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DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY {3 PAFTERSON AVENUE SE SUITE S00 JAGICNLSCINST 1150.18 Code 61 cr 15.2008 /LEGSVCCO} 1 RUCTION 1150.1E. From: Judge Advocate General ofthe Navy ‘Commander, Naval Legal Service Command Subj: RECRUITING, INTERNSHIP/EXTERNSHIP, STRUCTURED INTERVIEW, AND ACCESSIONS PROGRAMS Ref (@) OPNAVINST 1120.18 (®) SECNAVINST 1520.7F (©) OPNAVINST 1210.5 (@) In-service Procurement Program Authorization 111A of April 2013, (@SUSC.§311 (D5 CFR 308.101-103 (@) JAGINST 5040.18, (i) JAGINST 5370.1 (OPNAVINST 1120.13 @JAGICNRC Memorandum of Agreement of 13 Jan 12 (NOTAL) IOUS. § 1588 () OPNAVINST 5380.1D (m) SECNAV M-5210.1 (2) OPNAVINST 5215.17 Enel: (1) Judge Advocate General's Corps Recruiting, Intemship/Extemship, Structured Interview, and Accessions Programs 1. Purpose, To establish policies and procedures related to recruiting and seleting applicants {or commission inthe Navy Judge Advocate General's Corps JAGC) under the Student rogram (SP) and the Direct Appointment Program (DAP), to include policies and procedures for reeruiting-related activities such as participation in the JAGC Internship/Extership Program and the Structured Interview Process. 2. Cancellation. JAGICNLSCINST 1150.1D. This instruction provides minor updates tothe intemshifestership program section, reflecting recent statutory and OPNAVINST updates regarding access o Privacy Act information. Additionally the eitri for officers tobe ceitied to conduct structured interviews were clarified. 3. Scope. This instruction applies to all personnel involved in JAGC recruiting, the JAGC Inemship/Externship Program, Structured Interviews, and Accession Selection Boards (ASB) for the SP and DAP. Reference (a) governs the appointment of officers in the JAGC. Reference (©) governs Law Education Program (LEP) applications and selection, Reference (c) governs Lateral Transfer/Redesignation applications and selection. Reference (2) governs In-service JAGICNLSCINST 1150.1: Procurement Program (IPP) applications and selection. References (e) and (f) provide authority for the acceptance of voluntzer service of student intems. Reference (g) governs inspection of | ‘Naval Legal Service Command (NLSC) offices. Reference (h) sets forth policies anc standards for JAGC reenuting officer conduct. References () and G) assign te Judge Advocate General GAG) responsibility for recruiting and professionally recommending candidates for commissioning in the Navy JAGC. Reference (k) authorizes the military department to reerit ‘and accept services from student volunteers, and permits such volunteers to be consicered federal ‘employees for Privacy Act purposes. Reference () implements reference (k) within the Navy and authorizes the Judge Advocate General to implement procedures and policies for volunteers providing legal services. +4. Background. To ensure that the JAGC continues to attract high quality officers, all designated JAGC personnel will actively assist Commander, Navy Reeling Command {(CNRC) recruiting ffors. Commanding Officers in NLSC are primarily responsible for recruiting and reeniting-elated activity in their assigned geographic areas of responsibilty (AOR). Neverthles, ll judge advocates, including those offices assigned to commands ‘outside ofthe Office ofthe udge Advocate General (OJAG) and NLSC, ae strongly encouraged to support JAGC recruiting and reeuting-related efforts, Coordination among sive and Reserve judge advocates, Navy recruiters, and law schools will ensure that interested candidates reczve timely and accurate information on JAGC opportunities and programs, ‘The JAGC ‘website, ww jag.navvmil, provides the most uptodate information on JAGC accessions programs. Additional resources for judge advocates willbe updated and mainained onthe Code 61 1AG Poral sit. 5. Internal Guidance Only. This instruction provides intemal JAGC guidance on JAGC recruiting, intemships/externships, structured interviews, and accessions boards. It i not intended to and does not create any rights or benefits, substantive or procedural, enforceable at Jaw by any person. This instruction does not limit the lawful prerogatives of the Department of the Navy, the JAGC, or its officials. 6 Pointof Conia. The OJAG Military Personnel Division (Code 6) isthe point of contact for all mater relating to this instruction and may be reached at Code61 7. Records Management. Records created asa result ofthis instruction, regardless of media and format, must be managed per reference (m). JAGICNLSCINST 1150.18 8. Review and Effective Date. Per reference (n), Code 61 will review this instuetion annually on the anniversary ofits effective date to ensute applicability, currency, and consistency with Federal, Department of Defense, SECNAV, and Navy policy and statutory authority using OPNAV 5215/40 Review of Instruction. AS the instruction nears its 5-year anniversary and is still required, it will be reissued, Otherwise, ifthe instruction is no longer required, it will be processed for cancellation as soon asthe cancellation is known following the guidance in E.O. 13526. MP Cumbll Hematake D.E. CRANDALL JOHN G. HANNINK, Commander, Naval Legal Service Command Judge Advocate General

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