water reuse is
whether the drainage water quality is within the allowable limits for different uses as
outlined by water quality standards and laws.

Lake Manzala in the North East of the Nile Delta receives massive loads of pollutants
through Bahr El-Baqar Drain. Lake Manzala Engineered Wetland is a diversity of
treatment options to allow primary, secondary, and tertiary treatments. The main
objective is treating polluted drainage water as a model for low cost treatment
techniques to protect the ecology of Lake Manzala and Mediterranean Sea. The
Project Purposes are: (i) to assess the feasibility of engineered wetland system to
improve environmental conditions of Lake Manzala, (ii) to evaluate possibilities of
such treatment system to improve water quality for different uses, and (iii) to apply
wetland technology for improving water quality application to Egypt.

Lake Manzala Engineered Wetland includes a pilot scale engineered wetland. The
pilot wetland simulates the major components of the larger scale to provide a learning
model and serves as a research facility for experiments that support the overall
objective. Steady operation of the pilot wetland started on September 2003. Water
sampling started on September 2003, and was scheduled on a biweekly monitoring
basis and lasted to March 2005. The objective of this paper is to assess the
performance of Lake Manzala pilot scale engineered wetland as a low cost treatment
facility for treating Bahr El-Baqar drainage water.


Lake Manzala

Lake Manzala is located on the northeastern edge of the Nile Delta, between Damietta
and Port Said as shown in Figure 1 (Rashed et al., 2004). It is separated from the
Mediterranean Sea by a sandy beach ridge which has three open connections between
the lake and the sea allowing an exchange of water between the two bodies (Pat Lane,
1992). The northern portion of Lake Manzala is characterized by high salinities
ranging from 3000 mg/l to 35,000 mg/l, due to the influence of the Mediterranean
Sea. Tidal flow measurements for Lake Manzala in 1986 revealed that 6.88 km3 of
water flow into the Lake, but 9 km3 are returned to the sea annually. The net balance
flowing from the lake to the sea represents a constant annual drainage water input to
the Mediterranean Sea.

Figure 1-Location of Lake Manzala Engineered Wetland Project

Lake Manzala is exposed to high inputs of pollutants from industrial, domestic, and
agricultural sources. Pollution originates from urban centers such as Cairo and also
along the lengths of the drains. The most important source of pollution is untreated
and poorly treated wastewater of small cities, villages, and rural communities
discharging into Bahr El Baqar drain and its tributaries over a distance of 170 km.
Hence, the drain is heavily polluted and anoxic over its entire length. Methane and
hydrogen sulfide bubble up to the surface and release to air. Large amounts of
particulate matter, nutrients, bacteria, heavy metals, and toxic organics are transported
to the Lake via the drain.

Characteristics of Bahr El Baqar Drain

Bahr El-Baqar drain catchment is located in a densely populated area in the Eastern
Delta Region. The drain is passing through Qalubia, Sharkia and Ismailia
Governorates. The length of Bahr El-Baqar drain is 106 km and it has two main
branches, Qalubia drain (73.2 km) and Belbaise drain (66 km). The total catchment
area of Bahr El- Baqar drainage system is 760,000 feddan. The total discharge
pumped from Bahr El-Baqar drain into Lake Manzala is 1.4 km3/year. Bahr El-Baqar
drain receives high organic loads from domestic sources (point & diffuse) and
industrial sources. The non-agricultural wastewater discharged into Bahr El-Baqar
drain is divided into three types; industrial point sources (55,938 m3/ day), domestic
sources (122,795 m3/day) and domestic point sources (1,840,000 m3/ day).

Water quality characteristics indicate considerable diurnal and seasonal variations.

The high sediment load in the drain consists of approximately 65 percent sand, 23
percent silt, and 12 percent clay material. Although the settling of the sand fraction is
rapid, the deposits undergo constant accretion and erosion creating a mobile sediment
bed in the drain channel.

Site Description

The Lake Manzala pilot scale engineered wetland is located at the southern edge of
Lake Manzala as shown in Figure 1. According to sedimentomorphic soil maps
(MacLaren, 1982) and the soil study of Lake Manzala by the Japanese International
Cooperation Agency, Lake Manzala Engineered Wetland is located in the Coastal
Plain and the soil type is Fluvio-marine Deposits. A thin, fluffy layer of clay covers
these soils, and often a thin salt crust is found on the surface. The groundwater table
ranges from 0.5 to 1.5 m below the soil surface. The annual rainfall is approximately
33 mm. The highest absolute recorded temperature is 46 oC, occurring in June, while
the lowest absolute temperatures of 0o C have been recorded in February. The average
annual temperature in the area is 28o C.

Lake Manzala Pilot Scale Engineered Wetland

The Lake Manzala Pilot-Scale Engineered Wetland consists of the simulated

components of the main project as shown in Figure 3. The pilot-scale wetland consists
of intake structure,pump station, sedimentation basin, three free water surface (FWS)
cells, and reciprocating unit consisting of two subsurface flow cells (Rashed et al.,
2000). The wetland was established by the Ministry of Environment, funded by the
United Nations Development Program UNDP and the Global Environmental Facility
and evaluated by the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation through the Egyptian
Canadian National Availability and Water Quality Management project (NAWQM).

Bahr El Baqar Drain 1

10 13
To Drain
250 m /d
To Drain

Fish Farm

3 2
7 FWS 1 50 250 m /day 3
Sedimentation Pond

FWS 2 11 12
8 50 100 SFS 1 100
m3/d m3/d m3/d

9 FWS 3
Agriculture demonstration Farm
To demonstration farm

Sampling Location
Pump station P.S

Figure 2-Components of Lake Manzala Pilot Scale Engineered Wetland

Sedimentation Basin

Wastewater from Bahr El-Baqar drain is pumped into a rectangular sedimentation

basin through a perforated inlet distribution pipe. The sedimentation basin volume is
500 m3 and a hydraulic detention time of 2 days, and a continuous discharge of 250
m3/day of wastewater. The wastewater is primary treated through the sedimentation
basin of which 150 m3 are treated through a free water surface wetland and 100 m3 are
treated through gravel subsurface wetlands. Table 1 shows the design parameters for
the sedimentation basin.

Table 1 - Design parameters for sedimentation basin of the pilot wetland

Parameter Units Value

Average flow rate m3/day 250
Detention time days 2
Total depth m 2.5
Operating depth m 1.5
Volume of water m3 500
Area m2 333
Length m 30
Width m 11.10
Side slope - 3:1
Bottom slope % 0
Freeboard m 1

Free Water Surface Cells

The wastewater flows from the sedimentation basin to the secondary treatment cells
through a flow control discharge weir. The secondary treatment is a free water surface
wetland. Lake Manzala pilot-scale engineered wetland contains three similar parallel
FWS cells. The flow rate discharged from the sedimentation basin to the FWS cells is
150 m3/day and divided into three cells, with 50 m3/d each and detention time is 2
days. The three cells were planted with common reeds as an emergent plant. Planting
started on spring of 2002 at a density of 4 plants (rhizomes) per square meter and was
transplanted manually. After one year the plant density increased to 20 plants
(rhizomes) per square meter. The plants are harvested (cut above the water stems)
regularly every two to three months according to the growing stage and season. Table
2 illustrates the design parameters for each of the free water surface cells.


Water samples were collected at the intake from Bahr El-Baqar drain and at the outlet
of the FWS cells of the pilot wetland. Collected water samples were analyzed at the
central laboratories of the National Water Research Center to determine TSS, BOD,
TP, Fecal Coliform, and heavy metals such as Fe. All sampling procedures and
analysis were carried out according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
(USEPA) standard methods. Monitoring continued from September 2003 till March
2005. The performance of the Engineered Wetland Surface was determined by its

capacity to remove the pollutants when the drainage water flows between the inlet and
outlet of the system. The treatment efficiency is used as a performance indicator and it
corresponds to the concentration of each pollutant at the outlet as a percentage of its
value at the intake of the treatment plant from Bahr El-Baqar.

Table 2- Design parameters for free water surface cell in the pilot wetland

Parameter Units Value

Flow rate m3/day 50
Hydraulic loading rate m/d 0.25
Detention time days 2
Operating depth m 0.5
Volume of water m3 100
Surface area m2 200
Length m 20
Width m 10
Berm side slope - 3:1
Bottom slope % 0
Freeboard m 1

Total Suspended Solids (TSS)

Figure 3 displays total suspended solids (TSS) concentrations at the intake from Bahr
El-Baqar drain and at the outlet of the FWS cells of the pilot wetland. Also the
performance of the wetland in removing TSS is shown in Figure 3. Influent TSS
concentrations varied from 20 to 188 mg/l with an average value of 62 mg/l, while it
ranged from 2 to 28 mg/l at the outlet of the FWS cells with an average value of 18

Figure 3- TSS influent from Bahr El-Baqar drain and effluent of FWS cells and the removal

Based on the concentrations of TSS at the inlet and at the outlet of the wetland
system, the performance of the wetland system in removing TSS varied from 33% to
96%. This high performance of TSS removal is due to the 2 days settling processes at
the pond followed by sedimentation and filtration process through the plants stems in
FWS cells. The average performance of the pilot wetland in removing TSS is 71%.
The TSS removal may be explained as: settling by gravity which is influenced by
particle size, specific gravity, shape, and the viscosity of the water. The stems of
emergent plants (reeds) have an important role in TSS removal, (USEPA, 2000). On
the other hand, oxygen generated by submerged plants, as well as nitrogen oxides and
nitrogen gas from denitrification may enhance the re-suspension of particulates.
Moreover, the growth and existence of algae in the wetland water column may form a
considerable part of locally generated TSS. This may explain the drop in TSS
treatment during October 2003, and May and July 2004.

Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)

BOD at the intake from Bahr El-Baqar drain and at the outlet of the FWS cells is
shown in Figure 4. It also presents the performance of the wetland in removing BOD.
Influent BOD varied from 20 to 50 mg/l with an average value of 33 mg/l, while it
varied from 1 to 28 mg/l at the outlet of the FWS cells with an average value of 7
The FWS cells had a varied performance in the removal of BOD. It ranged from 60%
to 97% with an average of 78%. This high performance is due to sedimentation of
settleable matter and microbial degradation of soluble BOD by microbes. Settling
produced by gravity through discrete and flocculent forms the main BOD removal
(Kadlec and Knight, 1996). It is influenced by particle size, specific gravity, shape,
and the water viscosity. Flocculent settling results from the movement and collision of
particles resulting in growth and change of shape of the particle. The stems of
emergent plants (reeds) have an important role in BOD removal. The plant surfaces in
the water column which are coated with an active biofilm may remove particulate
matter and BOD by interception and adhesion. Soluble BOD is removed by microbes
on the plant surfaces and those attached to plant roots and rhizomes penetrating the
bed. On the other hand, oxygen generated by submerged plants, as well as nitrogen
oxides and nitrogen gas from denitrification may enhance the BOD decrease.

Figure 4- BOD influent from Bahr El-Baqar drain and effluent of FWS cells and
corresponding performance

Total Phosphorus (TP)

Total Phosphorus (TP) concentration at the inlet and the outlet of the wetland system
is shown in Figure 5. Influent TP concentration varied from 0.3 to 3 mg/l with an
average value of 1 mg/l, while it varied from 0.1 to 2.7 mg/l at the outlet of the FWS
cells with an average value 0.8 mg/l. The TP treatment efficiency decreased with
The performance of the FWS cells in removing TP varied from 2% to 90%. The
average treatment efficiency is 24%. Performance of the wetland system in removing
TP decreases with time as the wetland vegetation uptake became slower. Treatment of
TP is very sensitive and weak due to many reasons. Both dissolved organic phosphate
and insoluble organic phosphate are not usually available to plants unless transformed
to a soluble form. Microbes suspended in the water column of a FWS are usually able
to transform these phosphates into a soluble inorganic form. Once available to the
plants, phosphate uptake occurs during the growing season, but during the plant
senescence in the fall and winter, plant death is followed by its decomposition and TP
release. Estimates of realistic long term phosphorous removal capacity by plant
harvesting is very limited unless plant harvesting will be practiced before the plants
senesce, (Kadlec and Knight, 1996). Plant cutting is practiced at regular frequencies
which are usually every 2 months in summer and every 3 months in winter. In
addition, temperature and water alkalinity have a direct relation with TP release.

Figure 5- TP influent from Bahr El-Baqar drain and effluent of FWS cells and
corresponding performance

Fecal Coliform (FC)

Figure 6 shows Fecal Coliform (FC) count number at the intake from Bahr El-Baqar
drain and at the outlet of the FWS. Also the performance of the wetland in removing
FC is shown in the figure. The influent of FC varied from 60 to 299000 CFU/100ml
with an average value of 66486 CFU/100ml, while it ranged from 6 to 1050
CFU/100ml at the outlet of the FWS cells with average value of 306 CFU/100ml.

The performance of the wetland system for FC treatment varied from 63% to 99.9%
with an average value of 98%. This high performance for the FWS cells in removing
FC is a result of microbial degradation, die-off and predation. Intestinal organisms
entering a FWS wetland will immediately find themselves in a very hostile
environment. Thus die off with time and predation is the primary mechanism in
microorganism removal. In addition, the coagulation and flocculation of suspended
and colloidal particles, with the very high amount of surface area leads to adsorption
and removal of the organisms by filtration.

Figure 6 - FC influent from Bahr El-Baqar drain and effluent of FWS cells and corresponding

Iron (Fe)

Iron (Fe) concentration at the intake from Bahr El-Baqar drain and at the outlet of the
FWS cells is shown in Figure 7 and the performance of the wetland Fe removal as
well. The concentration of Fe varied from 0.02 to 3.27 mg/l at the intake with average
concentration of 0.72 mg/l, while it varied from 0.02 to 2.80 mg/l at the outlet of the
FWS cells with average concentration of 0.33 mg/l.

The FWS cells have a varied performance in the removal of Fe. It ranged from 34% to
97% with an average value of 67%. This performance is due to the sedimentation
process and plant uptake. Particulate filtration, sedimentation and plant uptake are the
main Fe removal mechanisms. If sulfide precipitation occurs due to reduction of
sulfate to sulfide, some metals such as Fe will be removed after being rendered

Figure 7 - Fe influent from Bahr El-Baqar drain and effluent of FWS cells and corresponding

Overall performance

The treatment system shows different degrees of efficiencies in removing pollutants

based on the type of pollutants and its behavior with water, soil, plants and
microorganisms (Figure 8). The highest efficiency is in removing FC with an average
value equal to 98%. In the middle level of pollutants removal there are BOD (78%),
TSS (71%), and Fe (67%). The lower level of the removal efficiency is 24% for TP.
However the treatment level of these pollutants matches the allowable limits of
discharging drainage water into brackish water bodies (Law 48, article 66), (Table 3).

Figure 8- Performance of wetland system in removing different pollutants

Table 3- Wetland influent and effluent pollutants concentrations in a comparison with the
allowable limits of Law 48 (article 66)

Influent Effluent Allowable limits

Pollutant Units
Concentration Concentration of Law 48
TSS mg/l 62 18 50
BOD mg/l 33 7 60
TP mg/l 1.013 0.755 1
FC FCU/100 ml 66486 306 5000
Fe mg/l 0.72 0.33 1


The free surface wetland LMEW helped in treating the polluted water of Bahr El
Baqar drain after a two day detention time in a sedimentation pond. The treatment
mechanisms are a complex mix of physical, chemical, and biological processes. The
treatments of BOD, TSS, TP, Fe, and TC in effluent water samples are acceptable
with the law of discharging drainage water in water bodies (Law 48, 1982, article 62
of MWRI). This treatment technique can protect Lake Manzala from pollution
hazards if it is applied for all received polluted water.

The effectiveness of wetland treatment varies significantly from one pollutant to the
other. Biological contamination in the form of FC was massively treated by the
wetland cells. At the other extreme end, the removing capacity of TP was quite low
and further decreased with time as the wetland components become more saturated
with phosphorus. Long term removal capacity of phosphorous is very limited unless
plant harvesting will be practiced before plants senesce. The effectiveness of the
engineered wetland in removing other pollutant such as TSS, BOD, and Fe is quite
reasonable and varies between 67% and 78%.


The authors acknowledge the Ministry of State of Environmental Affairs, and Prof.
Dr. Diaa Al Quosy, Manager of Lake Manzala Engineered Wetland Project for
technical support and scientific corporation with the NAWQAM project and the
National Water Research Center.


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