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Catalina Gutiérrez Castillo Yonatan Arturo Guzmán Moreno

Lengua Extranjera Especializante 1


1. Sentence
Syllabification: sen-tence.
Translation: Sentencia.
English definition: A sentence determined by a court or
Example/use: The judge announced the sentence of
the defendant.

2. Jaywalking
Syllabification: jay-wal-king.
Translation: Cruzar la calle con descuido.
English definition: To cross streets carelessly, without
regard to oncoming traffic or pedestrian crossings.
Example/use: Cyclists also need to be aware of other
hazards, such as opening car doors and jaywalking

3. Sheriff:
Syllabification: she-riff.
Translation: Alguacil.
English definition: The chief police officer in a US county.
Example/use: The sheriff can charge the abuser a reasonable
storage fee.
Catalina Gutiérrez Castillo Yonatan Arturo Guzmán Moreno
Lengua Extranjera Especializante 1
4. Judge:
Syllabification: judge.
Translation: Juez.
English definition: A pubic officer who hears and
decides cases in a court of law.
Example/use: The judge is reviewing the case file.

5. Jail:
Syllabification: jail.
Translation: Cárcel.
English definition: A secure place of confinement for
prisoners in custody.
Example/use: A misdemeanour crime is punishable
by up to one year in county jail.

6. Handcuffs:
Syllabification: hand-cuffs.
Translation: Esposas.
English definition: A pair of steel rings, joined by a short
chain, for locking around the wrists of prisoners.
Example/use: Penal conditions, including handcuffs and
shackles, were not uncommon.

7. Assault:
Syllabification: a-ssault.
Translation: Asalto.
English definition: A violent physical or verbal attack.
Example/use: The thief assaulted an old woman to steal her
Catalina Gutiérrez Castillo Yonatan Arturo Guzmán Moreno
Lengua Extranjera Especializante 1
8. Lawyer:
Syllabification: law-yer.
Translation: Abogado.
English definition: A person who knows the law, who gives
legal advice and help, and represents clients in legal
matters and in court.
Example/use: The lawyer agreed not to charge a fee for a
good cause.

9. Arrest:
Syllabification: a-rrest.
Translation: Arresto.
English definition: To take a person into custody.
Example/use: The police arrested the man who
committed the crime.

10. Lieutenant:
Syllabification: lieu-te-nant.
Translation: Teniente.
English definition: A deputy acting for a superior.
Example/use: Kane's first few years as lieutenant governor
were to be difficult.

11. Vandalism:
Syllabification: van-da-li-sm.
Translation: Vandalismo.
English definition: The destruction of someone
else's property.
Example/use: Acts of vandalism and destruction
must be widely condemned.
Catalina Gutiérrez Castillo Yonatan Arturo Guzmán Moreno
Lengua Extranjera Especializante 1
12. Kidnapping:
Syllabification: kid-nap-ping.
Translation: Secuestro.
English definition: To seize and hold someone
prisoner illegally, usually demanding money for the
victim’s safe release.
Example/use: Abduction and kidnapping are in
some occasions also connected to clan disputes or
political manoeuvrings.

13. Manslaughter:
Syllabification: man-slaugh-ter.
Translation: Homicidio involuntario.
English definition: The crime of killing someone without
intent to do so.
Example/use: One of the defendants was convicted of
manslaughter and assault under aggravating circumstances.

14. Fingerprint:
Syllabification: fin-ger-print.
Translation: Huella digital.
English definition: A unique impression made by the pattern of
ridges at the tips of a finger or thumb, used for identification.
Example/use: DNA databases and digital fingerprint records
are a very important tool in the fight against crime.
15. Execution:
Syllabification: e-xe-cu-tion.
Translation: Ejecución.
English definition: To put to death by the order of the law.
Example/use: When he was brought to the place of execution,
he prayed for a long time.
Catalina Gutiérrez Castillo Yonatan Arturo Guzmán Moreno
Lengua Extranjera Especializante 1
16. Attorney:
Syllabification: a-ttor-ney.
Translation: Abogado.
English definition: A lawyer.
Example/use: Consider asking an attorney to review the

17. Murder:
Syllabification: mur-der.
Translation: Asesinato.
English definition: The act of unlawfully and intentionally
killing a person.
Example/use: Feminicide is the murder of women at the
hands of men for the sole reason that they are women.

18. Prosecutor:
Syllabification: pro-se-cu-tor.
Translation: Fiscal.
English definition: An attorney who brings or
conducts a criminal action against a specified party.
Example/use: It remains the responsibility of the
prosecutor to conduct further investigations and
collect evidence for the case.

19. Uniform:
Syllabification: u-ni-form.
Translation: Uniforme.
English definition: A distinctive set of clothing worn by
members of an organization or profession.
Example/use: Some airline pilots wear dark blue
Catalina Gutiérrez Castillo Yonatan Arturo Guzmán Moreno
Lengua Extranjera Especializante 1
20. Witness:
Syllabification: wit-ness.
Translation: Testigo.
English definition: Someone who gives evidence in a
court of law or who adds his or her signature to a legal or
other document.
Example/use: The witness's testimony was pretty

21. Shoplifting:
Syllabification: shop-lif-ting.
Translation: Hurto.
English definition: To steal goods from shops.
Example/use: Shoplifting is only one of the
crimes that occur in the retail environment.

22. Parole:
Syllabification: pa-role.
Translation: Libertad condicional.
English definition: The release of a prisoner before the
end of his or her sentence, on condition of sustained
law-abiding behaviour.
Example/use: The criminal was let out of prison on

23. Detective:
Syllabification: de-tec-tive.
Translation: Detective.
English definition: A person whose job is investigating
Example/use: The detective found out the truth of the
Catalina Gutiérrez Castillo Yonatan Arturo Guzmán Moreno
Lengua Extranjera Especializante 1
24. Transcript:
Syllabification: trans-cript.
Translation: Transcripción.
English definition: A written copy.
Example/use: A transcript of the interview is available

25. Arson:
Syllabification: ar-son.
Translation: Incendio provocado.
English definition: The crime of deliberately setting on
fire a building.
Example/use: The tribunal ruled that it had been arson.

26. Deputy:
Syllabification: de-pu-ty.
Translation: Diputado.
English definition: A person appointed to act on behalf of or as
an assistant to someone else.
Example/use: The president sent a deputy to represent her.

27. Rape:
Syllabification: rape.
Translation: Violación.
English definition: The crime of forcing another person to
engage in sexual intercourse, against that person’s will.
Example/use: Investigation and prosecution of the crime of
rape is relatively rare.
Catalina Gutiérrez Castillo Yonatan Arturo Guzmán Moreno
Lengua Extranjera Especializante 1
28. Forgery:
Syllabification: for-ge-ry.
Translation: Falsificación.
English definition: An illegal copy of a document,
painting, etc.
Example/use: The documents turned out to be a

29. Penalty:
Syllabification: pe-nal-ty.
Translation: Pena/Penalización.
English definition: A punishment for wrongdoing,
breaking a contract or rule.
Example/use: I received a penalty because I did not
pay in time.

30. Evidence:
Syllabification: e-vi-dence.
Translation: Evidencia.
English definition: Law written or spoken testimony
used in a court of law.
Example/use: The prisoners were released for lack of

31. Theft:
Syllabification: theft.
Translation: Robo.
English definition: An act of stealing, the crime of
Example/use: Piracy refers to theft of merchandise
transported by land.
Catalina Gutiérrez Castillo Yonatan Arturo Guzmán Moreno
Lengua Extranjera Especializante 1

32. Fine:
Syllabification: fine.
Translation: Multa.
English definition: Money to be paid as a penalty.
Example/use: Piracy refers to theft of merchandise
transported by land.

33. Badge:
Syllabification: badge.
Translation: Insignia.
English definition: A small emblem or mark worn to show rank,
Example/use: The employee must show the badge to enter the

34. Gavel:
Syllabification: ga-vel.
Translation: Mazo.
English definition: A small hammer used by a judge or an
Example/use: A gavel is commonly made of hardwood.

35. Jury:
Syllabification: ju-ry.
Translation: Jurado.
English definition: A body of people sworn to give an
honest verdict on the evidence presented to a court of
law on a case.
Example/use: The jury managed to reach a verdict.
Catalina Gutiérrez Castillo Yonatan Arturo Guzmán Moreno
Lengua Extranjera Especializante 1
36. Chief:
Syllabification: chief.
Translation: Jefe.
English definition: The person in charge of a group,
organization or department.
Example/use: The chief of police responsible for the prison told
him that detainees were not allowed visits at weekends.

37. Siren:
Syllabification: si-ren.
Translation: Sirena.
English definition: A device that emits a loud wailing noise,
usually as a warning signal.
Example/use: The bell time starts upon activation of the siren.

38. Robes:
Syllabification: robes.
Translation: Túnica.
English definition: A long, loose flowy garment, especially
one worn for special ceremonies by judges or academics.
Example/use: Judges usually wear robes in court.

39. Bankruptcy:
Syllabification: bank-rupt-cy.
Translation: Bancarrota.
English definition: A legal process where you're
declared unable to pay your debts.
Example/use: During the crisis, the bank took
measures to prevent bankruptcy.
Catalina Gutiérrez Castillo Yonatan Arturo Guzmán Moreno
Lengua Extranjera Especializante 1
40. Plaintiff:
Syllabification: plain-tiff.
Translation: Demandante.
English definition: The party that brings a charge
against another party in a court of law.
Example/use: The plaintiff went to court to sue for

41. Trial:
Syllabification: trial.
Translation: Juicio.
English definition: A legal process by which evidence and
applicable law are examined by a court of law in order to
determine the issue of specified claims and/or charges.
Example/use: A trial will be held tonight at 20:00 hours.

42. Bail:
Syllabification: bail.
Translation: Fianza.
English definition: Money required as a security for an
accused person’s temporary release while awaiting trial.
Example/use: The amount and conditions of bail are often
vital issues for the victim.

43. Deter:
Syllabification: de-ter.
Translation: Disuadir.
English definition: To prevent by acting in advance.
Example/use: The new measures will deter illegal
Catalina Gutiérrez Castillo Yonatan Arturo Guzmán Moreno
Lengua Extranjera Especializante 1
44. Custody:
Syllabification: cus-to-dy.
Translation: Custodia.
English definition: The condition of being held by the
Example/use: The suspect will be in preventive
custody until the trial.

45. Hijacking:
Syllabification: hi-jac-king.
Translation: Secuestro.
English definition: To take control of a moving vehicle
and force it to go to a different destination.
Example/use: The three Cubans were executed after
hijacking a boat full of passengers to leave Cuba.

46. Tax:
Syllabification: tax.
Translation: Impuesto.
English definition: A contribution towards a country’s
expenses raised by the government from people’s
salaries, property, etc.
Example/use: The new tax law states the duties
imposed on companies.

47. Citizenship:
Syllabification: ci-ti-zen-ship.
Translation: Ciudadanía.
English definition: Relationship between an
individual and a state to which the individual owes
allegiance and in turn is entitled to its protection.
Example/use: The only possible way of acquiring
citizenship of a country is by having the nationality
of that country.
Catalina Gutiérrez Castillo Yonatan Arturo Guzmán Moreno
Lengua Extranjera Especializante 1

48. Facility:
Syllabification: fa-ci-li-ty.
Translation: Instalación.
English definition: A place, amenity, or piece of
equipment provided for a particular purpose.
Example/use: The city was proud of its modern
sports facilities.
49. Severance:
Syllabification: se-ve-rance.
Translation: Ruptura.
English definition: The action of ending a
connection or relationship.
Example/use: The ambassadors avoided the
severance of diplomatic ties.

50. Workforce:
Syllabification: work-force.
Translation: Personal de trabajo.
English definition: The number of workers
engaged in an industry, factory, etc.
Example/use: Creation of an educated
population and workforce is vitally important.

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