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Liner Notes, The Insane (But Hilarious)

Minds of Coyle & Sharpe
Released in 1964

Completely unknown when they went on the air in San Francisco in 1963, their popularity ratings zoomed. According to an article about them in NEWSWEEK,
the pair received sensational mail from thousands of delighted listeners. In less than nine months, they increased their audience by 2200%, and their
phenomenal success was brought to the attention of TV producer David L. Wolper. Wolper quickly signed Coyle &Sharpe on for a new television series, "The

This album contains some of Coyle & Sharpe's finest and most varied material. You'll hear a grand folk-singing hoax actually carried off by Coyle & Sharpe in
front of a jam-packed auditorium at the University of California. You'll listen to a series of wild, completely spontaneous interviews with people on the street
who assume that Coyle & Sharpe are legitimate radio newsmen, and who don't suspect that they're having their legs pulled by America's looniest con men. And
you'll be entertained by a collection of songs, chants, and dialogues that could only have sprung from the minds of two human beings whose sanity should be

It's a fascinating experience to watch Coyle & Sharpe pull off one of their zany street interviews. Posing as legitimate radio newsmen, and equipped with a
portable tape recorder and mike, they'll stop and unsuspecting pedestrian and ask him their "Question of the Day."

"Science has developed a way of growing a second nose on the human body. Do you this is ethical?" The pedestrian answers and he's hooked. Dead pan, Coyle
& Sharpe then subtly reveal that they are, in fact, the scientists working on the second nose. They insist upon growing such a proboscis on the pedestrian's knee,
and they implore him to come with then "now" to an experimental lab in the basement of a shabby building. In a matter of seconds, the unsuspecting citizen
concludes that the two bogus newsmen (despite their polite manner, obvious intelligence, and sincerity) are, undoubtedly, raving lunatics. At the point when he's
adamantly refusing to come with them "even in the interest of science" (C&S have found that people believe anything is possible in this modern, scientific age)
Coyle & Sharpe reveal that "it's all a joke." A stunned silence follows. Then, when it dawns on the pedestrian that he's been roped into an elaborate fantasy, he
breaks into gales of unrestrained laughter.

According to Coyle & Sharpe, most people believe that they can't be put on. But then, when they realize that it's happened to them, they thoroughly enjoy it, and
sign a release so that the sequence can be used. It's a healthy sign that people can still laugh at themselves. The people on this album are a typical cross-section
of citizens strolling down the main street of any city--in this particular case, San Francisco. They enjoyed themselves and we're sure you will, too.

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