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Welcome and well done for taking the first step to becoming your own POWERHOUSE
Boss. I know this is just the beginning of such an exciting journey for you!

To uncover the things that are holding us back from the life we truly want, we must go
through the following stages. 

1. Awareness
2. Acknowledgement
3. Acceptance
4. Healing
5. EXPANSIVE growth

In this training, we're going to cover off 3 things that are holding you back.


The first thing that's holding you back is your FIRST FAILURE as a child.

Think back to your earliest memory of when you felt like you’d failed? In most cases it
may be something your parents, teacher, or someone of authority said to you, since
those were the people who you respected and honored the most.

Now take a minute in silence to think back to, and visualise exactly how you felt in that
instance. And ask yourself - what story did you tell yourself from that moment

For example. You got your first school report and you were so excited to show your
parents because you’d worked so hard during the school term. You got home, showed
your parents and saw the look of complete and utter disappointment on their faces.
Because all they saw was the C you got on your report. They said the words “I’m so
disappointed in you. You should be doing better than this”.

From that moment, up until now (and even though you may not realise it) you've been
telling yourself the story of “I’m not smart enough” or “I’m not good enough”. The story
you are telling yourself is likely limiting your potential. And now you have a fear of
aiming high because you have this underlying thought that you're not good, smart, or
clever enough

Success Coach | | IG: @kellywing_ 1

Other examples of feelings of failure might be: "I'm not worthy”. "I’m ugly". And a
common one amongst siblings, “I’m the less successful sibling".

We can allow this story to consume us for the rest of our lives, or we can choose to
consciously create a new thought and story about ourselves.

The question is, what story will you choose to recreate for yourself?


Now we're going to take an action step on your first failure as a child.

Read the below, and close your eyes while you sit and visualise.

Take yourself back in time to your first moment of failure as a child.

Who was there?
How did you feel?
What words were said?

Knowing what you know now, what words would you say to your younger self?
What reassuring words would you tell your younger self? 

Now that we are aware of, and acknowledge this first failure, we can move on to
accept, heal & grow past it.

Because it this such a deep rooted issue and belief that has been with us for such a
long time, it is onlywhen we heal and grow past it, that we experience EXPANSIVE
growth and transformation.
It’s not something that you can overcome overnight. It takes a long time to push past
it all because it’s been with us for such a long time.

I dive deep into these inner blocks and issues with my 1:1 VIP clients. If something
came up for you here, and you know you need to heal and grow further so you can
create greater success in your life, send me a message either through my website or
via DM me on Instagram (see bottom of page).


The second thing that's holding you back is a RECENT FAILURE.

Think back to a recent time where you started something but then quit, gave up, and
didn’t see it through to the end. It was a big goal of yours but you stopped at the first
or second obstacle. Maybe it was a project, a business idea, a health goal, or a video or

Ask yourself - why did you give up on it? 

Success Coach | | IG: @kellywing_ 2

Some reasons might be:
“I lost motivation”
"It got too hard”
“ t took up too much time”
“I got distracted”
"It was too much effort"
"People wouldn’t be interested in what I have to put out there anyway”

Our minds are such powerful tools. See how a simple and single thought can take us
off track? The fact that we have the brain power to bring that thought into our minds,
means we also have the power to overcome that same thought, also with our minds.


Choose an affirmation to believe instead of the negative one that played out in your
mind. For example, if your excuse was "I lost motivation". Change that to “I
acknowledge there will always be up’s and downs in any journey to success, and my
motivation WILL find its way back”.

Or if your excuse was “People wouldn’t be interested in what I have to put out there”,
change that though to “Imagine all of the people who WILL be interested in what I
have to put out there!”
Notice how it feels when you consciously choose to use affirmative language?

These are called limiting beliefs, which put a ceiling on our success. They'll always be
there no matter how successful we are. It's only once we learn how to respond and
react accordingly, that we can then push past them.

If you have a history of limiting beliefs that constantly come up after pursuing any
goal or project, or if you constantly find yourself giving up at the first or second
obstacle, this is something I dive much deeper into with my 1:1 VIP clients. I help
them push through their own barriers so they can create the success they want. So
they can create the dream life they've always wanted. Limiting beliefs is also a topic
covered off in more depth in the group online training.


The third thing that's holding you back is Society Conditioning.

When you're in pursuit of something outside the norm, this one is super important.

Understand that most things you currently have in your life is due to society
conditioning. The education or degree you have. The house you own. The ring on your
finger. Your job title. The salary you earn each year. Society has told us we ‘should’ live
a certain way. A 'safe' way.

I’m not saying these are bad things. They’re actually good things, as they give us a
sense of accomplishment and something to work towards.

Success Coach | | IG: @kellywing_ 3

However, if you want a life that goes beyond all of that. Beyond mediocrity.
Beyond ‘ticking boxes’. Beyond the mundane 9-5. Beyond waiting until 65 for
retirement. Beyond the 4 weeks of annual leave you get each year. Beyond the office
cubicle you’re constrained to for 40+ hours a week. 

It is so important to form a new set of beliefs, and recondition your mind for the
success you want to create (instead of the success others want for you).

The type of success that can have you be your own Powerhouse Boss. So that
you can work from anywhere in the world. So that you can shine and express yourself
fully in this world .


Close your eyes for a minute and visualise what your life would look like if time and
money wasn’t an issue.

What would you be doing?

Who would you be with?
Where would you be living?
How would you feel?

Know that in order to move towards that life, you need to start to
think verydifferently. Because everything you’ve been taught up until now, likely
doesn’t allow for that lifestyle.


Out of the 5 stages - awareness, acknowledgement, we have covered the stages of

awareness and acknowledgement, very briefly of course.

These kind of deep-rooted issues have been with you for YEARS so just know they can
take months or even years to resolve. we canot overcome them overnight. 

But when you can move through to the stages of acceptance, healing, and expansive
growth, THAT is where the magic happens. 

Having a coach to help you overcome these helps accelerate and fast track your growth.
I’d love to have covered off all 5 stages in this video but it’s not possible with the time we
have! In both the online group training and 1:1 VIP sessions, we dive DEEP into this.

There is SO much magic on the other side of expansive growth and it all starts by making
one decision. And that decision is to go for it.



Success Coach | | IG: @kellywing_ 4

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