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The effect of competing melodies on melody recognition

by hearing-impaired and normal-hearing listeners

J. A. P.M. de Laata) and R. Plompb)
Facultyof Medicine,Free University,

for publication21 June1985)
For a groupof 30 heating-impairedsubjects
anda matchedgroupof 15normal-heatingsubjects
{agerange13-17}thefollowingdatawerecollected: thetoneaudiogram, theauditorybandwidth
at 1000Hz, and the recognitionthresholdof a shortmelodypresentedsimultaneously with two
othermelodies,lowerandhigherin frequency,respectively. The thresholdwasdefinedasthe
frequencydistancerequiredto recognizethe testmelody.It wasfoundthat, whereasthe mean
recognitionthresholdfor thenormal-hearing subjectswasfivesemitones,it was,on the average,
27 semitonesfor theheating-impairedsubjects.Althoughtheinterindividualspreadfor thelatter
groupwaslarge,it didnotcorrelatewiththesubjects' auditorybandwidth,norwiththeirmusical
experienceor education.
PACS numbers:43.66.D½,43.66.Mk, 43.75.Cd [DW]

INTRODUCTION In addition to melodyrecognition,the auditory band-

In previousresearchin our group (e.g., Festen and width of the subjectswasmeasuredin our experiments.We
Plomp, 1983;Dreschlerand Plomp, 1985),data on different can expectthat subjectswith wide critical bands,due to
auditory functionswere correlatedwith the speech-recep- hearingimpairment,will have difficultiesin discriminating
tion thresholdin quietandin noise,bothfor normal-hearing simultaneoustonesin a musical context, which will be detri-
and hearing-impairedlisteners.It wasfoundthat the effect mentalto the perceptionof melodiesin polyphoniemusic.
of heating impairment on speechperceptioncan be ex- Many authorshave examinedthe relationsbetweenfre-
plainedpartly as a resultof a deteriorationin the ear'sfre- quencyselectivity,frequencydiscrimination,hearingloss,
quency-resolving power. Since frequencyresolutionalso and speechintelligibilityin noise.Someimportantconclu-
plays an important role in music perception,it appeared sionscan be drawn from the studiesby Florentine et al.
worthwhileto investigatethe degreeto whichrecognitionin (1980), Zurek and Formby (1981), Hall and Fernandes
polyphonicmusicis affectedby hearingimpairment.Hear- (1983},Tyler et al. (1982, 1983},Festenand Plomp (1983},
ing-impairedpeopleoftencomplainof difficultyin hearing and Dreschlerand Plomp {1985}:Frequencyselectivityis
when there are competingspeechmessages;the present reducedin the frequencyrangeof a eoehlearhearingloss;
study may be consideredas the analogyof this condition this reductionis almostindependentof soundlevel.
with simultaneous tonesequences rather than voices. In our experiments,melodyrecognitionwasstudiedby
Severalstudiesare knownaboutthe auditorycapacityof meansof sequences of threesimultaneous
tones,in whichthe
normal-hearingsubjectsto segregatetwo or more fluctuat- frequencydistancebetweenthesetonesrequiredto perceive
ingtonesequences. Experimentsby Bregman(1972}indicat- correctlythe melody of the middle toneswas the criterion.
ed that mostsubjectswereableto detectchangesin the tem-
poral patternof two melodiesif the rate wasbelow 5 tones
per second.Van Noorden(1975}comparedtemporalcoher- A. Method
ence,fission,and fusionin the perceptionof tonesequences. First, the pure-tonehearinglevel was measuredat 11
The temporalcoherence boundarydepends heavilyuponthe frequencies (125,250, 500, 630, 800, 1000,1250,1600,2000,
tone rate; the fissionboundary,however,is relatively inde- 4000, and 8000 Hz). We usedan adaptedBekesyprocedure,
pendentof the tone rate. whichtakesabout10min per ear.
Studiesby Deutsch(reviewedin Deutsch,1982}report- Subsequently, themelody-recognition limit wasinvesti-
edon toneandmelodyrecognition:Only rare individualsare
gated. The subjecthad five push buttonsat his disposal.
able to reproduceor recognizea singletone,in spiteof our
Threeof thepushbuttonsactivated(1)the testmelodyalone,
daily exposureto a multitudeof suchtones.In contrast,most
(2)the testmelodypresented simultaneously with two mask-
of us easilylearn to recognizeand recalltonal combinations
ingmelodies,and (3)an alternativemelody,againpresented
suchas melodies.No experimentson the effectof hearing
simultaneouslywith two maskingmelodies(seeFig. 1).
impairmenton melodyrecognitionareknownto the present
Thesemaskingmelodieswere at equal distances(in semi-
tones)belowand abovethe test melody.The two response
buttonscorrespondedto the two maskingsituations.The
melodiesconsistedof four pure tones.The subjectwas al-
ENT Department,UniversityHospital,Leiden,The
Netherlands. lowedto hear eachof the threesignalstwice,after whichhe
blAlsoat Institutefor Perception,
TheNetherlands. had to decidewhich of the two complexsignalscontained

1574 J. Acoust.Soc. Am. 78 (5), November 1985 0001-4966/85/111574-04500.80 ¸ 1985 AcousticalSocietyof America 1574

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10•0 Hz FIG. 2. Spectrum and tem-
poral structurein the band-
width experiment.

0.2 0.5 0.7 1.0 1.3 1.5s


I •--" M- , ' '" •- •--

Finally, the auditory bandwidth of the subjectswas

,• , ,, I,•J •J , I measuredwith a procedureadoptedfrom Houtgast(1974).
A 1000-Hz probe tone was presentedsimultaneouslywith
FIG. 1. Exampleof the procedureusedin the melody-recognition
experi- comb-filteredwhite noiseat a spectrallevel of 60 dB/Hz
ment. (intensityin 1-Hz intervals).The detectionthresholdwas
measuredboth at the peak and in the valley of the noise
of•, 1,and2 ripplesper1000Hz.
the testmelody.The testmelodywasalwaysin the frequency
From Houtgast{1974)we know that only thesethree ripple
regionaround500 Hz. The alternativemelodywasequalto densities are needed to estimate the bandwidth of the audi-
the testmelody,exceptthat the secondand third noteswere
tory filter with someaccuracy.The peak-to-valleyratio was
in reversedorder(thisrestrictionwasnot knownto the sub-
20 dB (see Fig. 2). We used an adaptive two-alternative
ject}. In this way, with the critical notesin the test melody
forced-choiceprocedurewhich takesabout30 min per ear.
surroundedboth in time and frequencyby other notes,we
In the melody-recognition test the melodiesof pure
tried as much as possibleto make the subjectuse melody
toneswere around500 Hz, i.e., the regionaroundA4 (440
differenceasa criterion.The two maskingmelodieswereat a
Hz). The auditorybandwidthwasmeasuredwith a 1000-Hz
variablefrequencydistanceaboveand belowthe testmelo-
probe tone, becausethis test was part of a battery of tests
dy. The distanceof the toneswithin any melody was never
with tonesin the regionaround 1000Hz. A preliminaryex-
greaterthan three semitones, with no repeatedtonesin the
perimentwith only 10 of the 30 heating-impairedsubjects
same melody. All 24 possiblevariationsin ordering four indicated that the correlation coefficient between the audi-
tones with no repeatedtones were presentedat random.
tory bandwidthsat 500 and at 1000 Hz was 0.89 (seealso
From experimentsby van Noorden(1975}we may conclude
Dreschlerand Plomp, 1985).
that the tonesequences usedwerealwayswithin the tempo-
All experimentswere carried out twice on different
ral coherenceboundary.
days.The experiments werepreceded by a standardtraining
Tone duration was 350 ms, with silent intervals between
scheme,afterwhichall subjectshadnoproblemsin perform-
the tonesof 50 ms,resultingin a rate of 2.5 tonesper second.
ing the test. For the melody-recognitiontest both normal-
Bregman {1972) found that a melody with a small pitch
hearingand hearing-impairedlistenerswere able to recog-
range, separatedfrom the range of the interleavedback-
nize the testmelodyin a conditionof no competingmelody,
ground,is easilyperceivedat ratesfrom 1.4to 20.0 tonesper
after beingtrained.
The toneswere gatedwith rise and fall timesof 15 ms,
and their frequencieswere chosenaccordingto the equal-
temperedscale.Octave relationsbetweentonesof the test
melody,the alternativemelody,and the maskingmelodies •o

were avoided.Octavesare more likely to fusesuchthat the 2c

individualcomponents arelessaudibleassingletones(e.g.,
• 30
BregmanandDoehring,1984}.Sowhena notein a masking _J

melodyhasan octaverelationwith a notein the testmelody, > '40 •o%

thismay disturbits recognition.The melodieswerepresent- _1 5 0,1
ed at a constant, most comfortable sound level. z

rr 6O
The minimum frequency distance between the test 5o•"--=
melodyandthe maskingmelodiesrequiredto recognizecor- 7O

rectly the middle melodywas measuredwith an adaptive 80

two-alternativeforced-choice procedure.The startingvalue

was a distance of 45 semitonesbetween test melody and 250 500 :•000 20100 40100 8000
maskingmelodies.After threesuccessive correctresponses
the distancewas decreasedwith a stepsizeof two semitones
and after eachwrongresponse the distancewasequallyin- FIG. 3. Distributionof the audiogramsof 30 hearing-impairedlisteners.
creased.In this way a thresholddistancewas reachedcorre- The numbersindicatethepercentage of subjects
spondingto a probabilityof a correctresponseof 79%. better than the indicated value.

1575 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 78, No. 5, November 1985 J.A.P.M. de Laat and R. Plomp:Melody recognition 1575

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30 [ [ : I [ 10 , , , , , , , ,


c• 20

30 4 8 2 3
22 2?6
29 2•325 6
18 1 17 7 5




-•0•0 3i0 4i0 5i0 6i0 7i0 80

6 -

8 - -
FIG. 4. Meanslopeandmeanaudiometric
1O0 5i i 15
10 i 20
i 25
i 30
i 35
i 40
i 45

Thesub- FIG. 6. Recognition
thresholdof maskedmelodies
in histogram
jectsweresituatedin an anechoicchamberandlistenedmon-
aurallyoverheadphones. Thetonegenerators,filters,gates,
amplifiers,andattenuatorswereof standardtypesor made gram.As canbe seen,the groupof 30 subjects had a great
by our technical staff. variability,bothin the meanslopeand in the meanloss.In
the sameway asDreschlerandPlomp(1980),we haveused
C. Subjects these measures for correlation with the other data.
In Figs.5 and 6 the resultsof the melody-recognition
As heating-impaired subjects,30 pupilswith sensoft-
testare plotted.Figure5 represents the frequency-distance
neuralheatinglosses at a highschoolfor the heatingim- thresholdof the testmelodyfor the heating-impaired sub-
pairedwereused.Theiragesvariedfrom 13to 17years.As a jectsboth in the testand in the retest.The test-retestreliabil-
reference groupwe used15 normal-hearing pupilsat the
ity is verygood:The reliabilitycoefficient
for the heating-
sameeducationallevelasthe heating-impaired subjects.In
impairedsubjects is 0.91.Therewasno significant learning
the melody-recognition testandin the auditory-bandwidth effect.
test only one ear of the subjectwas used:the ear with the
Histograms of thesethresholds arepresented in Fig. 6.
smallermeanaudiometricloss.All subjects werepaid for
their services.
The meanthresholdfor thenormal-hearing subjects is 5 se-
mitones(standarddeviation3 semitones)and the mean
II. RESULTS thresholdfor the hearing-impaired subjectsis 27 semitones
(standarddeviation 10 semitones).Apparently there is a
The distributionof the hearingthresholdsof the hear- largedifferencebetweenthetwo groups.
ing-impairedsubjectsis shownin Fig. 3. The subjectsshow In thescatterdiagramof Fig. 7 theauditory-bandwidth
an increasinghearinglosstowardsthehigherfrequencies. data for the heating-impairedsubjectsare combinedwith
Figure4 gives,for eachsubjectindividually,the mean thethresholds foundin themelody-recognition test.On the
audiometriclossasa functionofthemeanslopein theaudio- basisofthehypothesis thattheear'sfrequency selectivityisa


z 50

,,, 40- 11

3O !
z 4
16 19
30- 24
2O •325
28 18

c• 2o 29 6 26

..J •o

i i i 15 i i i i i
NUMBER OF SUBJECT oo lO0 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 •.000

FIG. 5. Recognitionthresholdof maskedmelodiesfor the 30 numbered
subjectsin testandin retest,according
to thedirectionof FIG. 7. Recognition
ofmasked melodies
asa function
the arrows.
rithmof theauditorybandwidth,
for the30hearing-impaired

1576 J.acoust.
Soc.Am.,Vol.78,No.5, November
1985 J.a.P.M. deLaatandR.Plomp:
recognition 1576

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8 i I t
In Fig. 8, for 20 heating-impairedsubjects(with
7- 9 13 15 numbers1 to 20), the numberof instrumentsrecognizedis
6- 2O plottedas a functionof the meanrecognitionthresholdof
5- 1o maskedmelodies.Apparently,the two scoresare not relat-
4-õ :::' 7 18

4 38
We alsoaskedthe subjects
whethertheyliked listening
3- 12
to musicor playedan instrument.A relation betweenthese
2- ii
answersand the test performancescould not be found. So
thereis no evidencethat a connectionwith musicimproves
i i i

O0 20 30 40 50
the resultsof the melody-recognitiontest.
We may concludethat hearing-impairedsubjectsshow
MEL.REC.THR. IN SEMITONES a considerablespreadin their ability to recognizea melody
FIG. 8. Numberof recognizedinstruments asa functionof the recognition
presentedsimultaneously with two melodieslowerand high-
thresholdof maskedmelodiesfor 20 hearing-impairedsubjects. er in frequency.This reducedability appearsnot to be corre-
lated with the auditory bandwidthof the impaired ear, nor
with the subject'smusicalexperienceor education.
constitutivefactorin melodyrecognition,we expecteda cor-
relation between the results of the two tests. The correlation ACKNOWLEDGMENT
coefficientactually found for the 30 hearing-impairedsub-
jectswas,however,only0.23 andnot significant. The corre- This study is supportedby the NetherlandsOrganiza-
lationcoefficientfoundfor the ten hearing-impairedsubjects tion for the Advancementof Pure Research(ZWO).
in thecaseof the auditorybandwidthat 500 Hz was0.34, but
alsonot significant.The resultsof the melody-recognition
measured,like meanhearingloss,meanslopein the audio- Bregman,A. S. (1972)."Primary auditorystreamsegregation and the per-•
gram, and temporalresolution.It is apparentthat some ceptionof tunes,"unpublishedmanuscript,Dept. of Psychology,McGill
University, Montreal, Canada.
heating-impairedsubjectswith relatively wide auditory Bregman,A. S., and Doehring,P. (1984). "Fusion of simultaneoustone-
bandwidthsare verygoodat recognizingmelodies,and that glides:The roleof parallelness
ontheotherhandsomehearing-impaired subjects
with rela- Psychophys. 36, 251-256.
tively narrow auditory bandwidthshardly recognizethe Deutsch,D. (1982)."Groupingmechanisms in music,"in ThePsychology of
melodies. Music (Academic,New York), pp. 99-134.
Dreschler,W. A., andPlomp,R. (1980)."Relationbetweenpsychophysical
dataandspeechperceptionfor hearing-impaired subjects(I)," J. Acoust.
Dreschler,W. A., andPlomp,R. (1985)."Relationbetweenpsychophysical
The findingthat for the hearing-impaired
listenersthe dataandspeechperceptionfor hearing-impaired subjects (II)," J. Acoust.
melody-recognition thresholdaround500 Hz wasnot corre- Sac.Am. (accepted).
lated with the bandwidth.measure,even though measured Festen,J. M., andPlomp,R. (1983)."Relationsbetweenauditoryfunctions
in impairedhearing,"J. Acoust.Sac.Am. 73, 652-662.
around 1000Hz, is rather surprising.It suggests
that other
Florentine,M., Buus, S., Scharf,B., and Zwicker, E. (1980). "Frequency
factors,morecentrallylocatedthan peripheralfrequencyse- selectivityin normal-hearing
andhearing-impaired observers," J. Speech
per- Hear. Res. 23, 646-669.
formed much worse than normal-hearinglistenersof the Hall,J.W., andFernandes,
M. A. (1983)."Temporal
resolution,and off-frequencylisteningin normal-hearingand cochlear-
sameageand educationallevel. impairedlisteners,"J. Acoust.Sac.Am. 74, 1172-1177.
A possibleexplanation
mightbethat,dueto theirhear- Houtgast, T. (1974). Lateral Suppression in Hearing, Ph.D. dissertation
at listeningto (FreeUniversity,Amsterdam,The Netherlands).
music,sothat the experimental
taskof melodyrecognition Noorden,L. P. A. S. van (1975). TemporalCoherence in the Perceptionof
was much more difficult for them than for the normal-hear- ToneSequences, Ph.D. dissertation(Universityof Technology,Eindho-
ven,The Netherlands). ,

ingsubjects.In orderto getsomeinsightintothisquestion, Tyler, R. S., Wood, E. J., and Fernandes,M. (1982)."Frequencyresolution
werequested 20 of the30heating-impaired
to listen and hearingloss,"Brit. J. Audiol. 16, 45-63.
to a recordingof "Peter and the Wolf" by S. Prokofiev. Tyler, R. S., Wood, E. J., and Fernandes,M. (1983)."Frequencyresolution
anddiscriminationof constantanddynamictonesin normalandhearing-
Afterthat,a partof thecompositionin whichsevendifferent impairedlisteners,"J. Acoust.Sac.Am. 74, 1190-1199.
instruments are prominentwasplayedagain,and the sub- Zurek, P.M., and Formby,C. (1981)."Frequency-discrimination ability of
jectswereaskedto recognizetheseinstruments.. hearing-impairedlisteners,"J. SpeechHear. Res.46, 108-112.

1577 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 78, No. 5, November 1985 J.A.P.M. de Laat and R. Plomp: Melody recognition 1577

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