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Changes over History
credit: Aisha Alegre Photography

“We shape our buildings; thereafter
they shape us.”
- Winston Churchill
L et’s define decision making. Decision making is just
I like to think of myself as a rational person, but I’m
not one. The good news is it’s not just me or you. We are all
what it sounds like: the action or process of making decisions. irrational. For a long time, researchers and economists believed
Sometimes we make logical decisions, but there are many times that humans made logical, well considered decisions. In recent
when we make emotional, irrational, and confusing choices. decades, however, researchers have uncovered a wide range
This page covers why we make poor decisions and discusses of mental errors that derail our thinking. The articles below
useful frameworks to expand your decision-making . outline where we often go wrong and what to do about it.
I like to think of myself as a rational person, but I’m not one. The Hundreds of psychology studies have proven that we
good news is it’s not just me or you. We are all irrational. For tend to overestimate the importance of events we can easily
a long time, researchers and economists believed that humans recall and underestimate the importance of events we have
made logical, well considered decisions. In recent decades, trouble recalling. Psychologists refer to this little brain mistake
however, researchers have uncovered a wide range of mental as an “illusory correlation.” In this article, we talk about a
errors that derail our thinking. The articles below outline where simple strategy you can use to spot your hidden assumptions
we often go wrong and what to do about it. and prevent yourself from making an illusory correlation.
I like to think of myself as a rational person, but I’m We have a tendency to care too much about our
not one. The good news is it’s not just me or you. We are all present selves and not enough about our future selves. If
irrational. For a long time, researchers and economists believed you want to beat procrastination and make better long-term
that humans made logical, well considered decisions. In recent choices, then you have to find a way to make your present self
decades, however, researchers have uncovered a wide range of act in the best interest. of your future self. This article breaks
mental errors that derail our thinking. The articles below outline down three simple ways to do just that.
where we often go wrong and what to do about it. First principles thinking, which is sometimes called
I like to think of myself as a rational person, but I’m not one. The reasoning from first principles, is one of the most effective
good news is it’s not just me or you. Wwe are all irrational. For strategies you can employ for breaking down complicated
a long time, researchers and economists believed that humans problems and generating original solutions. It also might be
made logical, well considered decisions. In recent decades, the single best approach to learn how to think for yourself.
however, researchers have uncovered a wide range of mental The first principles approach has been used by many great
errors that derail our thinking. The articles below outline where thinkers including inventor Johannes Gutenberg, military.
we often go wrong and what to do about it.

058 credit: Aisha Alegre Photography

credit: Aisha Alegre Photography

First principles thinking, which is sometimes called A first principle is a basic assumption that cannot be
deduced any further. Over two thousand years ago, Aristotle
reasoning from first principles, is one of the most effective defined a first principle as “the first basis from which a thing is
strategies you can employ for breaking down complicated known.”
problems and generating original solutions. It also might be First principles thinking is a fancy way of saying “think like
the single best approach to learn how to think for yourself. a scientist.” Scientists don’t assume anything. They start with
The first principles approach has been used by many great questions like, What are we absolutely sure is true? What has
thinkers including inventor Johannes Gutenberg, military been proven?
strategist John Boyd, and the ancient philosopher Aristotle, but In theory, first principles thinking requires you to dig deeper
no one embodies the philosoph and deeper until you are left with only the foundational truths
In 2002, Musk began his quest to send the first rocket of a situation. Rene Descartes, the French philosopher and
to Mars an idea that would eventually become the aerospace scientist, embraced this approach with a method now called
company SpaceX. Cartesian Doubt in which he would “systematically doubt
He ran into a major challenge right off the bat. After visiting a everything he could possibly doubt until he was left with what
number of aerospace manufacturers around the world, Musk he saw as purely indubitable truths.”
discovered the cost of purchasing a rocket was astronomical up In practice, you don’t have to simplify every problem
to $65 million. Given the high price, he began to rethink. down to the atomic level to get the benefits of first principles
“I tend to approach things from a physics framework,” Musk thinking. You just need to go one or two levels deeper than
said in an interview. “Physics teaches you to reason from first most people. Different solutions present themselves at different
principles rather than by analogy. So I said, okay, let’s look layers of abstraction. John Boyd, the famous fighter pilot and
at the first principles. What is a rocket made of? Aerospace- military strategist, created the following thought experiment.
grade. aluminum alloys, plus some titanium, copper, and which showcases how to use first principles thinking in a
carbon fiber. Then I asked, what is the value of those materials practical way.
on the commodity market? It turned out that the materials cost
of a rocket was around two percent of the typical price.”


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