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Why should you get sources from

advocacy websites?

Web Evaluation 3 p
Research reports
p Experts’ views
Choosing relevant sources
from advocacy websites to
be used in your ENG114
research paper
Deadline: March 22, 2019

Should Malaysia Switch to Solar Energy? .org

p Research reports on solar energy p Advocacy websites
p Studies done on using solar energy p About Us
p Experts’ views on solar energy
Your task for Web Evaluation 3 Organisation of your write-up
p Find a relevant advocacy website for p Par. 1: Introductory Paragraph
your ENG114 research topic. ■ What is your research topic for ENG114?
■ What is the title of the research report/
p Choose a research report/study/
study/expert’s view you choose from the
expert’s view from the advocacy advocacy website?
website to support your topic for ■ Write one-sentence summary of the
ENG114 research paper. research report/study/expert’s view?
p Explain why is this research report/ ■ What is the complete URL address of the
study/expert’s view relevant to your research report/study/expert’s view?
ENG114 research paper using the five-
criteria of web evaluation.

p Par. 2: Authority p Par. 3: Accuracy

■ Who is responsible to publish the research ■ Does the research report/study/expert’s
report/study/expert’s view? Please state view tell you where it gets its sources?
the advocacy group (name of the ■ Does the research report/study/expert’s
organization) and the writers. view have in-text citations?
■ What makes this advocacy group an expert? ■ Does the research report/study/expert’s
Explain why you believe that the view have a reference list?
organization has the knowledge to publish p Par. 4: Objectivity
the research report/study/expert’s view. ■ Does the research report/study/expert’s
■ Do the writers have the expert knowledge view present multiple views? Does it
in the research area? Please state relevant provide limitation of its scope? Please
research experience. provide examples of multiple views.
p Par. 6: Coverage
■ Is the research report/study/expert’s
view complete? Does it present problems
and options to address the problem?
p Par. 5: Currency Please provide one example how the
■ Is the issue/topic/idea highlighted by the research report/study/expert’s view
research report/study/expert’s view still offers alternatives to address the
relevant in the 21st century? Please described problem.
provide two examples how the issue/ p Par. 7: Conclusion
topic/idea is still relevant in the 21st ■ Summarise your write-up: Why is the
century. research article/study/expert’s view you
have chosen is a relevant academic source
to complete your ENG114 research paper?

p Format
■ Your write–up must be typed, double-
spaced, in 12 point Arial font
p Deadline: March 22, 2019
■ Submit the soft copy of your write-up to
Web Evaluation 3 to
Make sure the similarity index of your Web
Evaluation 3 is not more than 15%.
■ Submit the hard copy to your language
instructor with a copy of similarity index
from and the Marking Scheme
for Critical Evaluation of Sources from the

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