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Zoe Bond

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1.)“Inclusion of Diverse Groups in STEM Leads to Increased Creativity, Innovation.” ​INSIGHT

Into Diversity,​ 14 Sept. 2017,

This significant article reveals the importance of inclusion of diversity in STEM and its

role that it plays currently in STEM. It explains that more effort has to made to involve

welcoming and including women specifically women who are part of the minority. The article

also provides information of two women named, Jo ​Handelsman and Cherie Butts, who

emphasize the importance of diversity. ​They talked about how the impact of diversity can allow

for innovations in STEM to be made. The article mentioned that the first steps of STEM

industries is to increase more participation early in childhood and to have more available mentors

for minorities. The central idea is that with more inclusion of diverse groups and the continuation

of efforts made by STEM companies, minorities will be able to share their ideas.

The author, Lisa McBride, is qualified to discuss the inclusion of diversity in stem

because their credentials includes a PhD in Philosophy from Nova Southeastern University and a

Bachelor of Science in Criminology from Indiana State University. Her experience includes

being the i​naugural ​Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion at Salem State University, and she

is currently the assistant dean of diversity and inclusion, chief diversity and inclusion officer, and

a professor of medical education at Texas Christian University and the University of North Te​xas
Health Science Center School of Medicine. ​Her contact information is included in the

article.Written 2 years ago, this source is current on the topic of diverse groups in STEM that

lead to increased innovation. The coverage can be considered broad and deep because the article

has a lot information and quotes of women in STEM, who explain their roles that they have

played in to help benefit minorities in STEM and also has data that back up the why it's

important to have diversity. The information contained in the source can be verified elsewhere.

For example, the author says that 75% of biotech firms have no women of color in any

leadership positions, and that 97 % their scientific advisory boards have no women of color,

which can be corroborated by 2017 data from the Association for Women in Science in her

publication. This is important because it shows how minorities are underrepresented in STEM.

The purpose of this article is to have more inclusion and diversity in STEM because it could lead

to ​to increased creativity and innovation​. The audience is primarily towards to young minorities

who might be interested in a career path into STEM because their interest might be the spark that

causes for more creative ideas and new technologies.

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