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Unit Topic or Unit Inquiry Question: Grade level:

Math6- Mixed Numbers and Fractions

Unit overview:
1. Mathematical Vocabulary Development
2. Understanding Proper Fractions vs Improper Fractions
3. Representing Fractions through materials
4. Converting to and from Mixed Numbers

Rationale: How is this learning meaningful for your students? What understandings are you hoping they’ll gain?
Students will begin to develop a more intuitive understanding of fractions and parts of a whole throughout the unit. Developing skills of comparison of
parts to a whole through simple operations. Students will have the opportunity to demonstrate their learning of fractions and new concepts such as
mixed numbers thoguh visualizing and written output.
STAGE 1: Desired Results – Curriculum Connections ( indicate different subject areas if this is an interdisciplinary unit)
Big Ideas Essential Questions
1. Mixed numbers and decimal numbers How can I show numerical relationships?
represent quantities that can be
UNDE How can I represnet numbers n multiple ways?
decomposed into parts and wholes.
RSTA (Grade 6)
ND 2. Computational fluency and flexibility
with numbers extend to operations with
whole numbers and decimals.

DO Core Competencies: (focus on one or two)

Communication Thinking Personal & Social

◻ Connect and engage with others Creative Positive Personal & Social Identity
(to share and develop ideas) ◻ Novelty and value ◻ Relationships and cultural contexts
◻ Acquire, interpret, and present ◻ Generating ideas ◻ Personal values and choices
information (includes inquiries) ◻ Developing ideas ◻ Personal strengths and abilities
Critical Personal Awareness & Responsibility

VIU Principles of Teaching and Learning S18 B Ed 4 Adapted from Nanaimo/Ladysmith Draft
◻ Collaborate to plan, carry out, ◻ Analyze and critique ◻ Self-determination
and review constructions and ◻ Question and investigate ◻ Self-regulation
activities ◻ Develop and design ◻ Well-being
◻ Explain/recount and reflect on Social Responsibility
experiences and ◻ Contributing to the community and caring for the environment
accomplishments ◻ Solving problems in peaceful ways
◻ Valuing diversity
◻ Building relationships
Curriculum Competencies:

1. Use reasoning and logic to explore, analyze, and apply mathematical ideas
2. Demonstrate and apply mental math strategies
3. Model mathematics in contextualized experiences
4. Use mathematical vocabulary and language to contribute to mathematical discussions
5. Represent mathematical ideas in concrete, pictorial, and symbolic forms
KNO Content:
1. multiplication and division facts to 100 (developing computational fluency)
2. factors and multiples — greatest common factor and least common multiple
3. improper fractions and mixed numbers

STAGE 2: Assessment Plan

Summative Assessment (of Learning):
In what multiple ways will students represent their learning? Will you have a rich culminating task or activity that allows students to apply and/or show
you what they have learned? Which final products, observations, conversations offer evidence OF learning so that you can determine whether your
learning goals have been met? What will help you to communicate student learning?

1. Check-Ins throughout each lesson

2. Chapter Quiz
3. Mixed Fraction Worksheet

VIU Principles of Teaching and Learning S18 B Ed 4 Adapted from Nanaimo/Ladysmith Draft
Formative Assessment (for Learning):
What kind of assessment for learning opportunities can you provide to support progress towards the summative tasks? Which ONGOING/DRAFT
products, observations and conversations can guide your instruction and offer support FOR learning? ( how will you check progress along the way and
help students to improve? ( ie sharing learning intentions, develop criteria, use models, give feedback, peer and self-assessment opportunities, gallery
walks, guided practice opportunities )
1. Check-Ins and Class participation
2. Homework review the following day
3. Mixed Fraction Worksheet
4. Creating models and visual representation taht I can observe to conduct quick check ins

Stage 3: Learning Plan

Teaching/learning activity
Learning Intentions (Brief version here – use lesson plans
to flesh out each lesson)
Lesson 1: Modelling Fractions Access Prior Knowledge: Ratios, what were they? P-P, P-W
Building Word Wall: Fractions, Numerator, Denominator, Improper and Proper Fractions.
pg. 210-211: q 2,4,6 Model Terms and How to identify Improper vs Proper Fractions

Lesson 2: Fractions Greater Than 1 Review: Display an Improper and Proper Fraction on the board. Review terms: identify
pg. 212-251: q 3-5, 7a&b, 10,12 which is which.
Represent Proper Fractions with Linking Cubes on Overhead:1 whole, ½, 4/6,
Move to Improper Fractions: Use class questions to fuel discussion: How much can go into
one set? (Denominator)
WE DO: Use linking blocks to show me 1a), if everyone understands move on. small group
back table, or build 1b)

Lesson 3: Representing Improper Homework Review: Anyone we did not understand? Re-explain if necessary.
Fractions as Mixed Numbers Concept Review: How are proper fractions and improper fractions similar? different?
Accessing Prior Knowledge: 2/2=1,Num/Deno=1. How many groups are in the improper
Pg. 217-218; q: 4-9 (possibly do 8 fraction?
together) Add a World Wal; Mixed Numbers.

VIU Principles of Teaching and Learning S18 B Ed 4 Adapted from Nanaimo/Ladysmith Draft
Rules of creating Mixed Numbers: Only in groups of the denominator, only divisible, and
how to display it numerically.

I DO: 1 A, We DO: b, c, d

Mid-Chapter Review & Matching Homework Review: Anyone we did not understand? Re-explain if necessary
Fractions Worksheet Worksheet and Check-in:
Once through the sheet: Move on to textbook
Pg. 220-221;q 1-3,5,7

During this period I will be doing more extensive check-ins with those students who are
struggling or need additional support. Based on the amount and the point, it may be a
round table topic.

Lesson 5: Representing Mixed Numbers Homework Review: Anyone we did not understand? Re-explain if necessary
as Improper Fractions Brainstorm activity: Put a Mixed Number fraction and the Improper on the board, partner
pg. 224-225; q 3a,c, 4, 5 b,d, 7,8,10,13 talk how do we get there? Additional supports; mention the operations needed (multiply and
Work through as a class some examples and create a step by step on the board.
I DO and the WE Do 2a and b

Comparing Denominators Visuals and Homework Review: Anyone we did not understand? Re-explain if necessary
Worksheet Accessing Prior Knowledge: What are the three types of fractions we can now do? Proper,
improper, mixed. What do we know about Mixed Fractions and Improper fractions in terms
of the denominator? Does having a bigger or smaller denominator make it bigger or
WE WATCH: math antics
WE DO: Analysis of Denominator changing: ¼ >< ⅓: sheet
Chapter Review Review from the Unit: What are the key terms we have learnt?
Pg. 234-237; q; 2-5,8,12-14 Quick Check-in: Go through one question from each lesson thumbs up thumbs down if they
are confident in it.
Based on the confidence level either works as a class to elevate or in small groups.
Work Period on the Questions
Chapter Test Morning Period: Review over Homework
Second half Test period. Once completted the test read silently.
Resources needed:

VIU Principles of Teaching and Learning S18 B Ed 4 Adapted from Nanaimo/Ladysmith Draft
MathFocus 6, Math Antics Video and Math-Aids worksheet: (Comparing Fractions, Converting Improper)

How will the learning be made ACCESSIBLE FOR ALL students to succeed?
(adaptations, Universal Design, Differentiated Instruction, learning supports, multimodal resources)
All Students will have access to COutning Blocks to help those who need Visual Representation
For assessment: Dylan, Owen and Kaydence have access to the room as well as a shorter test that is tailored to their needs.
Everyone has as long as they like for their assessment, there is no time constraint.
Frequent check-ins and personalized feedback will be involved. For some students, we may create a step by step checklist to help with
the anxiety of working through a problem.
Extensions: For those who understand a topic well, before they finish their assigned work they will check it with me and if it correct I
will assign additional questions to challenge them.

How did it go? How do I know?

Where to next?

VIU Principles of Teaching and Learning S18 B Ed 4 Adapted from Nanaimo/Ladysmith Draft

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