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“Sir, are you okay?” Matt opened his eyes and saw a child staring down at him. He heard noises

that only could be heard in a city: people calling for taxis, traffic, and people walking on

sidewalks. He suddenly felt dizzy and pain in his entire body. Matt sat up on the sidewalk and

noticed that he was surrounded by people, all circled around him. A man approached him and

gently moved the child out of the way. The man crouched to Matt's’ level and asked Matt a

question. “What is your name?” Matt thought about it for a minute the said “I don’t know”.

Matt closed and locked his apartment door. He was on his way to a job interview. He really

wanted this job, a cook at a 4-star steak house. Matt was a pretty good meat cook and liked

making foods that involved: meat, meat, and more meat. Another reason he wanted this job was

that it was right across the street from his apartment. Matt took the stairs from the 3rd floor to the

lobby. He said hi to the doorman and in return the doorman gave Matt his daily joke. “What did

the man say when he broke a flowerpot?” asked the doorman. Matt’s eyes widened as he recalled

a memory from his childhood. He was around 12 years old and was leaving the house when his

little brother appeared in front of him. “What did the boy say when he broke a flowerpot? “asked

Matt’s brother. “Oopsy-daisy!” yelled the little brother and ran away (to the kitchen). Matt shook

his head and walked out of the door, just as a flowerpot fell out of a window above him and

crashed on his head. “Oopsy-daisy” said the doorman, bringing Matt back to the present. Matt

then walked out of the apartment building and looked up at a flowerpot falling right above him.
“Are you sure you don’t know who you are?” asked the man. “Wait, I know him!” a voice

shouted. Another man emerged from the crowd. He resembled Matt, same dark hair, dark eyes

and same nose. “He’s my brother!” exclaimed the man. Matt looked at his brother and curiously.

“Do I know you?” asked Matt. The brother looked at Matt and said “It’s me, Jake. Your

brother.” Jake took Matt to the apartment building and led Matt his apartment. “This is your

apartment” Jake pointed to the door and asked Matt to open it. Matt reached into his pocket and

took out a simple silver key with a number on it. The number on the key matched the number on

the door. Matt opened it and smelled disgusting smells, dirty laundry, leftovers and more smells

of a dirty apartment. Matt looked disgusted and looked at his brother. “Sorry if you don’t clean

your own house” said the brother after seeing how disgusted Matt was. Jake walked in and

headed to the kitchen while Matt stared at his apartment from the doorway. He stared at his red

couch and blue coffee table and different mismatched furniture. At last he stared at his dining

table with four chairs and a painting of a steak above it. He realized that he had somewhere to be

when Jake came back holding a spoonful of honey. “What time is it?” Matt asked his brother.

Jake looked at his answered “It’s 10:45. You have a watch too, you know. Do you have

somewhere to be?” “I am late for something” said Matt. Jake told Matt to smear the honey onto

his forehead. Matt remembered his mother smearing honey on his forehead when he was

younger but couldn’t remember why. Matt eagerly took the spoon and smeared the honey onto

his forehead.

The reading board’s screen went blank. Mr. Jake closed the board with a button and turned to the

class. “What is the point of view in this?” Several hands shot up. Mr. Jake called on Emily. “First

person?” “No, remember first person says I, me and my.” Mr. Jake replied. He called on Tom.
“An omniscient narrator?” “Exactly!” Mr. Jake said, writing it on the board. “We know this

because the narrator knows the feelings of the characters. On a different topic, what do you think

will happen next?” He called on Connor. “He will get his memory back?” Connor said

nervously. “We won’t know unless you all read the next one as tonight’s homework. The

electronic beep that signaled the end on class was heard in everyone’s head simultaneously,

followed by a notification from Mr. Jake that had an attached pdf of the next story. “Have a good

day” Said Mr. Jake called as students reached into their pockets, pulled out a cube with a button

that they pressed and stepped onto the unfolding hover board. When the last student zoomed out

of the class, the teacher sent a question to all his students. The next day none of the kids arrived

to school. And there were a number of cases of flowerpots falling from windows.

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