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January 29

Tuesday, 29 January 2019

10:00 AM
Science, Technology and Society

Each of us has a say to STS

Science is
Natural knowledge
Natural philosophy
Natural History
Systematic inquiry into nature
A human cultural
A total science enterprise
Vast social consequences
Organized, well-founded knowledge of nature and human nature

Science is the pursuit and application of knowledge and understanding of the natural and social
world following a systematic methodology based on evidence.

Define Science
Content - body of organized knowledge about nature scientia-knowledge
Method - of obtaining that knowledge, experiment, observation, hypothesis, theory, law
Attitude - organized and systematic skepticism
Language - Mathematics and technical vocabulary
Goals - Explanation, understanding, prediction, control
Tools - Uses Instruments and technologies
Community - Discipline, education, credentials, careers, patrons, societies, "turf"
Process - Organized, but very diverse activity shaped by social forces and historical change

Science by Carl Sagan

Application of knowledge
Solved problems
A total social enterpirse
With vast social consequences

A discourse or treatise on an art or arts

The scientific study of the pratical or industrial arts
Techne "form the arts, skill,
Logos "word"
A system based on the application of knowledge, manifested in physical objects and organizational
form -Rudi Volti-

………….-David Nye-

Basis Science Technology

Meaning Methodical way of gaining knowledge on a The practical application of the

particular subject, through observation and scientific knowledge for various
experiments purposes

Effect useful Can be useful or harmful

Stresses discovery Invention


Deals with Structure and behavior of natural and physical Putting those premises into
world to create premises practice

Why there is no harmful in Science?

There is always a connection in science and technology'.

Without technology many science experiments would not be possible.

Without science, technology could nor process.

Science is a way of knowing.

Technology is a way of doing.
LOUIS PASTEUR- named after the vaccinations to cow pox
EDWARD JENNER - smallpox vaccinations, cow pox

Not merely a system of machines with certain functions, but an expressions of the social world -
David Nye-
The distinction to be made between science as a social subsystem and society as a whole…… - Armo
February 1
Friday, 1 February 2019
10:26 AM
 Involves a series of steps that are used to investigate a natural occurrence
 FRANCIS BACON - First coin or first thought about Scientific Method
 He believed that science is powerful. Technology cannot prosper without science.
 He believed Science would serve to improve the human condition and create a
better world.
 He died from a cold caught while stuffing a chicken with snow in an experiment.
 ROBERT PIRSIG - Article "On Scientific Method"
 Statement of the problem
 Develop a question or problem that can be solved through experiment.
 The main skill is in stating absolutely no more than you are positive you know
 Solve problem: Why doesn't cycle work?
 Solve problem: What is wrong with the electrical system?
 Solve problem: What is wrong with cycle?
*** Observation/ Research
 Make observations and research your topic of interest.

2. Hypotheses as
 Predict a possilbe answer to the problem
 The hypothesis is an educated guess about the relationship between the
independent and dependent variables. If IV or DV.

1. Problem/Question
2. Observation/ Research
3. Formulate a hypothesis
4. Experiment
5. Collect and analyze results
6. Conclusion - state what the experiment has proved
7. Communicate the results -

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