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Rel 221: Synoptic Gospels

Schedule and Assignments

Mark 8:22-10:52
Assignment Due: Monday, February 25
Mark 8:22–10:52 is viewed by interpreters as the turning point in Mark's story about Jesus. It
represents the beginning of the revelation of the mystery of Jesus’ person and mission.
1. What stories begin and end this section of the gospel, and what thematic purpose might be
served by such an arrangement?
2. As you have been doing all along, consider how Jesus' identity and mission are described.
Pay particular attention to 8:27–33. What's right about Peter's confession? What's wrong
about it?
3. Locate the three places in this section where Jesus teaches about the nature of discipleship?
How is discipleship described?

Mark 11-13
Assignment Due: Wednesday, February 27
Mark 11:1–13:37 tells of Jesus' entry into Jerusalem, rising tensions between Jesus and the
religious establishment there, and his final teachings.
1. This section begins with three symbolic acts: riding a colt into Jerusalem; cursing a fig tree;
and driving out the money changers in the temple. What do you think Jesus meant by these
symbolic acts?
2. List the individual units in Mark 11:27–12:44. What is a common theme that runs through
these episodes? Can you explain the meaning of the Parable of the Wicked Tenant Farmers

Assignment Due: Friday, March 1

Mark13 contains what is called Jesus' eschatological discourse (i.e., teachings about the last
days/end times). As you read it consider the following:
1. Is Jesus talking here about the fate of Jerusalem, or the end of the world, or both?
2. 13:26–27 speaks of the Son of Man, an important title for Jesus in the Gospel of Mark. What
does this title mean? (check Daniel 7:1–14 [esp. v. 13 with its footnote in the NRSV] and
compare it to Mark 13:26–27.)
3. How are followers of Jesus described in this chapter? What advice do they receive?

Mark 14–16
Assignment Due: Monday, March 4
Mark 14–16 contains the Passion Narrative, the story of Jesus' suffering and death. Read it and
consider the following questions.
1. How do the following three passages contribute to the reader's understanding of the identity
and mission of Jesus: the Last Supper (14:17–25); the trial before the high priest (14:53–
65); and the crucifixion (15:22–39)?
2. According to Mark, who is responsible for the death of Jesus?
3. In chapter 16, Mark tells the story of the empty tomb. The best manuscripts of the Gospel
of Mark end at 16:8, but other manuscripts contain other endings. Read these other
endings, which are appended to the gospel in the NRSV. Why do you think these alternate
endings were produced?

Assignment Due: Wednesday, March 6

Read Murphy, pp. 89-137
Test #1: Friday, March 8 (covering all classwork and readings up to and including the
Gospel of Mark).

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