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1) Full Duplex .......................................................................................................2

2) Half Duplex: .....................................................................................................2
3) Firewall: ............................................................................................................2
4) DMZ: ................................................................................................................2
5) Session Variables:.............................................................................................2
6) Cookies: ............................................................................................................2
7) Plugins: .............................................................................................................3
8) Add-ons: ...........................................................................................................3
9) Extensions:........................................................................................................3
10) DNS: .................................................................................................................3
11) Hosting: ............................................................................................................3
12) URI: ..................................................................................................................3
13) Theorem of CAP:..............................................................................................4
I have learnt following things this week:

1) Full Duplex
This is dual communication that is communication from both sides i.e. server and
client. Here not only client can initiate communication with server but also server
can initiate communication with client. Push notifications is an example of server
initiating connection with client.

2) Half Duplex:
This is one way communication initiated by client. Web and database are examples
of half duplex.

3) Firewall:
It is software or hardware plus software for data filtration. It is done on the basis of
source and destination IP addresses and/or ports. It is usually present in our operating
system or in server for protecting internal network from outside world. Main
function of firewall is to only allow packets or data frames from known sources and
disallow from blacked listed sources.

4) DMZ:
Its full form is demilitarized zone. It is an extra firewall between local area (public
network) and private network.

5) Session Variables:
These are variables that store user specific information of user. They are based on
sessions of app. For every website there are different sessions and hence different
session variables. Only one website can access its own session variables. When user
logins, its session is created and session variables are stored. After logout or session
timeout, all variables are removed. Session variables can be user’s username and
password or any data. They are of following types:
1) Request Variables
2) Session Variables
3) Global /App Variables

6) Cookies:
It is client side data space.
7) Plugins:
It is independent software that is separately installed on OS and runs on browser.
These are third party software that provide extended services. These are less secure
apps as compared to cookies.
For example plugin of silverlite or adobe flash player or JVM for running applets.

8) Add-ons:
These are also third part softwares or services but dependent on browser. They are
more secure apps and browser have more control on them.

9) Extensions:
Both add-ons and extensions are somehow same but only difference is that they
extend the built-in functionality. So they use some existing functionality provided
by browser and extend it by adding some additional features. For example: save as
pdf option and new themes.

10) DNS:
It is domain name system. For any host to host communication on internet especially
between server and client, client should know the IP of server. On internet we browse
websites, those websites are hosted on any data center(s) or server. In order to access
that website we should know the IP of server, on which it is hosted. Since IP is a
number and hence difficult to remember, so there should be some human language
based name against that IP. Hence concept of website came from this. So, website is
actually representation of that IP. Now, who knows the IP against any website??
That’s your DNS. DNS is an independent server that keeps those key, value pairs
where key is website e.g. and value is IP of server where
website is hosted e.g. For website name, we buy domain from websites
like, etc..

11) Hosting:
It is virtual space for running server when we don’t have our own data centers. Many
companies offer hosting facilities.

12) URI:
It is Uniform Resource Identifier. It is used to identify name or resource on internet.
Its subsets are URL, URN and URC.
URL => Uniform Resource Locator. They identify by location of resource.
URN => Uniform Resource Name . They identify by name of resource. E.g. ISBN.
URC => Uniform Resource Citation. It has become obsolete.

13) Theorem of CAP:

It says that you can achieve either two from following three:
1) Consistent
2) Availability
3) Partition Tolerance

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