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TQM Assignment (MAE-8th Sem,2019)

Sr No. Topic
1 Need for ISO 9000- ISO 9000-2000 Quality System- Case studies of TQM
implementation in manufacturing
2 The seven traditional tools of quality- Six Sigma’s applications to manufacturing,
service sector including IT
3 Leadership- Customer focus – Customer orientation, Customer satisfaction
4 The seven traditional tools of quality- -Quality circles – Quality Function Deployment
5 Leadership- Team and Teamwork, Recognition and Reward, Performance appraisal
6 The seven traditional tools of quality- TPM – Concepts, improvement needs
7 Introduction- Contributions of Deming
8 The seven traditional tools of quality- -Quality circles – Quality Function Deployment
9 Leadership- Strategic quality planning, Quality statements
10 Need for ISO 9000- ISO 9000-2000 Quality System- ISO 14000 – Concepts,
Requirements and Benefits
11 Introduction- Barriers to TQM
12 Leadership- Continuous process improvement –PDSA cycle
13 Introduction- Contributions of Crossby
14 Need for ISO 9000- ISO 9000-2000 Quality System- Case studies of TQM
implementation in service sectors including IT.
15 Introduction- Need for quality - Evolution of quality - Definition of quality
16 The seven traditional tools of quality- New management tools – Six-sigma: Concepts,
17 Introduction- Contributions of Crosby
18 The seven traditional tools of quality- Cost of Quality – Performance measures.
19 Leadership- 5s, Kaizen
20 Need for ISO 9000- ISO 9000-2000 Quality System- Case studies of TQM
implementation in services
21 Introduction- Contributions of Juran
22 Need for ISO 9000- ISO 9000-2000 Quality System- Case studies of TQM
implementation in manufacturing
23 Introduction- Contributions of Deming
24 The seven traditional tools of quality- Bench marking – Reason to bench mark, Bench
marking process
25 Leadership- Team and Teamwork, Recognition and Reward, Performance appraisal
26 The seven traditional tools of quality- Six Sigma’s applications to manufacturing,
service sector including IT
27 Introduction- Contributions of Crosby
28 The seven traditional tools of quality- Taguchi quality loss function
29 Need for ISO 9000- ISO 9000-2000 Quality System- Case studies of TQM
implementation in service sectors including IT.
30 Leadership- Customer focus – Customer orientation, Customer satisfaction
31 The seven traditional tools of quality- -Quality circles – Quality Function Deployment
32 Leadership- Team and Teamwork, Recognition and Reward, Performance appraisal
33 Need for ISO 9000- ISO 9000-2000 Quality System- Case studies of TQM
implementation in manufacturing
34 The seven traditional tools of quality- TPM – Concepts, improvement needs
35 The seven traditional tools of quality- Taguchi quality loss function
36 Need for ISO 9000- ISO 9000-2000 Quality System- Case studies of TQM
implementation in service sectors including IT.
37 Leadership- Strategic quality planning, Quality statements
38 Introduction- Basic concepts of TQM - Definition of TQM – TQM Framework
39 Need for ISO 9000- ISO 9000-2000 Quality System- Case studies of TQM
implementation in manufacturing
40 Introduction- Barriers to TQM
41 Leadership- 5s, Kaizen
42 The seven traditional tools of quality- -Quality circles – Quality Function Deployment
43 Leadership- Team and Teamwork, Recognition and Reward, Performance appraisal
44 Leadership -Supplier partnership – Partnering, Supplier selection, Supplier Rating.
45 The seven traditional tools of quality- TPM – Concepts, improvement needs
46 Leadership- Team and Teamwork, Recognition and Reward, Performance appraisal
47 Introduction- Need for quality - Evolution of quality - Definition of quality
48 The seven traditional tools of quality- FMEA – Stages, Types
49 Leadership- Employee involvement – Motivation, Empowerment,
50 The seven traditional tools of quality- Bench marking – Reason to bench mark, Bench
marking process
51 Need for ISO 9000- ISO 9000-2000 Quality System-Elements, Documentation,
Quality auditing-
52 Introduction- Contributions of Crosby
53 The seven traditional tools of quality- Cost of Quality – Performance measures.
54 Leadership- Strategic quality planning, Quality statements
55 Introduction- Contributions of Juran
56 Leadership- Team and Teamwork, Recognition and Reward, Performance appraisal
57 The seven traditional tools of quality- Bench marking – Reason to bench mark, Bench
marking process
58 Need for ISO 9000- ISO 9000-2000 Quality System- Case studies of TQM
implementation in manufacturing
59 The seven traditional tools of quality- TPM – Concepts, improvement needs
60 Need for ISO 9000- ISO 9000-2000 Quality System-QS 9000 -Concepts,
Requirements and Benefits
61 Introduction- Dimensions of manufacturing and service quality
62 Introduction- Basic concepts of TQM - Definition of TQM – TQM Framework
63 Leadership- Customer complaints, Customer retention

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