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Class Diagram

Class Diagram contains the class name and the attributes of that class. In our University
enrollment system the classes are COE Letter, Card, Term, Payment, Payment Status, Receipt,
Course avail, Course, Student enrollment, Major, Selection of course, Class information and
Student. The student contains the class attributes are Student id and its data type is integer,
Student name, Student address, Student Mobil number and Email_id. Another class name COE
Letter contains the attributes that is letter id and Student id. Card class is used to paying contains
the card number, account holder name, expiry date and CVV value to paying the tuition fees and
other type of values. Payment class contains the attributes like payment id, student id, payment
amount, payment date to know the time and date of the payment. Payment status class contains
the payment id and status of the payment. Receipt class contains the receipt id, card id, payment
id, student id and date as attributes. Selection of the course class contains the attributes like
course id, student id, number of course, add course and get enroll as function name. Another
class course student id, course id and course name. Every student can avail the one course for
their studies, it can be another class. It contains the course id, course name and course status as
attributes in the class diagram. Student enrollment contains the enroll id, student id, course id as
the attributes. If a student want to enroll in the university he can use the generate student function
to enroll them in the university. They can verify it by the verify COE letter. They can select the
major based on the add specialization function. After selecting the corresponding major, they can
select the class by checking the strength of the class. If the class strength is above 40, they have
to select available class timing.

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