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A Research Note




-ABSTRACT cooled down immediately in an ice water bath. The sampleswere

The thermostability of red beet pigments (betanine and vulgaxan- furthei diluted with the appropriate pH buffer to allow direct ab-
thin-I) was investigatedin beet juice under atmosphericconditions sorbarice measurementi within the range 0.2-0.8 optical density.
at 61.5, 75.5 and 85.5”C and at pH range4.8-6.2. The degradation Color lcontent was analyzed according to the method described by
of both pigments followed first-order reaction kinetics. The energies Saguyjetal. (1978b).
of activation were 19.2 * 0.5 and 16.3 f 0.6 Kcal/mole for betanine Regressioncoefficient determined on the kinetic data describing
and vulgaxanthin-I respectively,and were independent of pH. Max- the pigment losseswere obtained by BMD 02R (Dixon, 1971).
imum thermostability was observedat pH 5.8 for both pigments. In
beet juice under atmospheric conditions vulgaxanthin-I was more
sensitivethan betanine. RESULTS & DISCUSSION

THE CONCENTRATION of the retained betanine and vul-

INTRODUCTION gaxanthin-I monitored in the beet juice under atmospheric
$condi&ons exposed to various heat treatments and time,
AS A CONSEQUENCE of intensified safety awareness and ,gener&ed a straight line when plotted on a semilogarithmic
restrictions imposed on synthetic color compounds for use $.cale,“for each pH tested, indicating a first-order reaction
in foods, considerable attention has been focused in recent lfor bgth pigments studied. The first order kinetics are in
years on natural colorants. Only recently (Anon., 1978), Iiagreetient with previously reported data (von Elbe et al.,
the ‘National Cancer Institute released a report which con- 11974g; Sapers and Hornstein, 1978; Savolainen and Kuusi,
cluded that p-cresidine, basic to the manufacture of FD&C ~1978;/ Saguy et al., 1978a). The first-order reaction kinetics
Red No. 40, one of the two (FD&C red No. 40 and No. 3) permitted reaction rates to be expressed alternatively in
remaining red food colors on the GRAS list, is carcinogenic ‘terms;of half-life values, T1 2.
in the rats and mice in the NIC’s bioassay program. Tefnperature and, pH e4fects on betanine and vulgaxan-
Red and golden cultivars of beet root appear to be one thin-1 thermostability are illustrated in Tables 1 and 2 re-
of the most logical sources of water-soluble colorants. The spectively. Maximum stability was observed at pH 5.8 for
color of beet consists of two major pigments betanine (red) ,both pigments. Previous estimates of optimal pH were re-
and vulgaxanthin-I (yellow). ported as “between 5 and 6” (von Elbe et al., 1974b; Savo-
The effect of pH on the stability of these pigments has lainen’: and Kuusi, 1978).
been studied in a variety of conditions and processes, such Tehperature effect on pigments lability is expressed by
as: sterilization (Habib and Brown, 1956; Lusas et al., the energy of activation or alternatively by the “so called”
1960); food products (von Elbe et al., 1974a); solutions “Q1 0 value. Energies, of activation showed different values
(Kopelman and Saguy, 1977; Peterson and Joslyn, 1960; for the two pigments, (Tables 1 and 2), e.g. 19.2 rf: 0.5 and
Sapers and Horenstein, 1978; Saguy et al., 1978a; Savolai- ~16.3 + 0.6 Kcal/mole for betanine and vulgaxanthin-I, re-
nen and Kuusi, 1978; von Elbe et al., 1974b); extraction in spectively. The pH effect within the range 4.8-6.2 was
air or nitrogen (Wiley and Lee, 1978; Wiley et al., 1979). negligible. The energy of activation for betanine is substan-
However, the reported data are in some cases difficult to tially ‘higher than reported by von Elbe et al. (1974b) (at
evaluate because factors such as enzymatic activity, dilution ,pH S), e.g. 12.5 + 2.0 and 10.0 f 2.0 Kcal/mole in model
effect, oxygen concentration, pH, cultivar, and light were not system and beet juiCe, respectively. Sapers and Hornestein
always considered. (1978) also reported betanine degradation rate constant at
This paper presents data on pH and temperature effect 2S°C ‘and pH 5 which was significantly lower than reported
on betanine and vulgaxanthin-I thermostability in beet by vdn Elbe et al. (1974b) (e.g. 0.066 vs 0.88 day-‘). A
juice. possible reason for the discrepancies is betanine decolora-
tion &e to oxidation, which is particularly important at
EXPERIMENTAL relati$ely low temperatures and long times of exposure. Un-
BEET JUICE was obtained by homogenizingblanched beet slicesin der these conditions differences in dissolved oxygen con-
a Waring Blendor with an equal weight of McIlvaines O.lM buffer centration can furnish an explanation of the differences in
solution of various pH ranging from 4.8-6.2 at room temperature. observed rates. Moreover, the excellent agreement found
The slices were blanched in steam for 4 min to prevent enzymatic when’comparing the half-life time obtained at 75.5’C with
activity. The juice was filtered (Whatman No. 1) and 20 ml were values reported recently by Pasch and von Elbe (1979) sup-
filled into vials. The unsealedvials were placed in a thermostatically ports,ithe assumption, that discrepancies exist mainly at low
controlled (+ O.l”C) shaking water bath, for the heat treatment temperatures and are due to differences in oxidative decol-
exposure. The vials (triplicates) were withdrawn periodically and ~oratiqn.
Unblrinched beet juice under atmospheric conditions and
modeiate temperatties is very susceptible to enzymatic de-
Author Saguy, formerly affiliated with Technion, the Israeli Insti- coloration. The activity (polyphenol oxidase) was the topic
tute of Technology, is now with the Department of Nutrition & of nukerous studies (Lee and Smith, 1978; Soboleva et al.,
Food Science, Room 56-107, Massachusetts institute of Techno- ,,1976; Viner, 1977). Results indicated a maximum enzyme
logy, Cambridge, MA 02 139. potency in the range 25-43OC; however, residual activity
was noted even after a relatively high temperature long time
0022-1147/79/0005-1554$02.25/O expodure (Lee and Smith, 1978; Wiley et al., 1979). Betacy-
01979 Institute of Food Technologists anines are more susceptible to this enzymatic decoloration
than betaxanthines (Kopelman and Saguy, 1977; Wiley et

1554-JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE-Volume 44 (1979)


Table l-Effect of temperature and pH on betanine thermostability in beet juice (kb first order rate constant, min-‘; T, i2 half life, min)

pH 4.8 pH 5.2 pH 5.8 pH 6.2

(“C) kbx103 T, 12 kbx103 T, 11 kbx103 T, /z kbXl@ T, 12

61.5 6.3 110.1 5.6 124.5 4.5 154.3 5.5 126.6

75.5 24.3 28.5 16.5 41.9 14.6 47.4 16.8 41.2
85.5 40.5 17.1 37.4 18.5 32.0 21.7 40.5 17.1
1oo.oa 113.0 6.1 98.0 7.1 94.6 7.3 117.7 5.9

Energy of activation
(Kcal/mole) 18.8 18.8 19.6 19.7
0, ,, (70-80°C) 2.19 2.19 2.27 2.27

a Calculated

Table P-Effect of temperature and pH on vulgaxanthin-I thermostability in beet juice (k,-first order rate constant, min.‘; T, ,z half-
life mini
PH 4.8 pH 5.2 pH 5.8 pH 6.2
(“C) k,x 10’ T,lz k,,xlO’ T&l, k,,xlO’ T,/* k,x103 T,/,
61.5 11.9 58.2 9.5 72.6 8.8 78.6 9.1 76.5
75.5 34.1 20.4 25.1 27.8 23.4 29.7 24.3 28.5
85.5 56.0 12.4 49.7 13.6 45.6 15.4 49.3 14.0
1 oo.o= 133.7 5.2 120.4 5.8 114.6 6.1 123.9 5.6
Energy of activation
(Kcal/mole) 15.5 16.3 16.5 16.8
0, o (70-80°C) 1.91 1.97 1.99 2.01

a Calculated

Lee. C.Y. and Smith. N.L. 1978. Polyphenol oxidase activity in

al., 1979) while the opposite behavior was observed in table beets. Presented at the 38th Annual Meeting of the Insti-
blanched juice (Tables 1 and 2). tute of Food Technologists, Dallas, TX.
The energy of activation values for vulgaxanthin-I were Lusas. E.W., Rice, A.C. and Weckel, K.G. 1960. Changes in the color
of canning beets. Res. Bull. 218. University of Wisconsin, Mad-
slightly affected by the beet juice pH (Table 2), however, ison, WI.
the difference observed was not significant. The calculated Pasch, J.H. and van Elbe, J.H. 1979. Betanine stability in buffered
solutions containing organic acids, metal cations, antioxidants, or
values at 1OO’C of vulgaxanthin-I degradation rate con- sequestrants. J. Food Sci. 44: 72.
stant, k,, and the half-life, T1 /2, are in general agreement Peterson, R.G. and Joslyn, M.A. 1960. The red pigment of the root
with previously reported values for purified pigment solu- of the beet (Beta
as a pyrrole compound. Food Res. 25:

tions (Savolainen and Kuusi, 1978) but differ substantially Saguy, I., Kopelman, I.J. and Mizrahi, S. 1978a. Thermal kinetic
from those reported for beet juice. This discrepancy may be deaadation of betanine and betalanic acid. J. Agri. Food Chem.
2612): 360.
to some extent attributed to different atmospheric condi- &guy, I.,Kopelman, I.J. and Mizrahi, S. 197813. Computer aided
tions (air vs nitrogen). determination of beet pigments. J. Food Sci. 43: 124.
Sapers, G.M. and Hornstein. J.S. 1978. Varietal differences in colo-
It might be worth emphasizing that substantial thermo- rant properties and stability of red beet pigments. Presented at
stability differences were found in beet pigments as af- the 38th Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists,
fected by different systems (solution, beet juice and slices), Dallas,
K. land Kuusi. T. 1978. The stability properties of gol-
water activity, atmosphere (oxygen, nitrogen), pH, light, den beet and red beet pigments: influence of pH. temperature
beet variety, organic acids, metals and other factors. Thus, and some stabilizers. Z. Lebensm. Unters.-Forsch 166: 19.
Soholeva, G.A.. Ul’yanova, M.S., Zakharova, N.S. and Bokuchava,
special attention is required when data are compared or M.A. 1976. Betacynine-decolorizing enzyme. Biokhimiya. 41:
used. Moreover, further research is required in order to fur- 968.
Viner, Y. 1977. Enzymatic degradation of red beet pigments (beta-
nish some explanation to the forementioned phenomena. nine and vulgaxanthin-I). B.Sc. thesis (Hebrew), Technion-Israel
Institute of Technology.
van Elbe, J.H., Klement, J.T., Amundson, C.H.. Cassens. R.G. and
Lindsay, R.C. 1974a. Evaluation of betalaine pigments as sausage
REFERENCES colorants. J. Food Sci. 39: 128.
van Elbe. J.H., Maing, I.Y. and Amundson, C.H. 197413. Color sta-
An;c~ymous. 1978. Red 40 safety in doubt at NCI. Fd. Eng. 50(10): bility of betanine. J. Food Sci. 39: 334.
Wiley, R.C. and Lee, Y.N. 1978. Recovery of betalaines from red
Dixon, W.J. 1971. Biomedical Computer Programs. University of beets by a diffusion-extraction procedure. J. Food Sci. 43: 1056.
California Press, Berkeley, CA. Wiley. R.C., Lee. Y.N.. Saladini, J.J.. WYSS. R.C. and Topalian, H.H.
Habib, A.T. and Brown, H.D. 1956. The effect of oxygen and 1979. Efficiency studies of a continuous diffusion apparatus for
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Kopelman. I.J. and Saguy. I. 1977. Color stability of beet powders. M S rdceived 3126179; revised 611179; accepted 6/g/79.
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Volume 44 (1979)-JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE- 1555

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