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Student Name: Nelson Bautista English Teacher: Lemere 

Your Topic: “​Should we talk to people we don’t know, and what could be some consequences?”  
You will keep a record of your work on your Graduation Project on this form. It will help you pace 
yourself. This is your documentation of the time that you spend working on your project. This log 
must be included in your portfolio. Without this, your portfolio is considered incomplete. If you 
meet with a mentor, ask your mentor to email you directly stating the date and time spent 
working. You may choose to maintain a product journal in addition to or in place of the product log. 
NOTE: You may access this from Google Drive at any time if you are logged in to your student email 
account on your personal device. Complete this log as you go, do not wait until the end to estimate 
time spent.  
Date  Description of What You  Resources Used  Time Spent (in 
Did/Where  minutes or hours) 

02/15/19  I made a brochure and gave  I looked into different  1 hour and 50 minutes  
it to friends and family  websites and talked 
members.   to officers that are in 
the CMPD 

02/20/19  I talked to my friend and his  3 hours and 40 

family and asked them what  minutes  
is their opinion on the 


02/21/19  I talked to Alen Sejdic, a  He gave me an idea  2 hours and 27 

police officer at the CMPD  on how the body  minutes  
and he gave me his  camera works and 
feedback on what is his  what were pros and 
opinion is about the  cons about wearing 
brochure.   them. 
02/23/19  I talked to 4 of my family  4 hours and 1 minute   
members and asked what 
was their opinion about it. 

02/28/19  I went to different stores  I talked to the  3 hours and 30 

and I posted the brochure  managers in Compare  minutes  
on walls for people to see.  Foods, Dannies, Food 
Lion, and Subway, if 
they give me 
permission to post my 
brochure on their 















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