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Transcript/Attendance Reflection

I believe that my transcripts and attendance are a true reflection of my capabilities. My

attendance has stayed above ninety percent because I try my best to attend school everyday, and

my transcripts show how I have gotten A’s in a majority of my classes over my four years in

high school. I have been able to maintain good grades because I have been physically present at

school more than ninety percent of the time, allowing me to never be behind and to be able to

keep up with all of my homework.

The rare days that I have been absent from school were due to illnesses, important family

functions, doctor appointments and religious ceremonies. Even if I had important family

functions, doctor appointments or religious ceremonies, I would come back to school if school

was still in session. When I am absent, I also contact my peers or my twin brother to ask what

happened in my classes while I was gone so that I can do it before I come to school. I have never

even taken advantage of the two day extension for homework that is given when you’re absent

because I don’t want to come to school unprepared and behind. My attendance record is a good

reflection of how hard I try to be physically present at school and how I would rather be at

school than miss it and fall behind.

My transcripts reflect my hard work ethic. In every course that I have taken, I have

always turned in my work on time since homework is a big percentage of my grade for every

class. Then of course, I try my hardest to study well for tests and quizzes since they are usually

the biggest percentage of my grades. My transcripts reflect how hard I work to get only A’s,

which is shown from the fact that I’ve only had eight B’s and thirty-four A’s in the first seven

semesters of high school. I have been able to stay above at least a three point five GPA.
I believe that my grades are a big result of my good attendance. Being physically present

at school has allowed me to learn in class and to be able to know how to do my homework. I am

very proud of the grades that I have earned, especially the grades that I earned in advanced

placement courses. My transcripts and attendance greatly reflect how dedicated I am to my

education and how hard I am willing to work.

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