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27/11/2018 A verdade

Última chance: $ 15 de desconto em qualquer pedido com revestimento sobre código

cerâmico, o revestimento cerâmico
TRUTH .   Obter | AvalonKing
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A verdade sobre o revestimento cerâmico


Eric Williams ( - 13 de abril de 2018

Os revestimentos cerâmicos valem a pena? O que é um revestimento de carro cerâmico em primeiro


É certamente toda a internet nos dias de hoje com inúmeros vídeos através da mídia social mostrando
lama sendo jogado sobre um capuz e saindo instantaneamente deixando apenas uma marca suja.

Para muitos espectadores, esta é a primeira vez que eles já ouviram falar dos termos “Ceramic
Coating” ou “Nano Coating”. Outros são céticos - os vídeos foram encenados de alguma forma? O
revestimento arruinará meu carro? E por que eles parecem tão caros quando as garrafas são tão

No post de hoje, vamos olhar para as realidades do revestimento cerâmico do seu carro, se eles
fazem o que alegam e o ajudam a decidir se é para você ou não. Embora a proteção que esses
revestimentos ofereçam seja incomparável, eles têm algumas desvantagens em potencial,
dependendo do que você procura.

Vamos passar algum tempo limpando os fatos da ficção. É isso que estaremos cobrindo hoje:

O que é um revestimento cerâmico
Quais são as opções?
O que faz um revestimento cerâmico
O que um revestimento cerâmico NÃO faz
Mitos de revestimento de carros

1. Fundo
Você quer que seu carro pareça tão incrível quanto no dia em que você saiu do estacionamento. Mas,
apesar de seus esforços de manutenção e lavagem, os arranhões, lascas e manchas começam a se
espalhar pelo exterior do carro e a pintura começa a embotar e desaparecer do sol.

Qualquer coisa e tudo está constantemente atacando a superfície do seu carro. Lama, poeira, chuva
suja, manchas de água, pó de freio inestético, sujeira começar a furtar seu carro quase imediatamente
após a limpeza. E vamos encarar isso, ter que lavar seu carro é chato, monótono e demorado. Neve,
gelo, estradas salgadas, goma de árvore, merda de pássaro também não ajudam.
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compras, bicicletas e scooters. 1/13
27/11/2018 Cera adiciona um bom nível de brilho e brilho,
A verdade e uma
sobre pequena quantidade
o revestimento cerâmicode proteção, mas dura
| AvalonKing
alguns meses na melhor (
das hipóteses. 0 (

Aqui é onde a Auto Ceramic Coatings entra.



Uma Ferrari recebendo revestimento cerâmico 9H.

Originalmente projetada para a indústria de petróleo e espaço, a tecnologia de 9h de cerâmica

expandiu-se rapidamente para a indústria automotiva. Tudo porque é realmente eficaz.

Mais leitura:
● Como funciona (/how-it-works/)
● FAQ (/faq/)

2. O que é um revestimento cerâmico para carros?

O que é um revestimento cerâmico 9H? A maneira mais fácil é entender que revestimentos
cerâmicos são como uma segunda camada de pele, ou uma camada de proteção sobre o verniz do
seu carro.

Eles utilizam nanotecnologia, que são essencialmente partículas minúsculas que formam uma camada
muito fina e fina, completamente invisível ao olho. Como essas partículas são tão pequenas, quando
aplicadas em uma superfície, elas vedam todos os poros tornando a superfície hidrofóbica (repelente
à água), mas também resistentes aos raios UV, arranhões, produtos químicos, calor extremo e até
mesmo anti-pichação. Esta camada de cerâmica 9H é completamente transparente. 2/13
27/11/2018 A verdade sobre o revestimento cerâmico | AvalonKing



O que é um revestimento cerâmico?   A diferença entre uma superfície não revestida e uma superfície revestida de nano-

Isso também explica por que as garrafas contêm tão pouco líquido (normalmente 30 ml).
As partículas são tão pequenas, que isso é tudo o que é necessário para revestir um
único carro.

O revestimento nano-cerâmico forma uma ligação semi-permanente com a superfície de um veículo,

resultando em uma camada "sacrificial" que não será lavada sob limpeza ou chuva, ou quebrada por
um curto período de tempo. Na verdade, geralmente, dura anos.

Eles repelem a sujeira e a água como nada, o que os torna mais fáceis de limpar. Sua dureza ajuda a
evitar marcas de redemoinho e estragar da lavagem.

3. Quais são as opções?

Embora eles estejam apenas agora pegando asas no “mainstream” - os revestimentos cerâmicos de
carros já existem há vários anos na indústria de detalhamento.

No entanto, por causa de seus custos proibitivos por meio de detalhistas, eles anteriormente só eram
realmente acessíveis ou econômicos para os entusiastas ou proprietários de veículos de última

Há duas opções ao decidir que você quer sua superfície cerâmica revestida:

Aplicações Profissionais
Kits de consumidor DIY

Custo de revestimento cerâmico para aplicação profissional : US $ 500 a US $ 2.000

Estes são revestimentos cerâmicos (carro) que devem ser aplicados por profissionais treinados e
certificados. O uso de equipamentos, experiência e trabalho torna o custo relativamente alto,
dependendo do seu orçamento. Na extremidade muito baixa, na medida em que os preços
profissionais de cerâmica você pode esperar pagar pelo menos US $ 500 para apenas o aplicativo.
Pré-preparação e preparação profissional irá adicionar várias centenas de dólares a mais, no mínimo. 3/13
27/11/2018 O processo de nanocerâmica normalmente
A verdade leva
sobredeo1 revestimento
a 5 dias, dependendo
cerâmico da condição da tinta, do
| AvalonKing
tamanho do veículo eINICIAR (
dos pacotes selecionados. Para pacotes de revestimento cerâmico premium, 0 (
como o Ceramic Pro Gold, espere pagar mais de US $ 2.000 de um revendedor licenciado.


Mas e a pessoa comum que não dirige um Ferarri ou não quer pagar potencialmente US $ 1.000 por
um revestimento de auto cerâmica?


Profissionais Custos revestimento cerâmico
● cerâmicos Pro Preços (
● OptiCoat Custos revestimento cerâmico (

Custo de revestimento de cerâmica Kits de consumo DIY : $ 20 - $ 150

Recentemente, uma gama de revestimentos de automóveis de nível de consumo emocionante

entraram no mercado. Isso abriu revestimentos cerâmicos “nano” para motoristas casuais que estão
menos preocupados com a qualidade do showroom dos seus carros e mais com a facilidade de
limpeza e proteção contra os elementos.

Especialmente formulados para que sejam muito menos sensíveis do que os revestimentos de
automóveis de nível profissional, eles também são projetados para serem aplicados com pouca ou
nenhuma experiência. A qualidade e a durabilidade desses produtos podem variar imensamente, mas,
em comparação com os custos das aplicações profissionais, eles são obviamente muito mais
acessíveis ao motorista médio. Para saber como revestir um carro com cerâmica, o processo é
bastante simples.

Blindagem de Armadura IX Kit DIY

O Armor Shield IX é um revestimento de proteção altamente durável.

US $ 69,99

Uma das observações que fizemos ao pesquisar as opções mais populares de proteção de pintura em
cerâmica do mercado foi que, mesmo que estivessem disponíveis para o consumidor médio, não
recomendaríamos necessariamente que todos os comprassem, porque alguns tinham pouca ou
nenhuma orientação, que é principalmente a razão pela qual criamos o Armor Shield IX (/shop/armor-
shield-ix-diy-kit/) e priorizamos os clientes através de toda a experiência, desde o pedido da
quantidade certa, preparando a superfície, aplicando o revestimento nano e como mantê-lo para
durar muitos anos. anos.

● Relativamente fácil de aplicar nano cerâmica
● Proteção de pintura extremamente rentável
● Resultados muito visíveis 4/13
27/11/2018 Contras: A verdade sobre o revestimento cerâmico | AvalonKing
● Faz um (
esforço para(
preparar adequadamente um carro, se a superfície da tinta é 0 (
● Um monte de imitações de má qualidade nano cerâmica lá fora. Pesquisa necessária
● Não orientação adequada de todas as empresas
● Algumas empresas exagerando os benefícios

4. O que faz um Nano Ceramic Coating Do

Há uma boa razão pela qual sua popularidade está crescendo muito. Muitos dos benefícios são
simplesmente desconhecidos na indústria automotiva, mas dito isso, há também algumas pequenas
precauções que você precisa estar ciente.

4a. Hidrofóbico
Também conhecido como sendo muito repelente à água.

An important feature of a nano Ceramic Coating is that it is hydrophobic.  This basically means that
water will be repelled instantaneously. When your car is ceramic coated, the incredible hydrophobic
effect of the coating will cause water to bead up and roll of the surface along with most dirt, grime, or
mud (as it has all been unable to bond to your vehicle’s paint).  When people ask “what is ceramic
coating” this is often the first demonstration.

car paint nano coating water repellent test

Watch the hydrophobic features on the left side of the car, which is coated vs. right side that’s not coated

Any remaining dirt on the car can be removed with less effort. A lot less effort.

4b. Mud & Dirt Repellent

Ceramic paint coating works much harder at protecting the surface of your vehicle than an ordinary
paint job.

Rain and water bead as opposed to accumulating on the surface. Snow and ice does not stick to the
surface. And mud as demonstrated above just slides off.

Spray Coating For Cars Repels Water And Dirt — Here's How 5/13
27/11/2018 A verdade sobre o revestimento cerâmico | AvalonKing



4c. Protection from UV Damage / Oxidization / Rust

Vehicles often exposed to the sun will start seeing the paint fade and look dull. This is caused by the
sun’s ultraviolet sunrays, which causes oxidation to the car’s paint. By adding a layer of Ceramic Coating
to your paint, you can dramatically reduce the oxidation.

4d. Improved Durability

Ceramic coatings or nano coatings if you will, works much harder at protecting the surface of your
vehicle than an ordinary paint job. The new coating bonds with the molecular structure of your car’s
paint and can’t be dislodged by vibrations or external force, meaning it lasts years not months. As
mentioned earlier in the article, think of it as an added layer of skin on top of your paint.  How long
does ceramic car coating last?  A good DIY solution should last a 2-3 years.

5. What Does a 9H Ceramic Coating NOT Do?

A lot of misconceptions about what the protection does not cover. Some of it might be logical, but
never the less, let’s start off by saying this.  Even the best ceramic coating does not make your car
bulletproof. And they’re not some magic all-encompassing product that will solve all potential hazards
your surface is exposed to. The truth is not every vehicle will benefit from it.

Even the best ceramic coating doesn’t make your car bulletproof.

They do not stop rock chips, they do not prevent water spots, they do not replace proper care or
maintenance, they do not prevent dings or dents, and they do not last forever.

Just because your vehicle has undergone the ceramic paint process or treatment it doesn’t mean you
no longer need to dust, wash or remove bird droppings. You still do. The difference is that maintaining
your paint will require less elbow grease and less time.

6. Ceramic Coating Myths

We thought we’d round up a few of the myths we most often hear about, so you can get your facts
from a reliable source in case you’re wondering.

Myth 1: Ceramic Car Coatings Are Scratch Proof

A lot of detailers and suppliers exaggerate the scratch resistance of 9H Ceramic Coatings for cars, even
going so far as to call them scratch-proof or resistant to rock chips which is completely false. 6/13
27/11/2018 Small scratches can definitely be resisted by asobre
A verdade NanooCeramic Coating
revestimento and the| sacrificial
cerâmico AvalonKing layer the car
coating forms will(
certainly (
help against minor incidents that would otherwise mar your surface. For 0 (
examples, driving through brush, small little knocks from bikes, kids playing, or animals jumping
excitedly against the car

Most newer coatings for cars are typically rated 9H on the pencil scale. This is the highest possible
scratch resistance, however… 9H Ceramic coatings for cars are not thick or flexible enough to absorb
the impact of a rock hitting your paint at highway speed or to resist against someone purposely trying
to scratch your car.

Myth 2: Nano Coatings for your Car Don’t Require Maintenance

Another myth is that ceramic coated cars do not require washing or maintenance. A coating will
heavily cut down on the amount of washing and maintenance but not completely eliminate the need
for it.

The fact is if you are going to drive your car, even if its infrequently, the road is a dirty and the surface
is going to gradually get dirtier even with a ceramic coat.

It will still require washing, just with a lot less effort and less frequency. Overall with a car coating, it’s
going to be much easier. Additionally, it eliminates the need for waxing every few weeks, saving a lot
of money over the course of the ceramic coatings lifetime.

Myth 3: Car Coatings Are Permanent

Partly, this is true. The nano ceramic coating is actually semi-permanent, as to it bonds with the car
surface and cures into a hard and shiny sacrificial layer. That means that you don’t have to re-apply
every other month to maintain that glossy surface.

How long does ceramic coating last?  With a good product and proper application, it should last at
least 2-3 years, however, it is definitely not permanent.

Myth 4: They Are Really Easy to Apply

This is actually relatively true. With the new DIY kits becoming available to consumers, the actual
application process is relatively easy.

That said, it’s not necessarily simple. Before you can even apply the nano coating, the surface has to be
free of surface blemishes, which applies to even brand new vehicles. The process really depends on
the condition of the surface. As the ceramic coating will semi-permanently add a layer over your
vehicle’s paint, it’s crucial to do any paint restoration before applying the car coating. It’s up to you to
decide, but we do recommend washing the car, claying, buffing, and keeping it pristine while applying
the coating.

Myth 5: Ceramic Coatings Provide More Gloss Than Sealants And Waxes
Not necessarily. The truth is the nano coating for cars doesn’t provide the gloss alone – the prep work
done underneath is also crucial. If you have a very faded paint and apply a coating to your car, it will
still be faded, with a little bit of shine on top. The same applies for haze or swirl marks, they’ll also be
“locked” under the coating if they’re not removed first.

So, hopefully that helps answer “What is a Ceramic Coating?”.

As for whether it’s worth it to ceramic coat your car?

Yes, absolutely, for most cars. The marginal investment, particularly from a DIY standpoint makes a
ceramic car coating well worth purchasing. The upfront cost will pay for itself in savings in less than a
couple of months. A professional application is also worth exploring if you have a high end or show
vehicle. We’ve actually calculated a bit on it, and if you spread the upfront cost out on the duration of
the entire protected period, you’re looking at a whopping $0.05 per day or converted to Euro, approx.

The important thing is to not expect a magic product that forms a bulletproof force field of protection
around your car. What it does do is keep your car looking like its been recently waxed for years, makes
dirt fall off super easy, and does a better job of protecting your paint than any wax or sealant.

Its also phenomenal on your rims, plastic and especially headlights. In fact, it’s so good that we’ve had
many people try out our very own Armor Shield IX (/shop/armor-shield-ix-diy-kit/) and offer their
honest reviews in the process. Some of these how-to videos even have hundreds of thousands of 7/13
27/11/2018 people watching them, so we do A recommend watching
verdade sobre some of these
o revestimento videos
cerâmico before you go ahead
| AvalonKing
and make up your(
mind going forward with a 9H ceramic coating. We’ll link a few of them down0 (
in the references below.



Armor Shield IX DIY Kit

Armor Shield IX is a highly durable protective coat.


Lastly, it’s important to know that we guide you through the whole process, so you can get similar
results as if you had it professionally done.

So ask yourself this: Do you want your car to look like it’s just been washed and waxed every day for
years, with a deep glossy finish, easy cleaning, dramatically increased level of environmental
protection? If you can say yes to that, we encourage you to try out a Ceramic Coating DIY Kit today.

“Look at this thing, it’s like black glass” – Moe, Happy Armor Shield IX Customer

We, at AvalonKing, stand by our product so much, that we’re actually offering you to ceramic coat your
car with a 3-Year Guarantee for only $69.99. That means you basically have zero risk as we’ll just pay
you back the money if you’re not happy with the product.

GET STARTED TODAY (/shop/armor-shield-ix-diy-kit/)

100% Money-Back Guarantee 8/13
27/11/2018 Inspirational How-To-Videos
A verdade sobre o revestimento cerâmico | AvalonKing



How to Restore Faded Paint With Ceramic Coating

How to Restore Headlights With Ceramic Coating

How to Restore Rims With Ceramic Coating

If you enjoyed this article, then you’ll love AvalonKing’s automotive care products for Do-It-
Yourselfers. We create “No B.S products” for an affordable price. And the best part, we treat our
customers like family, so if you have any questions or just looking to chat about cars, we’re only an 9/13
27/11/2018 email or call away. Check out our homepage
A verdade here
sobre (/).
o revestimento cerâmico | AvalonKing


( Truth About Ceramic
Twitter Coating&
truth-about-ceramic-coatings%2F&via=avalonking com)


Eric Williams (Https://Avalonking.Com/Blog/Author/Eric/)

Eric is the Product Specialist at AvalonKing. He's also known as the Ceramic
Coating whisperer in our office hallways. When he's not buffing away on his ol'
Shelby Cobra, he enjoys watching Sunday sports and spending time with his


Nick Lim 19 N OV 20 1 8 R E PLY ( H T TP S: / / AVA LO NK ING .CO M/ B LOG / TH E -T RU T H -AB OU T-C E R AM IC- CO AT IN GS / ?

R E PLY TO CO M =2 5 55 6 # R E S P ON D )
Hi Eric, should i apply this afer wax my car or after i polish my car

Eric Williams (

19 N OV 20 1 8 NK ING .CO M/ B LOG / TH E -T RU T H -AB OU T-C E R AM IC- CO AT IN GS / ?
R E PLY ( H T TP S: / / AVA LO

RE P LY TO CO M = 25 55 7 # RE S P OND )
Hi Nick. Polishing is recommended prior to the application to correct any paint defects
but you must ensure any wax or greasy residue is completely stripped prior to the
ceramic coating application.

Tony Spee 13 N OV 2 01 8 R E PLY ( H T TP S: / / AVA LO NK ING .CO M/ B LOG / TH E -T RU T H -AB OU T-C E R AM IC- CO AT IN GS / ?

RE P LY TO COM= 25 02 5# RE SP O ND )
I am buying a car from a dealer and have been told that the ceramic coating they want to
sell me is permanent, will never looking after – ever, and has a lifetime warranty. “Just
come back to the dealership in 20 years and we’ll reapply it if necessary” etc. Cleary this is
Using something like your DIY ArmorShieldIX applied properly would be far more
affordable and give me control over its maintenance and reapplication in the future
without being tied to a dealer and their whims regarding rejection of warranty etc.
I have three questions:
1. If the ceramic coating is re-applied every few years before it “needs” reapplication, Will
this add further (compounding)protection to the initial application?
2. Similarly, if a ceramic coating like ArmorShieldIX was applied twice within the same
week would that provide a longer protection period before reapplication is necessary due
to there being a double thickness of ceramic coating or doesn’t it work that way? If it does
work that way how much longer protection would it provide?
3. Does application of a paint sealant over the top extend the life of the ceramic coating?
You see where I’m coming from – I’m trying to figure out if there’s a way to extend the
protection because it is a time consuming job to re-apply if done properly.

Travis Lacey 19 N OV 20 1 8 R E PLY ( H T TP S: / / AVA LO NK ING .CO M/ B LOG / TH E -T RU T H -AB OU T-C E R AM IC- CO AT IN GS / ?

R E P LY TO C OM= 2 5 6 3 0# R E SP OND )
I just recently ran into this issue with a client of mine. Dealership told them same thing.
There is NO ceramic coating that lasts 10 years or more. That is false. And as Eric stated,
yes the dealership will blame you the consumer on the failing of the coating. 10/13
27/11/2018 Eric Williams (
A Nverdade
13 OV 2 01 8 Rsobre
E PLY ( H To revestimento
TP S: NK ING .COcerâmico
/ / AVA LO | RU
M/ B LOG / TH E -T AvalonKing
INICIAR ( P LY TO COM= 25 05 7 # RE S PON D0) (
Hi Tony.
I have seen dealerships offer deals like that. They charge a hefty price and 9/10 times
the coat failing on you so its just not something I’d recommend to
anyone. Exactly as you have put it, using Armor Shield IX would give you the control
over the whole thing and would be more affordable by far.
Armor Shield IX lasts from 3 to 5 years during which there is no need to reapply. You
could reapply over the existing coat more often to take advantage of the surface
being much easier to prep while the coating is still at maximum efficiency.
Applying twice would do more on the point of making sure the surface is 100% coated
with no micro spots missed. The increase in durability and longevity would be slight,
hard to say exactly but likely around a 20% boost.
Applying a sealant over the coating is ok but my opinion is that it is just not needed.

Brent White 2 6 OC T 20 1 8 R E PLY ( H T TP S: / / AVA LO NK ING .CO M/ B LOG / TH E -T RU T H -AB OU T-C E R AM IC- CO AT IN GS / ?

RE P LY TO COM= 22 1 9 2 # R E S P OND )
Can this product be used on a fiberglass sided RV to bring back the shine like it was new?
Will the product yellow as I have seen other products do over time?

Eric Williams (

19 N OV 20 1 8 NK ING .CO M/ B LOG / TH E -T RU T H -AB OU T-C E R AM IC- CO AT IN GS / ?
R E PLY ( H T TP S: / / AVA LO

R E P LY TO C OM= 25 5 5 8# RE SP OND )
Hi Brent, Armor Shield IX would give your RV a really nice added shine and it will not
yellow 100%

Henry 2 3 O C T 20 18 R E PLY ( H T TP S: / / AVA LO NK ING .CO M/ B LOG / TH E -T RU T H -AB OU T-C E R AM IC- CO AT IN GS / ?

RE P LY TOCO M = 21 7 9 0 # RE S PON D )
got two kits as a gift several month ago, used it but not impressed. just Ok in my opinion
time will tell if it lasts

Mark 2 3 O C T 20 18 R E PLY ( H T TP S: / / AVA LO NK ING .CO M/ B LOG / TH E -T RU T H -AB OU T-C E R AM IC- CO AT IN GS / ?

R E PLY TO CO M =21 74 9 # R ES PO N D )
How many bottles would I need for a 2107 Ford Mustang convertible

David Hall (

2 3 O C T 20 18 LO NK ING .CO M/ B LOG / TH E -T RU T H -AB OU T-C E R AM IC- CO AT IN GS / ?
R E PLY ( H T TP S: / / AVA

R E P LY TO C OM= 21 7 50 # RE S PO ND )
Hi Mark, would recommend 2 kits.

Bruce Griffin 2 3 O C T 20 18 R E PLY ( H T TP S: / / AVA LO NK ING .CO M/ B LOG / TH E -T RU T H -AB OU T-C E R AM IC- CO AT IN GS / ?

R E PLY TO CO M =21 6 8 5# R E SP OND )

Do I have to remove all the wax before application of the ceramic coating?

David Hall (

2 3 O C T 20 18 LO NK ING .CO M/ B LOG / TH E -T RU T H -AB OU T-C E R AM IC- CO AT IN GS / ?
R E PLY ( H T TP S: / / AVA

RE P LY TO CO M = 21 7 13 # R E S PO ND )
Hi Bruce, yes definitely. All wax or other sealants need to be completely stripped
before applying as they would affect the bonding of the coating to the paint.

Wayne 2 1 O C T 20 18 R E PLY ( H T TP S: / / AVA LO NK ING .CO M/ B LOG / TH E -T RU T H -AB OU T-C E R AM IC- CO AT IN GS / ?

R E PLY TO CO M =21 28 2 # R E S P OND )

I own a detail shop and looking to offer and sell a great product

Jeff 18 O CT 2 01 8 R E PLY ( H T TP S: / / AVA LO NK ING .CO M/ B LOG / TH E -T RU T H -AB OU T-C E R AM IC- CO AT IN GS / ?

R E PLY TO CO M =20 7 9 2 # R E S P OND )

Hi Eric, you seem to really know your stuff! Maybe you are the right person to help answer
my question. I have a vehicle with ArmourShieldIX, which I love. I also have a second
vehicle with a competitors ceramic coating product. I have a resin exchange RODI water
filter in my house for aquarium water. The water is filtered to remove all impurities, salts,
and ions are effectively removed and the water reads 0 tds – however, I know the pH of 11/13
27/11/2018 RO water can drop quickly after being
A verdade sobre exposed to gaseous
o revestimento CO2,| which
cerâmico effectively makes
the water INICIAR (
corrosive (mainly to metals). 0 (
I’m interested in using this as a spot free daily rinse for the vehicle, as well as a final rinse
down after washing. Do you know, is ArmourShieldIX “compatible” with reverse osmosis
water for a final rinse?
Thanks in advance,

Travis Lacey 19 N OV 20 1 8 R E PLY ( H T TP S: / / AVA LO NK ING .CO M/ B LOG / TH E -T RU T H -AB OU T-C E R AM IC- CO AT IN GS / ?

RE P LY TO COM= 25 6 3 1 # R E S P OND )
Yes you can use this. I am a ceramic installer and it is actually recommended for better
results. (Less waterspotting)

Dan Wlodarski 14 O C T 2 01 8 R E PLY ( H T TP S: / / AVA LO NK ING .CO M/ B LOG / TH E -T RU T H -AB OU T-C E R AM IC- CO AT IN GS / ?

R E P LY TO C OM= 19 8 7 1 # R ES PO N D )
I was wondering if you can use this product on a fiberglass boat? If so, the boat does have
some oxidation on it. Would I need to remove the oxidation before applying this product?

Eric Williams (

17 O C T 20 1 8 NK ING .CO M/ B LOG / TH E -T RU T H -AB OU T-C E R AM IC- CO AT IN GS / ?
R E PLY ( H T TP S: / / AVA LO

R E PLY TO CO M =20 4 9 3# R E S P ON D )
Hi Dan. ArmorShieldIX ceramic coating is perfectly suitable for marine applications and
it would be a great fit for your fiberglass boat. It is advised to prepare the surface as
good as possible so I would recommend fixing any issues, including oxidation, prior to
the application.

Brian William Spicer13 O C T 20 18 R E PLY ( H T TP S: / / AVA LO NK ING .CO M/ B LOG / TH E -T RU T H -AB OU T-C E R AM IC- CO AT IN GS / ?

R E P LY TO C OM= 1 9 37 6 # R E S P ON D )
What do you think about coating the bottom of a surf board .

Eric Williams (

13 O C T 20 18 NK ING .CO M/ B LOG / TH E -T RU T H -AB OU T-C E R AM IC- CO AT IN GS / ?
R E PLY ( H T TP S: / / AVA LO

R E P LY TO C OM= 1 9 4 42 # RE S PO ND )
Funcionaria bem 100%. Todas as superfícies porosas sólidas são boas para o
revestimento com o ArmorShieldIX, muito provavelmente haveria uma redução
notável no arrasto sobre a água.


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27/11/2018  A verdade sobre o revestimento cerâmico  | AvalonKing
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