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Note 2—The definiüons given in Scclions 3.10 and 3.

1 1 apply to Supcrpave mixes only and

dilTer from llie definitions publishcd in other AASHTO standards.

3.12. reclaimedasphalt pavement (RAP)—removed and/or processed pavement malcriáis conlainíng

asphalt binderand aggregate.

3.13. primary control sicvc (PCS)—Ihe sieve defíning the break point belween fine and coarse-graded
mixtures for each nominal máximum aggregate size.


4.1. Materials Seleclion—Binder, aggregale, and RAP stockpiles are selecled that meet llic
environmental and trafile requiremcnls applicable to the paving projcct. The bulk spccifíc gravity
of all aggregates proposed for blcnding and the specific gravity of the binder are determined.
Note 3—[f RAP is uscd, the bulk spccifíc gravity of the RAP aggregate may be estimated by
determining the theoretical máximum specific gravity (Gllim} of llie RAP mixture and using an
assumed asphalt absorption for the RAP aggregate to back-calculate the RAP aggrcgale bulk
specific gravity, if llie absorption can be estimaled wilh confidcncc. The RAP aggregate effective
specific gravity may be used in lieti of Ihe bulk specific gravity at the discretion of the agency. The
use oí"the effective specific gravity may introduce an error inío the combined aggregate bulk
spccifíc gravity and subsequent VMA calculations. The agency may choose to speciíy adjustments
to the VMA rcquircmcnts ío account for Ihis error based on experience with local aggregales.

4.2. Design Aggregate Sin/cutre—II is reeommended thal al least three trial aggregalc blend gradations
from selected aggregate stockpiles are blended. For each trial gradation, an initial trial binder
contení is determined, and at least two spccimens are compacted in accordancc with T 3 12. A
design aggregale structtire and an cstimated design binder contení are selected on the basis of
satisfactory conformance of a trial gradation meeting the requircments given in M 323 for Va,
VMA, VFA, dusl-lo-binder ratio al Micsign, and relative density at /"/¡muñí-
Note 4—Prevíous Supeipave mix design experience with specific aggregate blends may
elimínate the nced for three trial blends.

4.3. Dusign Binder ConteníSelection—Replícate spccimens are compacted in accordance with T 312
al the estimaled design binder contení and at the eslimaled design binder contení ±0.5 percent and
+ 1.0 percent. The design binder contení is selected on Ihe basis of satisfaclory conformance wiíh
the rcquiremenís of M 323 for Vtl, VMA, VFA, and dust-to-binder ratio at Ansien, and the relative
density at Nínítía] and /V max .

4.4. Evaluatíng Moislure Susceptibility—The moisture susceptibilily of the design aggregaíe structtire
is evaluated at the design binder contení: Ihe mixture is conditioned according to the mixture
eondítioning for Ihe volttmelric mixture design proeedure in R 30, compacted to 7.0 ± 0.5 percent
air voids in accordance with T 312, and evaluated aceording to T 2H3. The design shall meet the
tensile strenglh ratio rcquircmcnt of M 323.


5.1. The proeedure dcscribcd in this standard practicc is used to produce HMA thal satis/les Superpave
HMA volumetric mix design requiremcnts.

TS-2d R 35-3 AASHTO

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