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Dreamer’s Manifesto:
Dreaming With Your Eyes Open

This is dedicated to all those who never stopped dreaming.


The Dreamers,
with our gifts,
give daily to create a world
where every man, woman and child
connects to a clear vision
of the awesome potential of their true and authentic
highest purpose,
fully loved and supported in every way,
free and empowered to do so without fear,
judgement, or impediment.
We live empowered and joyful lives
in line with the tenets of our movement,
deliberately creating this world for the greater good.

Table of Contents

What is a Dream?
Keep on Dreaming
Dream with Your Eyes Open
You are Different. And that is Okay.
Identify and Follow Your Purpose
Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying
Why People Don’t Follow Their Dreams
How to Beat Fear
Being Afraid can be a Good Thing
Use Fear as a Motivation
Fear Can Mean You’re into Something Great
Fear Makes You Stronger
Fear Happens Whether You Like it or Not
We Did Not Give Up on Our Dreams. And You Should Not Too!
Dreams Don’t Have to Be Grand
The Dreamer’s Perspective. It All Begins in the Mind.
Expect the Best
Dreamers Write and Live Their Own Script
Why Most People Don’t Act
The Solution: Transforming Yourself from a Dreamer to an Achiever
Dream. Believe. Achieve.
Why Self-Dependence Is Important to Dreamers
Trying is Better than Not Doing
Self-Dependence is Empowering
Time is an Illusion
Are You Living in the Now?
Resolve to Live in the Present, Right Now!
Back to the Source
In The Flow
Two Roads
Monks and Motorcars
Be Deliberate in Your Creation
The Mangena Foundation
Entrepreneurial Philanthropy
Join Us
Where to from Here?

OF the books I have written, or even planned to write to date, this book is the
closest to my Mission Statement in its purest form.

I spend a lot of time on practical matters, including writing books and producing
daily content to empower people with tools to live better lives, but this book is
pure, raw inspiration. The Dreamer’s Manifesto is a rally cry to you, the
Dreamer, to wake up and Dream With Your Eyes Open.

So what does is it mean to Dream With Your Eyes Open? What is this lofty
phrase I have pepper-bombed across the internet? How is it different from
living the life of your dreams and how does it connect to joy, purpose, love, and
passion—the very things I spend so much of my waking hours talking about?

Dreams are the unspoken language of our highest self. Since Ancient times, our
ancestors have believed the gods communicated with us via our dreams. Today,
science has given us a map to understand that dreams are the visual doorway
to our deeper mind.

It is my belief that encoded in our dreams—those recurring intangible impulses,
feelings, and impressions—hides our truest purpose on this earth. I hold
wholeheartedly that this can and often should be balanced with a rounded life
encompassing a range of other activities, making note that not all dreams can
for example sustain a family.

My calling, however, is to not allow the people of the world to be denied those
who possess beautiful gifts but disregard them.

This is a much more gentle pace than you may be used to from me on my
podcast or other written content. Whilst I will often smash and chastise, this
book serves to open you up to receive a more tough love approach than you
experience elsewhere. There may be lines of discussion that feel to you
pedestrian, some that resonate, and others you may not be familiar with.
Within these pages, I will give tools and insights I have gleaned from my own
journey, but while reading this I invite you to look to the reality of your Dream
and the importance of you connecting to and living it.

This book is not meant to make you feel good—it is meant to impel you to take

This is an introduction to the concept of Dreaming With Your Eyes Open. It’s my
desire to connect you to your dreams on a deeper level so that you may pursue
your dream with passion and desire, and that in this pursuit it unfolds in ways
that you can give back to your community and the world, whether via my
podcast, articles, blog, or social media.

Check out for more information and daily positive
content to help empower you to Dream with your Eyes Open.

Chapter 1: We Were All Dreamers…Once

When we were kids, we used to dream about big and beautiful things. We
wanted to become doctors and invent the world’s first cure for cancer. We
wanted to become engineers, build the biggest structures on Earth, and create
rockets that would take us into space. Some of us wanted to become
presidents, lawyers, soldiers, and artists. Saviours of the world. The next big

Those early days, when our minds weren’t polluted by life and all its
complexities, are often a very clear window into what is in alignment with our
true and authentic self. That dream of being a doctor gives insight into our
desire to serve and/or even heal. Engineers want to create, build, or problem
solve. Presidential dreams reveal a calling to lead and inspire, soldiers to
protect—the list goes on.

Of course there are those who in their adult life gravitate towards medicine
because their parents told them to, and others because their egos cry out that
Miss, Mrs. or Mr. is not a sufficient prefix. Some engineers want to show the
world how clever they are, and some presidents want to serve themselves and
their constituents, rather than the people. Some soldiers want to kill and some
artists are trying to fill an emptiness within them through fame and the
adoration of fans.

Not all are in line with their truth, and the void of that disconnect reverberates
in a thousand different ways; addiction, loveless relationships, joyless existence,
and in some extreme instances, depression and even suicide.

The power and importance of alignment with your authentic self cannot be
denied. And yet at some point the innocence of youth was lost—and so was
that connection to what at one point came to us as naturally as breathing itself.

And then life happened and “reality” smacked us right in the face. Trials,
failures, heartbreaks, and bills smothered our dreams. We started settling for
less. Our once vivid dreams of who we wanted to become started to fade into
oblivion. And in this challenging moment, we made a choice:

Some of us quit on dreaming.

Some of us kept on.

Awareness. What is perhaps the most important and wonderful thing is
becoming aware of this disconnect that exists in our lives. That’s not to say
finding your way back to yourself is not always an easy road and will not likely
be without challenge.

What is a Dream?

Scientists, spiritual leaders, philosophers—they all have something to say on
We, The Dreamers, however—we connect with a definition tied to our purpose,
which is the very reason why we’re here upon this Earth in this physical
manifestation of quantum energy, vibrating at this frequency, in this moment.
That voice that spoke through the games we were called to as a child. That
voice that spoke of the emptiness when you looked out on a stadium of fans.
That voice that spoke in the lonely silence where you stood surrounded by ill-
gotten gains. That voice that did not speak back from that certificate, medal, or
accolade—no matter how many you gathered.

The Dream is the vision or imprint from our highest self. We were not dropped
here without direction; our Dream is a reflection of our encoded direction.

It shows up in your passions,
That hobby that brings you joy.

Your soul knows it and your heart speaks it.

There is something that you are passionate about.
There is something that ignites your spirit.
There is something that makes you smile with electrical excitement at simply
the thought of it.

We all have a thing that we are here to do. What this thing represents is the
question that people spend their life attempting to answer. That thing is our

Often people look too high, sadly sometimes too low, beyond the beautiful gift
presented to them that is theirs to share with the world. They belittle it by
thinking, that isn’t all that important.

The answer to the question, however, is not that difficult to find. It is quite
literally within you, encoded right there in the answer.

We all have something to contribute to the beautiful tapestry of life. We all
have a gift, some are more humble than others, and that is no less beautiful a
thread in the tapestry of life than any other.

On this point, I make no hedge and accept no excuses: You cannot have a
fulfilled and wholesome life unless you are in touch with your Dream—that fire
burning within you that cannot be quenched by sex, money, drugs, alcohol,
power, or fame.

The greatest dividing line between a dream and a Dream is that one occurs
while you sleep, and the other occurs joyfully with your eyes open—making you
very much awake.

Keep on Dreaming

“The FUTURE belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”
- Eleanor Roosevelt

I don’t know where or if you drifted away from your Dream. I don’t know who
or what the reason is. All I know is that my Dream, my calling is to lead you to
I don’t know your name, I don’t know your age, and I don’t know your story.
What I do know is that a certain percentage of you feel the truth of the words
you’re reading. At some level you understand that there will come a point when
all of the lies you’ve been telling yourself (and perhaps others) must come to an
For some it exhibits itself in a mid-life crisis, brought on by years of running on a
hamster wheel that wasn’t designed for you. You can only run on this wheel for
so long before all of the emptiness—the void of passion in your heart—

But you have to know—you can make the leap, and when you leap, when you
have the courage to move in the direction of your dreams and passion, the net
appears. I know this from experience. While it was terrifying to make the first
step, I left a successful career—a career that fed my wallet and bled my soul—
to take the blind leap of faith. I stepped out of my comfort zone to step into the
alignment of my mission and my Dream.

Trust me when I say I know this reality is scary and terribly challenging to take
that leap of faith.

There will likely be times when the odds are against you. People—even your
family and closest friends—will say it’s impossible, that you can’t do it.
Nevertheless, keep on Dreaming. To quit dreaming is to quit on yourself.

When nobody else believes in you, believe in yourself.

Not everyone will believe in the beauty of your dreams, but at least you do. And
that’s all that matters. This is your unique gift to bring to the world. This is your

Dream with Your Eyes Open

There are two types of dreamers in this world. Those who dream with their
eyes shut and those who dream with their eyes open. T.E. Lawrence explains
this beautifully when he said:

“We all dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty
recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the
dreamers of the day are dangerous, for they may act on their dreams with
open eyes, to make them possible.”

Those who dream at night often put aside their ideas and ambitions when they
wake up in the morning. Why? For various reasons. Some want to play it safe.
Others simply want to survive the daily grinds of life. While we can be critical,
we must also consider the severity of the challenges many people face and
respect their decision to choose safety and security over a leap of faith.

Don’t get me wrong, night dreamers can still find a form of happiness and
settled contentment with life, despite their unfulfilled dreams. Unfortunately,
however, there are still many who become frustrated with their situation. We
have already looked at the dark places that this situation can lead to.

More often than not, those who lack the clarity or courage to bring their own
dreams to the light of day seek to bring down others with them. Not only are
they dream suckers, they are energy suckers—real-life vampires who don’t feed
on blood, but feed on sucking the life from others due to their own unfilled
dreams. Their fuel is fear.

We see this in our friends who say, “You can’t do it.”

We see this in our parents who say, “You can’t become a magician. There’s no
money in it. We want you to become a lawyer.”

Sometimes, we see it in ourselves when we question our worthiness or the
scope of the thing that makes our heart sing, and as a result we contract when
faced with the risk of leaving our comfort zones.

And then there are those who dream with their eyes open. They are the ones
who are eager to act. They never settle for a routine life. They roll up their
sleeves to conquer their personal limitations and fears.

More than I can, they live and breathe…I am.

To dream with your eyes open means tapping into our true calling, mapping out
a life around that dream, AND then taking the necessary ACTIONS to make that
Dream happen. It is to face any of life’s challenges head on—failing forward and
growing along the way. It is keeping our eye on the prize, no matter how
numerous the setbacks. It is perseverance. It is taking a leap of faith.

“Not all who live the life of their dreams are Dreamers, and Dreamers are prepared to spend
time living the opposite of the life of their dreams to get their Dream out there!”

Those who dream with their eyes open push through the chrysalis to eventually
emerge as the butterfly who soars. Those who dream with their eyes shut stay
inside their cocoons, replaying their dreams in their mind as if viewing a movie,
the main character being the person whom they wish to become.

The difference between dreaming and becoming is doing. Without action,
your dream is merely a wish.

You are Different. And that is Okay.

We come from different places. We have unique values, beliefs, and cultures.
Each of us experiences life in a different way. You know what this means? It
means that in reality, there’s no reason why you should compare yourself to

While comparing yourself to others can be a short-lived victory, it’s always a
losing battle. You can’t win when you’re comparing your weaknesses to
another’s strengths. It’s a short-lived victory when you compare your own
strengths to other people’s weaknesses, but it’s not long before you realize that
there’s somebody out there who’s better than you.

True Dreamers understand this perfectly. They know that each of us lives our
life according to our own "time zones”. Life is not a race—you can go at your
own pace. The important thing is, just to keep moving!

Your true value does not reside in how well you measure up to others. It is
measured by the value and worth you bring to yourself.

Follow Your Purpose

Passion is not enough to make your dream a reality. What you need to succeed
and become truly happy is Purpose. Passion can get you started, but having a
purpose will see you through life's ups and downs. Purpose can help you
achieve things that are greater than yourself.

"We create happiness by providing the best in entertainment for people of all
ages everywhere."

That is the mission statement of the happiest place on Earth, Disney World.
Young Walt Disney was passionate about drawing and animals. It was his
escape from a childhood whose path was a sure-fire way live to unhappily ever

With his passion, he could become an artist and be content. But he had a higher
purpose—to make other people happy—and look at what that purpose has
created in the world today.

Let’s take another example.

Steve Jobs.

Jobs was a complex guy. But there’s one sure thing about him—he was not
passionate about technology when he started Apple. At college, he studied
Western History, dance, and Eastern Mysticism. He dabbled with calligraphy,
went on a spiritual journey through India, and only worked in Atari (a tech
company) after seeing an ad that read, “Have fun and make money.”

Here’s his purpose statement for Apple:

“Our whole company is founded on the principle that there is something very
different that happens with one person, one computer...What we're trying to
do is remove the barrier of having to learn to use a computer.”

(Note: This was during a time when room-sized computers operated by 4-5
people were the norm.)

Who would have ever thought that this guy would not only start Apple, but
revolutionize art and communication throughout the world?

There’s no doubt Steve Jobs grew to love his work. He became passionate
about technology. But it is his purpose for Apple that made him a legend.

What’s your purpose?

We all have a purpose. Find it. Follow it. Live it.

Chapter 2. Dreams Are Meant to Come True

Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying

“Unfortunately, the clock is ticking, the hours are going by. The past increases,
the future recedes. Possibilities decreasing, regrets mounting.”
- Haruki Murakami

Are you using time wisely?

Or are you wasting it?

We are all masters in creating dreams—big and small. We envision them, stick
them to the drawing board, and picture what our life will be like living the
Dream. We get inspired. We get motivated. We get high on our dream.

Days turn to weeks and weeks to months. And then one day you realize that
you’ve made ZERO to very little progress. The once burning flame of motivation
reduces to embers and ashes. The inspiration— gone. The cloud-nine high
plummeted to an abysmal low.

What happened?

Two words.

You Procrastinated.

Procrastination kills dreams. Artfully disguised as familiarity and comfort, in
reality procrastination is synonymous to stagnation. Time is finite. We must
face the fact that one day we will eventually run out of this precious resource.
Don’t let procrastination rob you of the opportunity to live your dreams.

To follow your passion and purpose is to live. Choose to beat procrastination
today and get busy living. After all, living the dream is, literally, a once in a
lifetime moment.

One of the easiest ways to get into a habit of action is to set a low-action
demand of yourself to get going. Ask yourself: What small action can I take
today towards my goals?

Seize this moment.

“You can have many great ideas in your head, but what makes the difference is the action”
Don Miguel Ruiz

Why People Don’t Follow Their Dreams

Procrastination can keep you from achieving your dreams. But it is not the root
cause of the problem. Rather, procrastination is often just a ‘superficial’
expression of an underlying chronic issue. FEAR.

“There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of
- Paul Coelho, The Alchemist

Who wants to fail?

No one. Our egos won’t let us, and that’s natural. The fear of failure is the
mind’s reactionary mechanism that strives to protect us from perceived threats.
Call it a survival instinct, which we honed through years of evolution.

But here’s the catch.

The word “perceived.”

Unfortunately, this defence mechanism is not good at distinguishing real
physical threats and perceived risks. What used to activate when there’s a
hungry lion in front of you now activates when we’re about to do something
out of the ordinary. It’s time to stop the voices, and you know what I’m talking

I don’t want to waste too much time pursuing something I’m not sure about.

I don’t want to look stupid in front of everybody.

I don’t know if I can stand up again if I fail.

I don’t want to change.

I don’t want to leave my comfort zone.

Fear can limit you. What’s worse, it prevents us from even getting started.

How to Beat Fear

Overcoming fear takes hard work and persistence. The first step towards
conquering fear is realizing that 99% of the time, chasing a dream is not a life or
death situation. Your life is not in imminent danger— only your ego is at risk.

Next, you need to accept that ‘failure’ is often necessary for success. Almost
everyone who’s living the Dream has ‘failed’ at some point in their lives. Every
failure is an opportunity to learn valuable lessons and experiences that’ll take
you a step closer towards reaching your dreams.

Know that failing hurts, but that pain is just temporary. What hurts more and
lasts longer (possibly forever) is the pain from failing to try again.

“Who I am as a guitarist is defined by my failure to become Jimi Hendrix.”
John Mayer

Being Afraid can be a Good Thing

“The only way to get rid of the fear of doing something is to go out and do it.”
- Susan Jeffers

Being afraid makes perfect sense. It’s wired in us. Way back when, when life
was all about not getting eaten, fear was pretty effective in keeping our
ancestors alive.

But, like I said earlier, times have changed.

We are now on top of the food chain and fear is becoming a stumbling block. Of
course, there’s still the fear of giant snakes and wild bears, but that’s very rare.
Now many of us are afraid of things as simple as change, uncertainty, or the

Dreamers know that the best things in life are crouching behind some amount
of fear—big or small.

Use Fear as a Motivation

As Susan Jeffers puts it:

“Feel the fear and do it anyway.”

The only way towards achieving your dream is to pass through the fear. There’s
no other way around it. Use the fear you are feeling right now as motivation to
keep going, and ultimately to achieve what you’ve been dreaming of.

Fear Can Mean You’re into Something Great

Have you ever had a million-dollar idea that got you so excited but fear
prevented you from seeing it through—only to find out months or years later
that somebody had exactly the same idea and pushed through the fear—and
now they’re reaping the rewards? I know I’ve had more than one. The regret for
not doing something about it is the most frustrating feeling ever!

There are two types of people in this world. The ones that run away from fear
and those who face fear head on, even when their knees and hands are
shaking. And it’s usually the latter who become more successful. Dreamers
don’t run from fear. They know that the best gifts are often the hardest to

Which one are you?

Fear Makes You Stronger

Life is meant to be dynamic, ever-changing, but unfortunately we are wired for
familiarity. Anything that deviates from our routine makes us afraid. And that’s
slowly killing us.

Life is all about experiencing, learning, and growing. If you want to grow and
become stronger, you must learn to embrace fear. It’s impossible not to
emerge a better person after walking through the fires of your fears.

You’ve already done it before! All you have to do is do it again! Don’t believe
me? Try looking back on the most exciting, growth-filled experiences you’ve
had. You’ll quickly realize that some of them are the most terrifying also!

Fear Happens Whether You Like It or Not

Fear is always going to be a possibility. No matter how mentally tough you are,
you will always have the option to give in to an amount of fear that’s strong
enough to hold you down. My suggestion? Make friends with it. Get to know
your fear and understand where it comes from.

Stop running. Because no matter how far you’ve gone, it will always be there.
Dreamers don’t sprint away from their fears. They walk side by side with it and
overcome it.

We Did Not Give Up on Our Dreams. And You Should Not Too!

Deep inside, you already know why you should follow your dreams. So, instead
of giving you a list of 20 reasons why you should follow it, I will tell you the
story of three people who chose not to give up on their dreams, despite fear
and failures.

1. Oprah Winfrey: “Unfit for TV”

"The key to realizing a dream is to focus not on success but on significance—
and then even the small steps and little victories along your path will take on
greater meaning."

Sexually abused from age nine by her cousin, uncle, and a family friend.

Ran away from home at age 13.

Got pregnant at 14 and son died several days after birth.

Pursued her dream to build a booming media career, only to be judged “unfit
for television” by the producer.

Oprah had every reason to quit and give up on her dreams, but she chose not
to. Through perseverance, she demonstrated that she can overcome every
obstacle and failure with determination and grit.

The tables finally turned in 1983 when she was asked to host a low-rated TV
show AM Chicago. Oprah turned the show into a resounding hit in a few
months. AM Chicago was later renamed into the now iconic The Oprah Winfrey

By not quitting on her dream, Oprah has inspired millions of women around the
globe. And it’s no surprise when she was named by Life Magazine the Most
Influential Woman of her generation.

2. Jim Carrey: “The $10 Million Check”

“It is better to risk starving to death than surrender. If you give up on your
dreams, what’s left?”

Dumb and Dumber, Ace Ventura, The Mask….

Jim Carrey is famous for his comedic prowess. But do you know that behind
those smiles and laughter are scars from hard-fought battles?

Jim grew up in a poor family.

At age 15, he dropped out of school and worked as a janitor to make ends

Determined to pursue his dream to become a comedian, Jim hustled his way
into Toronto’s Yuk Yuk’s club for his first comic stand-up, only to be booed off
the stage.

He had all the reasons to quit. But he chose to go on.

Later in an interview with Oprah, Jim recounted the night he wrote himself a
check for $10,000,000 dollars for ‘acting services rendered.’ He placed that
check in his wallet for seven years until he received his first $10,000,000 for
Dumb and Dumber.

3. Stephen King: “The Rejection King”

“The scariest moment is always just before you start.”

Before he became a world-famous author, 16-year-old Stephen King used to
submit short stories to magazines. He hung every rejection slip he received on a
nail to the point where he needed to change the nail to a spike!

His first novel Carrie was rejected 30 times. He even thrashed the manuscript!
Thankfully, his wife, who believed in his dreams, picked it up and persuaded
Stephen to try one more time.

Carrie was published in his 31st attempt.

Today, Stephen King has published over 50 novels and sold over 350 million

Imagine if he gave up.

Dreams Don’t Have to Be Grand

Jim Carrey, Oprah Winfrey, and Stephen King.

I don’t think these three individuals woke up one day and said I’m going to be
the best comedian, talk show host, or writer. Their dreams could be as simple

I want to make people happy.

I want to inspire people.

I want to write.

My point is, dreams don’t have to be grand and ambitious. They could be as
simple as a child wishing to be the first person in their family to go to college, a
college graduate dreaming of landing a good paying job, or a young mother
learning how to cook.

Big or small, every dream is as important as the other. As long as it does no
harm and makes you feel good, all I can say is:

What are you waiting for? Go for it!

Chapter 3: Nothing Great Happens Until You Expect It

The Dreamer’s Perspective. It All Begins in the Mind.

What is a perspective?

How does it shape your life and your dreams?

Perspective implies a viewpoint.

Imagine yourself standing on a hill with the wind blowing softly on your cheeks.
Look around. What can you see? Can you see the lush scenery surrounding you?
How about the flowers blooming at the wayside?

Now let’s change your perspective.

You are now flying on a plane, 15,000 feet above the hill. You are surrounded by
a sea of clouds. Now look down. Can you still see the flowers blooming? No.
What you are seeing now is the “big picture” --- the rivers, valleys, hills,
mountains, and even your little town in the East.

Perspective isn’t just looking from the outside. It’s also looking from the

Let’s go back to that hill, but this time as a 6-year-old. What would your
experience be like? For me, it would be lots of fun. For sure I’d be running up the
hill and rolling, tumbling, and summersaulting down it.

Let’s try it one last time as a 75-year-old adult. How do your thoughts, feelings,
and experience differ from this point of view?

Perspective is a lens from which you view and understand what’s happening
around you. How you see the world will affect your thoughts and actions. It can
make or break your Dream. If you have the wrong perspective, then most likely
you’ll fail. On the contrary, having the right vantage point can help you manage
failures, expectations, and even successes.

Reaching for your Dream is not an easy task. There will be a lot of trials and
obstacles to overcome. If your vision is limited and you are only seeing the
problem in front of you, everything will seem enormous. Hard. Impossible.

And that’s the reason why many people fail to realize their dreams.

Zooming out and looking at the big picture enables you to see that the
obstacles you currently face are just part of the process. And your finish line is
just right around the corner. There will be fewer complaints and most of your
energy will be focused on living the Dream instead of worrying.

“I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for
it shows me the stars.”
- Og Mandino

For Dreamers, perspective is everything. They understand that their perspective
and interpretations will be the ultimate dictators of their lives.

Do you complain because roses have thorns?

Or do you rejoice because thorns have roses?

Expect the Best

“There’s no way to be a hundred percent sure about anyone or anything. So
you’re left with a choice. Either hope for the best, or just expect the worst. If
you expect the worst, you’re never disappointed. But who lives like that?”
- Sarah Dessen

We always have expectations. It’s just a matter of what you are expecting.
Some of us always expect the best, others expect the worse, and still others
welcome whatever life throws at them.

Dreamers always expect the best.

Even if the results aren’t what they expect, Dreamers maintain a positive
attitude. They fail, get up, and try again. Why? Because they expect to win. If
they are not winning, they will keep on trying until they do. That’s how they
become successful. That’s how they live the Dream.

Lowered expectations lead to lower standards. What kind of life will you live
out of lowered standards? At best, a mediocre one. And for Dreamers, that’s
not enough.

If you are not expecting the best, then for sure you are not going to give your
best effort. Why? Because in your mind, you are already saying, “It’s not worth
it!” Remember that thoughts beget actions.

Dreamers expect great things. And they always will. Even if failures meet them
along the way, they look beyond the obstacle (remember perspectives?) and
expect that the best is yet to come.

The best comes from expecting the best.

Success comes from expecting success.

Dreamers Write and Live Their Own Script

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you
didn’t do than by the ones you did do, so throw off the bowlines, sail away
from safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, Dream,
- Mark Twain

If only I lived my life the way I wanted to.

Do you know that this is a common regret of people who are on their
deathbeds? Life is too short to live it according to someone else’s script. And
Dreamers understand this perfectly. Living the dream is living life the way you
want it.

Avoid the Trap

Many people think they’re living the life of their dreams when they are really
just living it for validation or approval. The pursuit of money, fame, power, and
family expectations are some of the ways we attempt to gain a “good face” in
front of other people. Many people find happiness in this pursuit, but
unfortunately, such happiness doesn’t last long.

If you want to live the Dream, don’t fall for the trap. If you want to please
someone, please yourself. The biggest form of betrayal is self-betrayal.

Don’t betray yourself.

“Run Forrest Run!”

If you’ve ever watched Tom Hank’s Forrest Gump, then the lines “Run Forrest
run!” should ring a bell. During this scene, young Forrest is chased by three
bullies on bikes while Forrest runs for his life on leg braces. Halfway through the
scene, we see Forrest breaking his leg braces, outrunning his chasers.

“I can run like the wind. From that day on, whenever I go somewhere, I was

This scene teaches us a lot about living your own life according to your own
script. The moment you break free from the traps of validation-seeking (leg
braces), you can get to places where you’ve never been to before. You can
reach your full potential.

You can truly be happy.

Live for Yourself

Your friends and family may not agree with the kind of life you want to lead.
Their judgements could hurt, but it’s the price Dreamers pay in order to live the
Dream. Life is too short to not live it for yourself.

When you follow your passion, you actively displease people for many reasons.
Some are jealous, others are worried. And there will always be those who just
want to pull you down so you can live a miserable life with them. It’s called
“The Tall Poppy Syndrome.”

Let it go.

In time, people will come around. You’ll meet new friends who share the same
vision as you --- your fellow Dreamers.

The Magic is in You

You are a Dreamer. Don’t ever think that you don’t have it in you. You are good
enough. You are Magic. You are Unique and Special. With persistence, patience,
and hard work, you can make miracles happen. You can live the Dream. Don’t
pretend to be someone you are not just to get the approval of others.

A true Dreamer gets their sense of worth from themselves. They create their
own world and determine their own destiny.

Dreamer’s don’t just believe in their dream…they KNOW they will come to life.

Chapter 4: A Dream is Merely a Wish Until You Act

In Chapter 1, we talked about what it means to be a Dreamer and why you
should become one. In the Chapter 2, you learned about fear and how it keeps
you from achieving your dreams. And in Chapter 3, we discussed the
importance of having the right vision, perceptions, and expectations in order to
overcome the obstacles you may face in the future on your journey towards the
fruition of our dreams.

In this chapter, we’re going to talk about a very important part of the Dreamer’s
Manifesto. Without this, your dream is just merely a wish—destined to fade
away into oblivion.

Now, let’s talk about Action.

“The dreams I only thought about, the ones I took no action on, well they are
still dreams. But the ones that I took action on, they are now a reality.”
- Catherine Pulsifer

Why Most People Don’t Act

I will make my dreams a reality.

Tomorrow, I’ll start working on my idea.

It’s easier said than done. And while effective, techniques like goal setting
aren’t strong enough to fuel your actions to completion. Here’s why:

Turning Lead into Gold

Many people fail to realize their dreams because of a fundamental (and simple)
problem: Dreaming and taking Actions towards that Dream are completely
different processes. It’s like turning lead into gold.

This problem explains why many people love to buy self-help books but end up
not making impactful changes in their lives. They love reading about change,
but unfortunately reading is a completely different activity from pursuing the
personal growth they read about. That’s simply called contemplation.

Here’s another one that’s more relatable.

John wants to lose weight so he bought new running shoes. Excited, John set a
goal to run for 30 minutes every day. He had a good start but after a week, his
enthusiasm waned. And his newly bought shoes were shelved in a corner, never
to be used again.

John had the goals and the motivation (from buying new shoes) to change his
life by kicking off a new routine, but he quit. Why?

Buying new running shoes is a completely different activity from running. At
first, they may seem related but in reality, they are not. John loved the
experience of going through the isle, picking a design, and bringing home
something he bought for himself.

But he did not enjoy running.

Let’s look at one more example.

Jane dreams to be an entrepreneur. The thought of owning her own company
and running her own team excites her every single day. But she never puts the
effort to learn sales, leadership, and management skills.

Will Jane succeed?

Like John, she has the excitement and the motivation. And maybe we can
assume that she bought leadership books or followed great entrepreneurs. But
if Jane does not enjoy developing the skills needed to tackle the day-to-day
tasks of running a business, then she’ll be less likely to succeed.

Just because something is similar in context doesn’t mean it’s similar in
experience. If you’re not willing to undertake the necessary actions to make
your Dream a reality, you’ll obviously never achieve it. Dreaming can cause
action because of the motivation it creates. But that motivation is only
temporary unless you do something to make that action consistent.

Sheer motivation alone is not going to cut it.

“Dreamers aren’t “I Can” creators; they are “I AM” creators.” Daniel Mangena

The Solution: Transforming Yourself from a dreamer to an Achiever

Step 1: Enjoy the Action

We love to dream. Why? Because it’s a very enjoyable experience. Dreaming
about success—albeit getting fit, acing that exam, or earning that most coveted
promotion—makes us feel great!

Do you feel the same about taking action?

Do you feel excited thinking about sweating, suffering, sore muscles, and going
on a strict diet in order to become fit?

Do you enjoy burning the midnight oil and choosing to stay at home rather than
hang out with friends so you can prepare for your upcoming exam?

Do you love the idea of learning all the necessary skills (on top of your busy
schedules), putting aside family activities, and even a weekend night out with
colleagues for that promotion? How about getting up early to work?

Most people hardly enjoy taking the action necessary to fulfill their dreams.
And that’s the problem. Dreamers who become achievers enjoy taking the
actions that make them successful. And they don’t need insane amounts of
motivation to stay consistent because they already love what they do. This is
something I talk about all the time.

Step 2: Act Now

Another reason why people fail to realize their dreams is because they always
imagine their dreams to be part of a certain, distant future. This is wrong.

You don’t need to wait for next year, next week, tomorrow, or even later today
to start acting. If you do so, your dream will remain on the never-ending
horizon of “someday”.

You need to start acting on your dream this very moment.

Step 3: Momentum is Key

Simply put, momentum is a series of steps towards the creation of habits.
Consistently acting on your dream will eventually help you develop habits that
will push you even further. Some habits are formed unconsciously while the
major ones require more conscious efforts.

Identify what habits are necessary to achieve your dream and start working on
them today.

A word of caution:

Habits are not substitutes to Step 1: Enjoying the Action. If you do not enjoy the
actions you’re performing, it will create friction and you will lose momentum.
Don’t think that you can develop a bunch of habits to do things you hate and
hope that they’ll stick. It doesn’t work that way.

Dream. Believe. Achieve.

“Some people dream of success…while others wake up and work hard at it.”
- Anonymous

Dreaming is important. It provides you with the vision and the direction you
need in order to live a happy, purpose-driven life. But a dream is merely a wish
until you act. And yes, achieving a dream takes more than fancy running shoes.

At the end of the day, it’s the action that matters.

Chapter 5: Only You Can Achieve Your Dreams

Although humans are social beings, support, love, friendship, and help from
other people can only take you so far. Dreamers understand that ultimately,
their success depends on themselves—on the decisions they make and the
direction they want to take.

Only you can achieve your Dream. Don’t rely on other people too much
because truth be told, they will not achieve it for you. Like you, they are (or at
least should be) busy working on their own dreams and living their own lives;
that’s more than enough to keep your closest friends and family members
occupied for a lifetime.

Why Self-Dependence Is Important to Dreamers

“You can't hang around waiting for somebody else to pull your strings.
Destiny's what you make of it.”
- Darren Shan

It Makes You More Confident

Dreamers strive for confidence. People who depend on themselves show more
confidence in handling setbacks and problems in their lives. They are more
willing and ready to take action. Why? Because they don’t have to wait for
someone to give them the “go signal.”

Being independent gives you the opportunity to do what you really want in life.
It allows you to live your own script and become more accountable. In time, the
experiences you gain will eventually build you up, giving you the confidence
that you can do things on your own—that you can live the life of a Dreamer.

There is also an empowerment that comes from nobody else being able to
dictate the who, what, where, when, why, and how of your life because you
have accepted full and total responsibility for your life, and you do this by
Dreaming with your eyes open.

It Makes You Happier

Dreamers live a life that builds towards being emotionally independent.
Emotions can play a big role in success. In fact, it can make or break your
Dream. Remember that the Dreamer’s path may not be an easy one. You will
experience challenges. People, even those close to you, may question your
decisions and worse, even ridicule you.

Emotional independence results in fewer sufferings and disappointments. Yes,
social support is great. But do keep in mind that there is little if anything to be
gained from being “too needy”. Without relying on others to meet your
emotional needs, you become more self-aware, and can therefore make better
It Makes You a Better Decision Maker

Speaking of decisions, self-dependence makes decision making an easier task
compared to those who rely on other people. Why? Because you know that
your life is in your own hands and not in others’. Having that particular
knowledge makes a great difference!

Being scared to make a choice because you’re afraid to upset others can also
greatly hold you back.

Would you rather disappoint yourself?

Trying is Better than Not Doing

Reaching the other side of the fear we spoke about earlier does not always
guarantee a happy ending. There will be those times when you hit the ground
harder than you expect—even after doing all you can. But it’s not about falling;
it’s about how soon you get up after you fall. Embracing fear is hard because it
leaves us vulnerable. But hey, at least you tried! And that’s all that matters.

Whether we fly or crash and burn, we’re guaranteed to end up somewhere
new. And for Dreamers, that’s what life is all about.


Self-Dependence is Empowering
In The Beyond Intention Paradigm, I outline step one as being ACCEPTANCE.
This is a complete and total acceptance which can appear daunting at first, but
there is power in it. If you are the only one responsible, then nobody else has
the power to stop you from bringing your Dream to fruition.

With the autonomy of independence, you have the power to create the life you want, not
the one you fear! No, the odds will not always be stacked in your favour, but when you are on your
own two feet, you can truly feel the fear and do it anyway.

“I drove me here.” Chris Gardner

Chapter 6: Live in the Present

What does it mean to live in the present?

Dreamers live in the NOW. And the best way to explain this is to help you
understand first what it means to NOT live in the present—a state you and I
have become used to.

When you’re not living in the NOW, you become a victim of time. Your mind is
either pulled by the past, preoccupied with the future, or both.

What could have been…

What has been…

If only I had…

These thoughts are of the past. If you find yourself being pulled by these
thoughts most of the day, then you are living in the past.

What could be…

What will be…

What might be…

If I can…

These thoughts are of the future. Finding yourself preoccupied with these
thoughts means you are living in the future.

While reminiscing of the past or daydreaming about the future has a place in
the creative process, when done properly, making your life a slave to the
thoughts and emotions attached to past events and possible future outcomes is
not. It prevents you from fully appreciating the present. As a result, you miss a
lot in life. It also draws our energy from the present moment, the energy that
you need to create the beautiful Dream you are holding in your Intention.

You become less happy as you constantly mull over your regrets or worry about
the future; joy can only occur in the now and it is also only in the present
moment of the now that we have the capacity to create the future.

“No amount of regretting can change the past, and no amount of worrying
can change the future.”
- Roy T. Bennett

Time is an Illusion

Do you know that time doesn’t exist? And being controlled by time makes you
somewhat delusional?

Time is actually a human concept, invented so we can organize our day and
document our history. That’s all there is. The clock on the wall or the watch on
your wrist means nothing if you look at life in its natural state. To Mother
Nature, life isn’t about the past, present, or future. To Her, it’s a continuous
evolving cycle of birth, life, death, and rebirth.

There is no past or future. The only reference we have in our so-called
existence is the NOW. This makes living in the NOW—using our senses to
experience the present—crucial. You can’t feel the past or the future. But you
can feel what it’s like to touch something NOW, hear something NOW, see
something NOW, taste something NOW, and smell something NOW.

Dreamers are not victims of the illusory, man-made nature of time—the past
and the present. They know how to live in the present. They are truly alive.

Are You Living in the Now?

Answer the following questions honestly and see for yourself if you’re really
living in the moment. I suggest you get a journal or a paper where you can write
your thoughts and feelings.

1. Do you enjoy your work? Or are you too preoccupied thinking about getting it
finished before the deadline?

2. Do you find yourself too stressed out at the thought of trying to impress your
boss instead of enjoying what you do and giving your all?

3. Does the thoughts of Monday mornings distract you to the point that you
spoil the time spent with your loved ones during the weekends?

4. Do you find yourself so caught up in the regrets of the past that you let new
opportunities slip away?

5. Do you let the opinion of others, formed by what you did in the past, stop you
from living today who you truly are or want to be?

Resolve to Live in the Present, Right Now!

There’s no denying it. At some degree, you and I have become victims of time
whether we wanted to or not. Nevertheless, it’s important to understand that
NOT living in the present is to be torn between two non-existing worlds—the
past and the future. Constantly living in this state keeps us from enjoying life to
the fullest. It prevents us from truly living.

If you let yourself be torn between these imaginary worlds, you will carry with
you a great sense of unease. You will constantly find yourself asking questions
like: Am I really living the life I want? You will become more prone to agitation
and stress. You will not be happy.

Time will not redeem the errors you made in the past, nor will it guarantee the
things you want in the future.

What matters most is the NOW.

So surrender to it. Stop worrying. Stop regretting.

Commit to living in the present, completely.

“Those who move forward with a happy spirit will find that things will always
work out”
- Gordon B. Hinckley

Chapter 7: Living The Life Of Your Dreams

“You are the one making your life, so why make it one that you don’t want?”
Daniel Mangena

Back to Source
No matter what your school of thought is, there is something greater than what
we call “life.” Some experience this through religion, faith, or spirituality, and
some experience it through nature or even art and music. I had a very beautiful
interview on my podcast on this very subject. The bottom line is, it doesn’t
matter what you call it. Science now calls this the quantum field or the zero
point field. What mankind has learned through the lens of quantum physics is
that everything we perceive as reality is just energy vibrating at different

“I would argue that the issue of God and the issue of science have the same
Dinesh D’Souza

More and more this energy seems to have the qualities of what many might call
God, the universe, or whatever else it is we call that thing that is the greatest
part of ourselves. Dreamers plug into this source energy; we do this by
connecting to our purpose.

In The Flow
At some part of our life, we all have dissolved into an activity so deeply that in
doing so we almost became a part of it. One way to describe this is as being “In
The Flow.” I get asked a lot about motivation and my response is always the
same: Do what you love, do what calls you, and you won’t need to seek outside
motivation. When you love what you do, you will always be in the flow and
your Dream will always be something you love.

When you are in the Flow, motivation is not something you even think about.
Dreams are always in the flow because they come from your source code and
contribute to the ultimate design of source. When you are doing the thing that
you are here to do, in other words—living your life in alignment with your
purpose—life will likely feel so good that you will not be all that bothered about
the challenges that will come your way.

Two Roads
The flow is not always smooth sailing. Jesus was recorded as having described
two roads:
1. The narrow road—rough and winding, rugged and rocky
2. The wide road—easy and without impediment

The choice seems easy doesn’t it? To stick with the known, every-day life that
keeps the status quo—the stay comfortable and keep things familiar even if
they aren’t all that easy. Perhaps you even acknowledge the lack of joy or even,
God forbid, know that you are miserable at best.

But the wide and easy road just winds around the bottom of a hill going
nowhere. The narrow road leads to the mountain top.

Which would you prefer?

Some will genuinely be happy at the foot of the mountain, going around in the
circles of a Dreamless life, and that’s ok for them, but not for a Dreamer.

There is a difference between Dreaming with your eyes open and living the life
of your dreams. The Dreamers are connected by natural laws, such as growth
and an intention to give. Their Dream often reflects this principal. This is often
the easiest way to see that a dream is coming from source and not from ego.

Dreamer’s want to share their gifts with the world, but not in a self-
aggrandising or self-gratifying manner. If one’s dream was to play in the NBA, a
Dreamer would seek to bring excitement and joy to people’s lives through the
art of basketball. That is not to say that you must be a hermit and not be
rewarded in some way in exchange for your gifts; nature believes in fair

“Dreamers are often misunderstood to just be people living the life of their dreams, for a Dreamer
it will be the other way around, they are living their life BECAUSE they dreamed.”

Monks and Motorcars
I like nice things. I often refer to myself as “the Monk who’d drive a
Lamborghini,” but financial gain is not my motivation. If I get to enjoy nice
things along the way as fair exchange for what I give to the world, then I will
celebrate and give gratitude for that. My mission is to bring about a shift in the
world’s consciousness—not to ‘get rich.’

For some, getting rich might be their true heart’s desire, but it rarely and truly
is. Some want freedom, for others it’s the ephemeral, illusionary power that
money gives, but there is usually something deeper. Money is simply a tool and
a form of energy. Look deeper and find what your heart truly desires and you’ll
be one step closer to happiness. The opposite is striving to feed the ego, and
that will always leave you feeling empty at the end.

“Lifestyle isn’t the goal, its a happy by-product of living in authentic alignment with the Dream.”

If you are not sure, then find some quiet mental space where you can examine
your desires without judgment or interference. When you go into the silence
you will know where the desire comes from. If it does no harm and brings you
joy, go ahead!

Be Deliberate in Your Creation

“When You Write the Story of Your Life, Don't Let Anyone Else Hold the

Your life is yours and yours alone to create. By now you have seen that as
Dreamers we own the consequences of our actions, but now we will look at the
energy behind the choices we are making. There is a reality unfolding from our
choices in the present moment and our intentions fuel those choices. A
Dreamer does not leave any of that to chance, or to the laziness that comes
from not taking responsibility for our reality, and the Joy that we can have
creating one focused on our Dream.

“A Dream has a plan both in substance as well as Intention.”

If you have no plan, then you have no direction. Plans are better documented:
“The faintest of ink is better than the swiftest of minds,” after all. Having a plan
that you can share also makes it easier to communicate with others who will in
all likelihood assist and join you on your journey. This may be in the form of
support, or even guidance and mentorship. Few days go by when I have not
sought wise council from those with better life experience than myself. Always
learn a lesson through someone else’s experience when you can!

If you do not consciously and deliberately create your life, then you are leaving
yourself open to the unconscious programs that have created the life you have
now. If you are happy with that life then I salute you, as you are already a
Dreamer. If you are not fulfilled, then you need to consider making new choices
in directions that are in line with your Dream.

You are always the one driving the car, whether you own this fact or not. By
being deliberate, you merely take the wheel and—just as we the Dreamers
Dream—drive with your eyes open…not closed.

Chapter 8: Dreamers Make a Difference

We’ve heard it from people over the world, across many generations:

Saint Francis of Assisi

“For it is in giving that we receive.”

Goldie Hawn

“Giving back is as good for you as it is for those you are helping because giving
gives you purpose. When you have a purpose-driven life, you’re a happier

Winston Churchill

“We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give.”

A Chinese Saying

“If you want happiness for an hour, take a nap. If you want happiness for a day,
go fishing. If you want happiness for a year, inherit a fortune. If you want
happiness for a lifetime, help somebody.”

Dreamers make a difference by serving the higher cause of life in whatever
way, scale, shape, or form their Dream adds to the world. This can be on a
macro or micro level; remember—no Dream is too small.

As a Dreamer, your passion should be the foundation of what you give.
Remember that it’s not about how much you give. Rather, it’s how much love
you put into giving. It’s not just about making the right choice. It’s also about
choosing what’s right for you.

I understand that giving doesn’t always feel great. In fact, it can be depleting,
and at times people may try to take advantage of you. That’s why it’s important
that you follow what you love—that which gives you purpose, expansion, and
fulfillment—and give your time to organizations with clear goals and
transparent results.

The Mangena Foundation

Founded in 2015 and formally incorporated in England and Wales in 2017, The
Mangena Foundation is a non-profit organization with a mission:

"Empowering the next generations to create a better, brighter, safer, and
more loving world."

The foundation’s activities include:

Building schools in third world countries
Building orphanages in third world countries
Mentoring children in foster care and children's homes in the UK
Mentoring young offenders and those in the criminal justice
system in the UK

School Program

"Emancipation through education."

Under the school program, volunteers have the opportunity to help:

Build schools
Support the creation of self-sustaining local communities that can
pay their teachers and supply schools with resources
Encourage and train personal development in attendees so that
they fulfil their ultimate potential


"A safe home for every child."

Under our orphanage program, Dreamers can help create:

Small family-based home units for orphans (that are)
Love driven (and)
Encourage personal development and the growth of self-esteem

Mentoring Program

"Teaching creative independence."

Want to help mold the next generation of Dreamers? Here’s how you can get

Mentoring teenagers
Schools, youth clubs, and prisons
Supporting the appreciation and reaching of ultimate potential

Young Entrepreneurs

"Supporting the value creators of tomorrow."

The lifeblood of our economy is entrepreneurship. Under this program,
volunteers can make a difference in:

Education and training
Personal development
Ongoing support
Mentoring children in foster care and children's homes in the UK
Mentoring young offenders and those in the criminal justice system
in the UK

For me personally, direct charitable work both through the Foundation and
charities with whom I am both a patron and volunteer keeps me grounded in
the very things that the macro outlook of my Mission Statement and the
Dreamer’s Manifesto seeks to help humanity grow and evolve beyond.

This may not be your calling.

For me, regardless of where I have been in my life or the ways in which I have
denied my Dream, charity work has always played a central role.

Entrepreneurial Philanthropy
In truth, I have long been at odds with the traditional formula of giving
handouts as the principal framework for philanthropy because it’s counter to
the workings of nature. If you give a man his dinner for long enough, he will
forget how to feed himself and then, over time, fail to teach his children to do
so. Before long you have generation after generation with no concept of self-
reliance or the capability to care for themselves.

I have seen this first hand with my work in the field, especially in countries
ravaged by war. The generations that followed have had no experience of
looking after themselves, as the ones who built them up were in many cases
preoccupied with keeping them alive.

The Mangena Foundation, for example, invests in a local areas, training them to
take over these enterprises with real economic consequences, in addition to
and the support to make the transition into self-reliance, whilst simultaneously
teaching the skills to the generations below. The goal is to enable these people
to not only can take over these enterprises, but also evolve and innovate to
create new and greater enterprises. Growth is a key component in nature—if
you aren’t growing you are dying.

To join, feel free to email us through these links:
The Mangena Foundation does not take any cash donations. But we are open to
hearing about projects people have and welcome those who want to donate
their time and energy to ongoing projects.

Where to from Here?

We’ve finally reached the end of our journey together. I sincerely hope that at
the least we have touched—and at the best, ignited—the start of your new

Before we part, keep in mind that Dreamers are those who kept on dreaming
whatever their circumstances may be. We are those who seek and follow their
purpose, those who walked through fear, opposition, and even rejection to
emerge victorious at the end.

Dreamers work hard, but not in vain. They have a plan on which they seek
proper guidance, and then take ACTION. They depend on themselves and
create the life they want. They live in the NOW and appreciate everything that
life has to offer.

And lastly, Dreamers make a difference. They’re not content with making their
life better…they want others to reach their full potential too!


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