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National College "Mihai Eminescu", Petrosani.

our college was founded on September 1st, 1993, and

because of the results from exams and contests the high school is placed on the first places in the county
and on the 15th place on the country. In this college we find specialisation in the fildes like "biology-
chemestry""English-French intensive philology" and "Mathematical Informatics".

College "Hermes", Petrosani is a college with technological profile and here we find the specialisation in
the fields like " turism and food" "commerce" "economic and administration"

College "Dimitrie Leonida", Petrosani. In this high-school are students who want to have a job without
higher education, from this college you can get jobs like, builder, mechanical technician, hairstylis
electrician technician etc. it's a very practical high-school, here the stundents have prctical classes.

College " Carmen Sylva"- it's an informatic college and here the students can specialize on the profiles
like "mathematical Informatics" "Social Sciences" "Natural Sciences".

The Church Saint Martyr Varvara, Petrosani- All we want to say about this church is about the saint,
because in our comunity it's belived that she's the miner's protector.

University of Petrosani-The University of Petrosani has a long and beautiful tradition, being the
continuation of the "Pontus and Roads School, Mine and Architecture". From 1948 to today, at the
University of Petroşani graduated more than 40,000 engineers, sub-engineers, economists, sociologists,
mathematicians and institutes. More than 3200 students, Masters and PhD students are trained in our
University with the support of a team of more than 140 teachers.

HISTORY-Petroșani is a county in Hunedoara,Transylvania, România made up of Dâlja mare, Dâlja Mică,

Slătinioara and Peștera.With a population of 37.160 (2011). It is recognizied as a mining town, here it is
the headquarters of the “Complexului Energetic Hunedoara”, which includes several mining operations

"Pietros" means "stony, rocky" in Romanian. The city of Petroșani was founded in the 17th century
(around 1640). In 1720, an Austrian cartographer mentions that the entire Jiu Valley was intensely
populated and settlements could be seen from one end to the other.

Mineritului Museum- is the only one in Romania with mining profile. It has aproximate 1500 pieces
which are machines, tools and special clothing

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