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Submitted By
Amar Kalita
BCA 6th Semester
In a real world, humans need resources. But it is fairly limited.
Which introduced a need to use resources and time strategically
with a good analysis and plan, resulting the popularity of
operation research. Now, optimization is a greater part of the
process which allows us to solve simple and complex problems
alike.We will be focusing on Linear programming which is the
most coomon technique that is used in optimizing a real world
problem. We will learn how it is applied and its advantages.

1.0.Linear Programming
1.1.Process of formulating LPP
2.0.Solving LPP
2.1.Solving LPP using Graphical Method
2.2.Solving LPP using Simplex Method
3.0.Application of Linear Programming
4.0.Advantages/Disadvantages of LPP

Linear Programming is an optimizing technique which is
used to represent a complex problem through linear
functions which can be solved to find the optimum result
for the problem. The real problems can be anything from a
simple task as managing a small shop to complex task as
military warfares. But this problems can be simplified
despite its complexity most of the time.
In linear programming, this problems must be converted to
a linear function first which must contain a well defined
objective function, and constraints. A problem may have
more than one solutions which varies.
In linear programming, the decision variables used must be
interrelated and can not be negative. Also, the resources
must be limited in order to get a solution applicable to real


A linear programming program can be formulated by the

·First the decision variables for the objectiove functions

needs to be found.This variable contain all the elements
related to the problem.
·Then we need to deduce the objective function from the
problem such that the problem can be represented

·We need to identify all the constraints that needs to be

satisfied by the solution in order for it to be an optimum
·We also need to state the non-negative restrictions that
the solution can pass over.
The decision variables,objective function and constraints
are all necessary to solve a linear function. When a solution
can be derived that can satisfy all constraints then this
problems are called linear programming problem.

Suppose theres a company that manufactures two types of
boxes, corrugated and ordinary cartons. The boxes
undergo two major processes: cutting and pinning
operations. The profits per unit are Rs 6 and Rs 4
respectively. Each corrugated box requires 2 mins for
cutting and 3 mins for pinning operation, whereas each
carton box requires 2 mins for cutting and 1 min for
pinning. The available operating time is 120 min and 60
min for cutting and pinning machines. Determine the
optimum quantities of the two boxes to maximize the
We can solve thisproblem by turning it into a linear
function. First we need to know what our key decision is,
which is to determine how many corrugated and carton
boxes are to be manufactured. Here our decision variables
are the no. Of corrugated boxes represented by X and no.
Of ordinary carton boxes represented by Y. Now, since our
objective is to maximize the profits, the objective function
we derive is
Zmax = 6X + 4Y.
To find the constraints, we know the available machine
hours for each machine and time consumed by each
product. We find that the constraints are
2X+Y <=60.......................2
A value of X,Y is in feasible region if it satisfy all the
constraints and sign restrictions.
Now, this problem is a linear function that can be solved by
graphical method and simplex method.


Graphical method can be used to solve alinear
programming problem by going through following steps:
1.Convert the inequality constraint as equation and
find coordinates of the line
2.Plot the lines on graph.
3.Obtain feasible zone.
4.Find coordinates of objective function and plot it on the
graph represented by a dotted line.
5.Locate solution point.
6.Solution points:
I. If the solution point is a single point on line, take the
corresponding values of X and Y
II. If the solution point lies in the intersection of the
equations, then solve for X and Y using the two equations.
III. If the solution appears as small line, then multiple
solution exists
IV.If the solution has no confined boundary, solution is an
unbound solution.

Now taking the example we discussed earlier, putting line 1

and 2 in the graph we get:

Here the shaded region is the region that considering both the
equations, satisfies the equation.
Since the objective is to maximize profit. The point P
that lies in the furthermost point of the feasible region gives
the maximum profit. To locate this point we need to plot the
objective function line.

Consider a Z-value of 60, i.e.,

6X+4Y = 60
substituting X = 0, we get Y =15
if Y=0, then X=10
therefore, coordinates for objective line function line are
Therefore we conclude that for maximum profit, 15
corrugated boxes and 30 carton boxes should be produced.
Substituting X and Y in objective function we get
Zmax= 6(15) + 4(30)
Maximum profit = Rs 210


The steps to solve a linear problem using Simplex method
are as follows

·Formulate the LP problem

·Introduce slack/surplus variables

·if constraint type is <= introduce +S

·if constraint type is >= introduce -S

·Find initial Basic Solutions.

·Establish simplex Table and enter all variable coefficients.

·Take the most negative coefficient in the objective

function, Zj to identify the key column.

·Find the ratio between the solution value and the

coefficient of the key column. Enter the Values in the
minimum ratio column

·Take the min positive value available in the min ratio

column to identify the key row.
·The intersection element of the key column and key row
is the pivotal element.

·Construct the next iteration table by eliminating the

leaving variable and introducing the entering variable.

·Convert the pivotal element as 1 in the next iteration table

and compute other elements in the row accordingly. This is
the pivotal equation row.

·Other elements in the key column must be made zero.

For this, change the sign of the key column element,
multiply with pivotal equation element and add the
corresponding variable.

·Check the values of objective function. If there are

negative values, the solution is not optimal, go to step 5.
Else if all values are positive, the solution will be optimal.
Non-negativity for objective function will not be considered.
Write down the values of x1,x2......xi and calculate the
objective function for maximization or minimization.
Considering both constraints from equation 1 and 2,
Converting the inequality constraints into equation, we add
slack variables to both equations. Such that
if variables are equated to 0, ie X=0 and Y=0,then
S1=120 and S2=60, which gives the basic solution of the
Rewriting the constraints with slack variables gives us,
Zmax = 6X+4Y+0S1+0S2
subject to constraints,
where X,Y>=0
This can be shown in following simplex table form
Iteration number|Basic Variables|Solution Value|XiKc|Y|S1|S2|Maximum Ratio|Equation

0 S1 120 2 3 1 0 50

S2 60 2 1 0 1 30

-Zj 0 -6 -4 0 0

In next iteration, we enter the basic variables by eliminating

the leaving variable(key row) and introducing the entering
variable(key column).
We set pivotal element 2 as 1. For this, divide the pivotal
element by 2 and also all other element in the row by 2 .
The equation is S2/2.
The other coefficients of key column in next iteration table 2
must be made zero in iteration table 3.
for this, a solver Q is formed

for S3 Q = SB +(-Kc*Pe)

= S3+(-2xPe)

= S3-2Pe)......................(i)

For -Z, Q = SB +(-Kc*Pe)

= -Z+((-6)*Pe)

By going through steps 5 to 12 of simplex method we can
derive the following table after 2 iterations.
Iteration number|Basic Variables|Solution Value|XiKc|Y| S1| S2|Maximum Ratio|Equation

0 S1 120 2 3 1 0 50

S2 60 2 1 0 1 30

Kr -Zj 0 -6 -4 0 0 30

1 S2 60 0 2 1 -1 60 S1-2Pe

Kr X 30 1 1/2 0 1/2 S2/2

Pe -Zj 100 0 -1 0 3 -Z+6Pe

2 Y 30 0 1 1/2 - S1/2

X 15 1 0 - 1/2 S3-Pe/2

-Zj 210 0 0 1/4 3/4 -Z+Pe

1/2 5/2

Thus the solution to be found is,

X=15 corrugated boxes and
Y=30 carton boxes
Thus, profit, Zmax = Rs 210

Linear programming and optimization are used in a wide
variety of fields. Some of them are:




·Economic sectors

·Marketing sectors

·Distribution sectors


·It helps in attaining optimum use of productive factors.

·It improves the quality of the decisions.
·It provides better tools for meeting the changing
·It highlights the bottleneck in the production process.

·For large problems, computational difficulties are

·It may yield fractional value answers to decision variables.
·It is applicable only to static situation.
·Linear programming deals with the problems with single

Since its discovery, linear programming is being widely
used to solve various problems arising from different
sectors like marketing, business, military etc for its ability
to simplify a wide range of real life problems into simplified
equation and then finding a solution which can be then
applied back to their respective real life situation, it
provides in better decision making and availability of
various tools for making it much easier.
Though Linear programming being such great technique it
still cant solve any problem thrown to it. Such as, its
inability to solve large scale problems or problems with
multiple objectives, it still is a powerful tool for Operation
management and is developing fast as its demand
increases with the present world.








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