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| THE LOTTERY by Brainerd Duffield Adapted from a Story by Shirley Jackson -€ HE DRAMATIC PUBLISHING COMPANY] A Play in One Act by BRAINERD DUFFIELD The Lottery ‘Adapted from a Story by Shirley Jackson - >€ THE DRAMATIC PUBLISHING COMPANY CHICAGO Notice ERMISSION for an amateur performance Jot this play may be obtained upon the payment of a royalty fee of ten dollars ($10.00) for cach performance when an admis- sion is charged, or five dollars ($5.00) when no admission is charged. These fees must be paid in advance of the performance to THE DRa- MATIC PUBLISHING CoMPANY, Chicago, Illi- nois. Since performance of the play without payment of the royalty fee renders anybody par- ticipating liable to severe penalties imposed by law, anybody acting in this play should be sure, before doing so, that the royalty fee has been paid. On all programs and advertising this notice must appear: Produced by special arrangement with THE Dramatic PUBLISHING COMPANY, of Chicago. COPYRIGHT, 1953, BY ‘Tue Dramatic PuBLisHING COMPANY Based upon the Story, “THE LOTTERY” By Shirley Jackson COPYRIGHT, 1948, By THE New YORKER MAGAZINE, INC. All Rights Reserved PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA True LoTrery) The Lottery A Play in One Act FOR EIGHT MEN, FIVE WOMEN AND EXTRAS AS DESIRED Tommy Dickie MARTIN DELACROIX Hurcuison Mrs. DUNBAR Mrs. Watson Miss BEssOM Jack WILKINS ‘Op MAN WARNER BeLva SUMMERS Jor Summers Tess: HuTcHison Exrras: Lirrie Girt, Davy, VILLAGERS PLACE: A village square. TIME: This year. The 27th of June. 3 NEW RIEXICC

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