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Zircon Behaviour and

the Thermal Histories

of Mountain Chains Convoluted zoning in a
largely recrystallized

Simon L. Harley1, Nigel M. Kelly1 and Andreas Möller2

sing the U–Pb geochronology of zircon we can understand the growth ZIRCON DATING OF DEEP
and collapse of mountain chains, both recent and ancient. In the high- CRUST IN HOT OROGENS
temperature metamorphic rocks that underlie mountain ranges, zircon Because of its ubiquity in crustal
rocks and its proven capability in
may survive from precursor rocks, recrystallize, or grow anew. All these U–Pb geochronology, zircon can
possibilities must be considered in the interpretation of zircon ages. Micro- provide a link between P–T and
textural characterisation and microanalysis, coupled with considerations of time in hot orogens. In high-
temperature (high-T) terrains, signif-
mineral equilibria and trace element distributions between zircon and neigh-
icant parts of the P–T evolutionary
bouring silicate minerals, provide insights into the factors controlling zircon paths lie at temperatures in excess
modification and growth. Zircon ages do not usually correspond to the peak of 800°C. Zircon is in many cases
the only mineral that can provide
of metamorphism but instead provide information on the history of cooling
age information that survives
from high temperatures, including the timing and rates of exhumation of increasing temperatures, residence
the deep roots of mountain chains. at the thermal peak, and immedi-
ate post-peak metamorphic reac-
KEYWORDS: zircon, ultrahigh-temperature metamorphism, tions within this critical tempera-
hot orogens, trace elements, U–Pb geochronology ture window. FIGURE 1 depicts a
generic temperature–time evolu-
tion through potential zircon-
METAMORPHISM AT EXTREME forming, zircon-consuming and zircon-modifying reactions
TEMPERATURES DURING OROGENESIS and processes that are dependent on rock composition,
Thermal-mechanical modelling of collisional orogenic belts pressure and fluid–melt–rock interaction.
such as the Himalayas has highlighted the importance of There are two main reasons why only zircon can provide
the deep crust in the high-temperature deformation that the age information required to define these thermal histo-
drives orogenic systems (Jamieson et al. 2004). High- ries. First, the temperature window lies above the diffu-
temperature metamorphic terrains represent the remains of sional closure temperatures of many other geochronologi-
deep crustal roots (Harley 1998) and are common not only cal systems – many of which are below 700°C – but does not
in Precambrian shields but also in Phanerozoic orogenic lie above the diffusional closure temperature of Pb in zircon
belts. They preserve in their mineral assemblages records of (Cherniak and Watson 2000). Hence, systems such as U–Pb
high- (>800°C) to ultrahigh-temperature metamorphism in rutile, Ar–Ar in micas and even Sm–Nd in garnet in gen-
(900°C–1100°C) during orogenesis, at pressures equivalent eral record only the later, post-peak cooling history; if cool-
to crustal depths of only 25–50 kilometres (Harley 1998). ing is slow (e.g. 3°C/Myr in some terrains), the ‘apparent’
They also preserve evidence, in the form of diagnostic reac- ages provided by these systems may be too young by tens
tion textures between minerals, of a spectrum of post-peak to hundreds of millions of years. Second, the temperature
pressure–temperature (P–T) evolutions. These range from window corresponds to the conditions in which partial
slow cooling (2–4°C/Myr) over several hundred degrees melting will occur in many rocks that contain hydrous
while still at deep levels, to maintaining near-constant tem- minerals like biotite and hornblende (Sawyer 2001). Zircon
peratures in excess of 700°C during rapid (1–5 km/Myr) commonly crystallizes in such melts, which makes the min-
exhumation through several tens of kilometres (Harley eral an extremely useful time marker. In many high-T ter-
1998). Linking these high-temperature P–T evolutions to rains, monazite U–Th–Pb dating can be used in conjunction
time and comparing the resultant P–T–time histories with with zircon geochronology to constrain the peak to post-
model predictions for the evolution of the deep crust in peak history. However, only in cases of initial rapid cooling
these ‘hot orogens’ are central to understanding collision associated with fast exhumation does the monazite method
and mountain building and remain major goals in global record ages that reflect the timing of peak conditions.
tectonics studies.
‘Bracketing’ is the traditional approach to using zircon to
date events in high-T terrains (FIG. 1). This method relies on
the ability of zircon formed in one event to survive a second
event such as high-T metamorphism. For example, using
Grant Institute of Earth Science, The University of Edinburgh
Edinburgh EH9 3JW, UK this approach a metamorphic episode can be constrained to
E-mail: lie between the age of the youngest pre-metamorphic mag-
2 Institut für Geowissenschaften, Universität Potsdam matic rock and the age of the oldest post-metamorphic
Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 24, D-14476 Golm, Germany intrusion. Clearly, this method works well when the

ELEMENTS, VOL. 3, PP. 25–30 25 F EBRUARY 2007

FIGURE 1 Schematic temperature (T)–time (∆t) path for a hypo- able to record age information. Only zircon, with the possi-
thetical high-T terrain formed in the deeper parts of a hot ble exception of monazite, is able to do this. Reliable age
orogen. The ∆t scale signifies an unquantified time period of the order
of millions of years. (A) indicates the ‘bracketing approach’ to dating
information is crucial for the elucidation of crustal behav-
high-T metamorphism. During heating rocks may undergo partial melting, iour during mountain building, and so it is essential to
causing dissolution of finer pre-existing zircon followed by later precip- understand how zircon behaves and responds to high-T
itation of new zircon on survivor grains (B). Crystallization of high-T processes. To do this it is necessary to examine ‘metamor-
melts and consequent growth of zircon will generally occur on the post-
peak cooling path at different intervals depending on the water content
phic’ zircon – i.e. zircon that has grown, been recrystallized
of the melt (reflecting aH20) or relations with wall rocks (C, D). New zircon or been modified by the physical and chemical processes
may also grow as a result of Zr-liberating reactions, for example garnet that may occur during metamorphism of the deep crust.
(Grt) breakdown or rutile (Rt) decomposition (E), depending on the P–T
path. As the rocks cool below the high-T window, ‘residual’ melts will
crystallize some new zircon (F), and liberated fluids may cause selective WHAT IS ‘METAMORPHIC’
recrystallization of existing zircon (G). Recrystallization of zircon ZIRCON IN A HIGH-T CONTEXT?
domains can in principle occur at any stage during metamorphism and
may dominate in the near–peak T region. The interpretation of zircon age data in high-T terrains is
complex and problematic because of the highly variable
response of previously formed zircon to later metamorphic
events (Vavra et al. 1999; Schaltegger et al. 1999; Kelly and
‘bracket’ is tight – when pre- and post-metamorphic rocks
Harley 2005). Misunderstandings about what constitutes
are separated by only a short time interval (a few million
‘metamorphic’ zircon are related to this complex behaviour.
years; e.g. Möller et al. 2003). However, it is not useful
when the bracket covers a long time interval, when the Several microscale physical and chemical processes can
zircon age obtainable from pre-metamorphic rocks is dis- form or modify zircon in the metamorphic environment,
turbed or ambiguous, or when the geological relationships producing what is broadly, and somewhat misleadingly,
themselves are poorly constrained (e.g. where it is not clear referred to as ‘metamorphic’ zircon. Local-scale processes
whether the igneous precursor rocks are pre- or syn- that cause zircon growth in the high-T metamorphic regime
tectonic; Kelly and Harley 2005). include subsolidus metamorphic reactions involving Zr-
bearing silicates and other accessory minerals (Fraser et al.
The ‘bracketing’ approach is also limited in that it provides
1997; Degeling et al. 2001; Möller et al. 2003) and partial
no information on the details of the high-T metamorphism
melting and melt crystallization (e.g. Roberts and Finger
itself. Such features may include the onset of melting and
1997; Vavra et al. 1999; Schaltegger et al. 1999; Rubatto
dissolution of zircon; the prograde reaction of zircon and
2002; Hokada and Harley 2004). Pre-existing zircon can also
other accessory minerals during growth of major minerals
be partially to completely transformed or modified in situ
such as garnet; the thermal peak; melt segregation and
(Pidgeon 1992; Schaltegger et al. 1999; Ashwal et al. 1999;
accumulation, with crystallization of zircon; post-peak sub-
Hoskin and Black 2000), potentially undergoing fine-scale
solidus mineral reactions; post-melt fluid incursions; and
coupled dissolution–reprecipitation (Vavra et al. 1999; Car-
the relationships between all of these and episodes of defor-
son et al. 2002a; Geisler et al. 2007 this issue) in response to
mation (FIG. 1). Many of these events and their related
interactions with fluids and melts. Zircon with initial
processes occur at temperatures above those at which most
growth zones rich in U and Th may be subject to recovery,
other geochronology minerals are stable or at the very least


via diffusion–reaction processes, of domains that have suf- ZIRCON TEXTURES AND HIGH-T PROCESSES
fered radiation damage (Geisler et al. 2007) in order to dis-
FIGURE 2 illustrates zircon textures formed by high-T
sipate strain effects (Hartmann et al. 1997; Schaltegger et al.
processes. High-T ‘metamorphic’ zircon has been described
1999; Vavra et al. 1999). Pb loss related to this last process
as being equant and with a ‘soccerball’ or ‘multi-faceted’
may yield zircon U–Pb spot ‘ages’ that bear no relation to
habit (FIGS. 2A, B); it reportedly displays little or no oscillatory
the geological events associated with orogenesis.
zoning but shows planar banding or sector zoning (FIGS. 2B,
As several processes are involved in the production of C, D; e.g. Vavra et al. 1996, 1999; Schaltegger et al. 1999;
‘metamorphic’ zircon, the interpretation of zircon U–Pb Hoskin and Black 2000; Kelly and Harley 2005). While these
ages in high-T terrains in terms of the timing and character features are common, it is not always obvious whether they
of events requires detailed textural analysis coupled with in have been produced through new zircon growth or by
situ microanalysis to detect indicative chemical signatures recrystallization. For example, in some instances, the presence
(Vavra et al. 1996, 1999; Schaltegger et al. 1999; Hoskin and of a ghost-like relic of oscillatory zoning in otherwise
Black 2000; Rubatto 2002; Whitehouse and Platt 2003; unzoned zircon rims demonstrates that in situ replacement
Kelly and Harley 2005). The key to evaluating and utilising or recrystallization rather than new growth has occurred
zircon U–Pb ages to define P–T–time evolutionary paths in (Hoskin and Black 2000) and cautions against a simple
deep crust lies in distinguishing the cause of zircon growth interpretation of the U–Pb age of such a zircon domain.
from among the processes noted above, in relating growth
Vavra et al. (1996) have related the style of zircon growth to
to the specific reactions that form zircon, and in independ-
the rate of growth and to roughness criteria. They consider
ently documenting the conditions under which fluids
that equant or ‘soccerball’ zircon grows during prograde
access the rocks to promote late-stage zircon alteration and
high-T anatexis, at different times in different rock compo-
dissolution–reprecipitation. The criteria applied in making
sitions depending on the melting reactions intersected. Dis-
these interpretations include the textures of the zircon
solution of very fine zircon into the melt is followed by zircon
grains and their relations with other minerals, as well as a
growth on surviving cores (Vavra et al. 1999). On the other
range of chemical signatures, such as the Th/U ratio, the Ti
hand, Schaltegger et al. (1999) attributed sector-zoned ‘soc-
content, and – most importantly – the rare earth element
cerball’ zircon to high-T subsolidus growth, whereas planar-
(REE) patterns in zircon, in comparison to those in the host
zoned overgrowths and acicular grains form during melt
and neighbouring metamorphic minerals.
crystallization. ‘Soccerball’ zircon has now been described




FIGURE 2 Zircon formed during high-temperature metamorphism can be extensive, forming on older zircon that has been preserved
may exhibit a wide range of morphologies and internal through high-T metamorphic events, such as the core in (D), or as
zoning features. ‘Soccerball’ zircon (A), which may display planar and xenocrysts in partial melts (E). Recrystallization may affect only outer
sector zoning when imaged by scanning electron microscope (B), is domains (F), propagating as fronts through the zircon (G), or transgress
common in high-T rocks. Similar zoning patterns are also found in zircon the grain in a process probably driven by dissolution and regrowth
known to have crystallized from partial melt (C), and this new growth along a fracture (H). In extreme cases ‘convoluted’ zoning may develop (I).


from several ultrahigh-temperature terrains and in many Th/U ratios in recrystallized and newly grown metamorphic
cases has been interpreted to have grown from partial melts zircon were unchanged in comparison to their magmatic
(e.g. Kelly and Harley 2005). zircon precursors (and never less than 0.1), with some sig-
nificantly higher. In addition, Schaltegger et al. (1999),
In situ modification of zircon under high-T conditions may
Harley et al. (2001) and Hokada and Harley (2004) have
range from the complete transgression of older zones by
reported high Th/U values for zircon from demonstrably
sharp fronts or compositional zones visible under cathodo-
syn-metamorphic, high-T anatectic melts.
luminescence (CL) or backscattered electron imagery, to
partial modification in which former oscillatory zones, now Finally, very low Th/U (<0.02) zircon domains may be asso-
‘ghost-like’ or ‘bleached,’ are still visible but blurred (Pid- ciated with late-stage mineral–fluid interactions at temper-
geon 1992; Vavra et al. 1999; Schaltegger et al. 1999; Hoskin atures well below those of the high-T metamorphic event
and Black 2000; Corfu et al. 2003). Concepts relevant to the (Vavra et al. 1999; Harley et al. 2001; Carson et al. 2002a).
interpretation of such features are discussed in more detail Given this fact and the evidence for variable and high Th/U
by Geisler et al. (2007). From the perspective of U–Pb ‘metamorphic’ zircon grains described above, Th/U values
geochronology, this variability leads to ambiguity: a spread can only be used with caution and in concert with other,
in zircon U–Pb data along or near a concordia curve may more integrative, chemical criteria to assess the origin of zircon
result if some memory of the initial zircon composition is within its textural context.
preserved and if the ‘recrystallization’ is only partially effective
in expelling Pb and Th on the microscale (Hoskin and Black ZIRCON–MINERAL TRACE ELEMENT
2000). This variable modification of zircon, caused by pre- DISTRIBUTIONS AND DATING OF
and post-peak high-T reactions, deformation and/or fluid HIGH-T EVENTS
ingress, is probably responsible for the 20–100-million-year
scatter in apparent ages recorded in weakly zoned ‘rim’ zircon Zircon grown or recrystallized contemporaneously with
data from several granulite terrains (e.g. Corfu et al. 1994; high-T garnet exhibits flat heavy rare earth element (HREE)
Ashwal et al. 1999; Kelly and Harley 2005). patterns and strong depletion in Eu in chondrite-nor-
malised diagrams (see also Rubatto and Hermann 2007 this
Late-stage fluid ingress has also been implicated in modifying issue). Therefore, the most promising chemical method
zircon microtextures in high-T rocks. Vavra et al. (1999) being developed for evaluating the metamorphic character
attributed the preferential replacement or recrystallization and timing of zircon growth is the determination of the
of zones with high Th and U contents within zircon and the equilibrium distribution of REE between zircon and coexisting
surface-controlled replacement of interior domains by metamorphic minerals. However, this method must be
lobate transgressive zones (FIG. 2G) to fluid ingress and applied with some caution, as existing experimental data at
leaching (FIG. 2H; e.g. Ashwal et al. 1999). It is likely that appropriate P–T conditions do not enable refinement of
fluid-activated dissolution of zircon accompanied by its trace element distribution models (van Westrenen et al.
reprecipitation is an important process controlling this 1999). The lack of available experimental data is com-
behaviour, as advocated by Geisler et al. (2007). pounded by the fact that existing empirical estimates of dis-
tribution coefficients [DREE(Zrc/Grt)] for the HREE show
Th/U – AN UNRELIABLE SIGNATURE order of magnitude differences among high-T and high-P
OF METAMORPHIC ZIRCON rocks (FIG. 3). While disequilibrium is likely to be a significant
factor in producing these differences in cases where
Th/U ratios have become a commonly employed criterion
strongly zoned or variable zircon and/or garnet have been
for distinguishing zircon formation in magmatic, metamor-
used (Schaltegger et al. 1999; Rubatto 2002; Whitehouse
phic and hydrothermal environments. For example, a Th/U
and Platt 2003), some of the range in DREE(Zrc/Grt) values
value of less than 0.1 has been widely cited as a discriminant
may be real, reflecting dependence on either pressure or the
of metamorphic zircon (e.g. Rubatto 2002).
major element composition of garnet (Rubatto 2002).
To evaluate this interpretation, it is useful to consider the
There is growing confidence that the equilibrium distribution
factors controlling the Th/U ratio in zircon. The concentra-
of REE between zircon and Ca-poor Fe–Mg garnet at high
tions of Th and U in zircon are primarily influenced by factors
temperature results in DHREE(Zrc/Grt) values near unity, or
such as element availability within a reaction environment
slightly favouring garnet (Harley et al. 2001; Whitehouse
and partitioning behaviour of Th and U between zircon and
and Platt 2003; Hokada and Harley 2004). The DREE(Zrc/Grt)
co-existing minerals, melts and fluids. For example, the
signatures can be used not only to test for equilibrium
prior or concurrent growth of a mineral such as monazite,
between dated zircon domains and metamorphic garnet
in which Th is a major structural constituent, may result in
formed in peak high-T assemblages, but also to define tim-
zircon with a low Th concentration and therefore a low
ing of zircon growth in relation to garnet and to evaluate
Th/U ratio. In contrast, a zircon crystallizing from a partial
the trace element mobility in post-peak reaction textures.
melt prior to the crystallization of monazite may have a
Two examples illustrating the richness of event–time and
higher Th concentration and therefore a moderate to high
temperature–time information on hot orogens that can be
Th/U ratio.
obtained from zircon through this approach are considered
The use of Th/U ratios has been re-evaluated recently in the in the following paragraphs.
light of textural observations and other chemical criteria
(e.g. Möller et al. 2003). Although many ‘metamorphic’ zircon ZIRCON GROWTH AND
domains do have low Th/U values (<0.1; e.g. Schaltegger et THE DYNAMIC HIGH-T MELTING REGIME
al. 1999; Hoskin and Black 2000; Rubatto et al. 2001;
Partial melting followed by melt segregation, accumulation,
Rubatto 2002), there also are numerous cases where meta-
transfer and extraction are important processes during high-T
morphic zircon may have Th/U values greater than 0.1 or
metamorphism deep within hot orogens. Because zircon is
values that are highly variable. High Th/U ratios have been
soluble in partial melts, these processes may lead to zirco-
recorded in recrystallized zircon (e.g. Pidgeon, 1992; Vavra
nium redistribution during metamorphism through partial
et al., 1999), but also in zircon grown during high-T meta-
dissolution of pre-existing zircon and subsequent zircon
morphism (Th/U > 0.15 and up to 3.2; Carson et al. 2002b;
growth during melt crystallization or reaction with wall rocks
Kelly and Harley 2005). Möller et al. (2003) showed that
(Roberts and Finger 1997; Hokada and Harley 2004). Zircon


Möller et al. (2003) established that a ~1000 Ma regional
metamorphic event in the Rogaland basement was over-
printed by ultrahigh-temperature metamorphism associated
with the emplacement of anorthosite and related igneous
intrusions at ~930 Ma. However, their zircon U–Pb age data,
obtained from zircon rims and overgrowths, define an age
‘smear’ between 950 Ma and 900 Ma along concordia – a
range too large to be consistent with a single thermal peak
associated with intrusion of the anorthosite.

In situ microanalysis of Rogaland zircon grains and detailed

petrographic examination of their textural contexts (Möller
et al. 2003; FIG. 4) indicate the presence of two texturally
defined and discrete groups at ~927 Ma and ~908 Ma, thus
explaining the zircon U–Pb ‘smear.’ The older group con-
sists of zircon rims intergrown with or included within
minerals grown during the ultrahigh-temperature event
(FIG. 4). Texturally later zircon rims that define the younger
age group occur outside these high-T minerals but are over-
grown by lower-T coronas and symplectites, thereby con-
Contrasting examples of element distribution data (DREE = straining the maximum age of the corona-forming reactions
distribution coefficient) for the heavy rare earth elements to be ~908 Ma. Combining the age data with thermobaro-
(Eu to Lu), estimated from empirical studies of zircon (Zrc) and garnet metric constraints on the mineral assemblages leads to an
(Grt) in high-T rocks. A zircon that crystallized in equilibrium with garnet
would have D values close to 1. Red circle: Harley et al. 2001; blue
integrated cooling rate within the aureole of 8 ± 2°C/Myr,
square: Rubatto 2002; yellow triangle: Whitehouse and Platt 2003; UHT: from 880°C to 680°C, over some 25 million years. The slow
ultrahigh temperature. cooling and longevity of this thermal anomaly, deduced
from detailed zircon information, prompted Möller et al.
(2003) to suggest that the UHT event reflects a deeper-
may grow in equilibrium with a high-T melt during the pro- seated thermal perturbation, perhaps produced by the con-
grade melting phase (Vavra et al. 1999; B in FIG. 1) and at vective removal of lithosphere.
various times during post-peak cooling and exhumation
depending on the water content of the melt, residence THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE ‘END GAME’:
times and the character of wall rocks with which transported LATE FLUID INGRESS
melt comes into contact (Harley 2004; C and D in FIG. 1).
Late-stage fluid ingress, recorded by zircon in transgressive
Hokada and Harley (2004) attributed the growth of textu- and lobate textures (Vavra et al. 1999; Harley et al. 2001;
rally polyphase zircon grains to melt injection followed by Carson et al. 2002a), is likely to be important in resetting
equilibration with the wall rock during post-peak melt crys- zircon U–Pb ages in metamorphic terrains as they are
tallization. This occurred at extreme temperature conditions exhumed and cool to temperatures below the high-T
of >900°C and over a maximum time interval of 25 million window (FIG. 1).
years. The key to this interpretation is the zircon and garnet
trace element information. Texturally later, sector-zoned
and unzoned mantles and rims on zircon grains in crystallized
partial melts have chondrite-normalised HREE patterns flatter A C
than those of the earlier zircon grains. Garnets in the wall-
rock gneiss have flat HREE patterns and show a remarkable
decrease in Zr close to their rims, coupled with a slight
decrease in overall HREE, but an increase in Yb as compared
to Gd. These chemical changes suggest that the invasive
melt initially precipitated zircon that was out of equilib-
rium with the host garnet gneiss, but then equilibrated with
the wall rock and, in doing so, depleted Zr and HREE in the B D
reacting host-rock garnet. Critically, REE data in zircon
outer zones and garnet rims conform to the equilibrium
DREE(Zrc/Grt) pattern proposed by Harley et al. (2001) and
shown in FIGURE 3.


Establishing the links between zircon growth, recrystalliza- FIGURE 4 A major step forward in age determination using zircon is
the ability to analyse grains in situ within their petrologi-
tion and specific P–T conditions along high-temperature cal context. This figure shows that by drilling a small disc from a pol-
P–T paths requires in situ documentation of zircon zoning ished thin section, delicate intergrowths and overgrowths of zircon have
features and morphology in relation to the petrographic been preserved; these features would normally be lost during the stan-
evidence for subsolidus mineral reactions involving other dard method of crushing rocks to obtain grain separates. (A) Transmit-
ted light photomicrograph, (B) Secondary electron image, showing ion
silicate phases (e.g. garnet, pyroxene, cordierite, opaque microprobe analysis pits. The larger and deeper pits are analysis sites for
minerals; Fraser et al. 1997; Degeling et al. 2001; White- trace elements and the smaller shallow pits are U-Pb analysis sites, anno-
house and Platt 2003). Assigning zircon ages to specific tated with concordia ages (C) Backscattered electron image, (D)
reactions, and hence temperature intervals (E in FIG. 1), is Cathodoluminescence image.Scale bars are 50 microns. Fsp: feldspar;
mag: magnetite; Grt: garnet; Zrc: zircon.
well illustrated in the study of the Rogaland metamorphic
complex (SW Norway) by Möller et al. (2003).


When a terrain cools down towards the lower limit of the CONCLUDING REMARKS
high-T window, any melts that have not been extracted
The combination of in situ zircon U–Pb geochronology
from it will crystallize (F IN FIG. 1; Sawyer 2001; Harley
with detailed microtextural and trace element analysis of
2004). This will almost inevitably lead, at temperatures in
zircon within its petrographic context, coupled with meta-
the range 750–650°C, to the production of fluid that will
morphic mineral equilibria modelling, is the optimal
interact with and partially hydrate the previously equili-
approach to defining the thermal histories of high-T terrains.
brated high-T mineral assemblages. The quantity of such
This approach is being refined as more experimental and
fluid will be determined by how much melt has been
empirical data become available. New trace element ther-
retained. Hydration reactions associated with final melt
mometers based on zircon, such as Ti in zircon and Zr in
crystallization and release of water may promote the growth
other minerals (e.g. Watson et al. 2006) will, when integrated
of new zircon rims if zirconium is released through the
into the combined in situ approach, undoubtedly lead to
breakdown of high-T minerals, e.g. garnet and rutile break-
more detailed temperature–time records of deep crustal
ing down to biotite and sillimanite (G IN FIG. 1). Channelled
rocks and so further improve our understanding of the
along microfractures, the fluids may also attack pre-existing
dynamics of hot orogens.
zircon, recrystallizing susceptible zones (FIG. 2H; Vavra et al.
1999), leaching trace elements from zircon surfaces (Carson
et al. 2002a) and resetting the U–Pb systematics. Under- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
standing and evaluating the significance of the processes in We thank Joe Pyle, Fernando Corfu and Ian Parsons for
which melt and fluid affect zircon is central to the inter- their perceptive and careful reviews. We thank Urs Schaltegger
pretation of the age of high-T terrains (e.g. Napier Complex: for kindly providing us with the image used in FIG. 2A. This
Carson et al. 2002b; Harley 2004; Kelly and Harley 2005). work was supported by the UK Natural Environment
Research Council. .

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