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create a table Employee with the following specifications

ID integer
First_name char/varchar
Last_name "/"
DOB date
salary decimal/integer

create table Employee

(ID integer not null primary Key,
First_name char(50),
Last_name char(50),
DOB date,
salary integer(7));

create table Job

(Job_ID integer not null primary Key,
Job_description varchar(25),
Hire_date date,
ID integer references Employee(ID));

create table Emp

(Ecode integer not null primary key,
Ename char(50),
Grade char(1) DEFAULT 'B',
Gross salary decimal);
Tuples are rows
Attributes are columns
Degree is the no. of attributes
Cardinality ios the no. of tuples

create table Item

(Code integer not null primary key,
Iname varchar(50),
Qty integer,
Price integer,
Company varchar(50),
Tcode varchar(4) references Traders(Tcode));
create table Traders
(Tcode varchar(4),
Tname char(50),
City char(50));

INSERT INTO Item(Code,Iname,Qty,Price,Company,Tcode)

Values(1001,'DIGITAL PAD 12I',120,11000,'XENITA','T01');
INSERT INTO Item(Code,Iname,Qty,Price,Company,Tcode)
Values(1004,'LED SCREEN 40',70,38500,'SANTORA','T02');
INSERT INTO Item(Code,Iname,Qty,Price,Company,Tcode)
Values(1006,'CAR GPS SYSTEM',50,21500,'GEOKNOW','T01');
INSERT INTO Item(Code,Iname,Qty,Price,Company,Tcode)
Values(1003,'DIGITAL CAMERS 4X',180,8000,'DIGICHECK','T02');

Select *From Items where Code=1006;

Display all inforamtion T02
Select *From Items where Tcode='T02';
To display date
Select curdate();
Select 45*75 From dual;

Projection operation-only few attributes are selected

Select Adno,Name From Students where Class=12;

Select Name,Class,Section From Student where section='A';

Select *From Students where Fees>=3000;
Select *From Students where Name='Rsohan Saini';

Select Adno,Name,Average*5 As Total_Marks From Student;

<>-not equal to

write a query to display employee number name and salary and

salary into 12 as annual salry

write a query to display all details of employees whose salary is bw 2500-4000

Select epmno,ename,sal,sal*12asAnnual_Salary From Empl;

Select ename From Empl where comm>sal;

display all detials of salesmen who have not been assigned dept

Select *From Empl where job='SALESMAN' and deptno IS NULL;

Select ename,sal From Empl where sal>=2200;
Select ename,sal From Empl where sal NOT BETWEEN 2500 and 4000;
Select ename,job,sal From Empl where mgr IS NULL;
Select *From Empl where job<>'MANAGER';

Select Name From STUDENT where GAME='C' or SUPW='C';

Select SUPW From STUDENT where NAME LIKE 'A%';

Select NAME From SPORTS where Game1=Game2;

Select Games From SPORTS where NAME LIKE 'A%';

Select Title From Library where type='PROG' and Pub='BPB';

Select Title From Library order by Price;
Select *From Library where order by Price DESC;
Select ename from Empl where year(hiredate) BETWEEEN 1991 and 1992;
Select ename,min(hiredate) from Empl;
Update Empl set sal=sal+500 where job=MANAGER;
Delete from item where iname='powder';
Select *From CLUB where SPORTS='SWIMMING'

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