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Daphny Ochoa


15 April 2019

Cancer Research Paper

Cancer is a large number of diseases that is characterized by the development of

abnormal cells that are divided uncontrollably and have the ability to infiltrate and destroy body

tissues . If this distribution is not controlled, it will eventually unfortunately lead to death.

Although the reason why this illness produces remains unknown for some cancers, especially

those that happen within childhood, there are some recognized cancer cases, including lifestyle

factors like tobacco uses which can result to lung cancer and excess body weight such as breast,

colon,kidney, etc and non- modifiable factors, such as inherited genetic mutations, immune

conditions, and hormones. These risk factors can be simultaneously or in sequence to create

cancer development.

The cell cycle can impact our everyday lives in a negative way. Cancers are the result of

improper cell separation frequently stemming from aberrations in the regular cell cycle control.

Significant research is conducted to distinguishing changes in cell cycle regulatory proteins, both

as objectives for remedial treatment and as biomarkers that may suggest prognosis for tumors.

Additionally, the area of stem cell life is closely related to cell cycle control because these

pluripotent cells will split slowly over longer period and still cause development and

differentiation when required. Other areas of new research include investigating control at the

development of meat and in regeneration, where dormant cells will be changed back into the

replicative state.
In most cases cancer is occurs by gene mutations that can happen randomly in one or a

couple of cell body. When gene changes the proper term for it is physical mutations, may occur

as the natural result of aging or when the DNA is damaged. The mutations of the gene are just

existing at some of the substance cells, and they are not passed on from parents to their own

child, but there is a small proportion of people with cancer, this illness is because of the different

kind of mutations called genetic mutation, or germline mutation. Theses mutations are

commonly inherited from one or both that individual’s parents, and are present at almost every

cell of the body due to the genetic mutations are present at the DNA of sperm and egg cells, they

will be passed down of their families.

Cancer begins after a series of mutations that lead to cells that divide as if they are

eternal. This is accompanied by the development of the tumor that will invade nearby tissues and

organs. The term is sometimes applied when the person’s cancer hasn’t returned with five years

after the treatment they have received from their doctors. Nevertheless. The idea of a cure for

cancer is difficult to refer to cancer because the undetected cancer cells will sometimes will be in

the body even after taking the treatment which causes the cancer to come back later in the future


Some individuals with cancer will have one treatment, However, majority of individuals

will have to take a combination of treatments such as operation with chemotherapy and radiation

therapy. When you need the treatment you have to take it to considerations because it can affect

your body and it’s not guarantee this will hundred percent treat the cancer. For example,the stem

cell transplants are processes that can fix blood forming root cells to cancer patients who have
gotten theirs ruined by high doses of chemotherapy or the radiation therapy. Theses kinds of

transplants unfortunately have the side effects that may affect your life entirely,

Work Cited

Maria Cohut

Aaron Kandola

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