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Artificial intelligence is indeed one of the most profound invention man has ever created yet to the

general populous there are severe misconceptions regarding how AI operates and the notion of
intelligence. Firstly, AI’s definition on Merriam Webster ‘the capability of a machine to imitate intelligent
human behavior’ can be severely misleading. AI is a complex iterative process which learns to recognize
and do its task by collecting data and identifying patterns from which to learn. AI like Apple’s Siri has
gone through years of data collection and corrections to learn speech recognition and respond
accordingly. The key difference here is that most AI operating in this world has managed to do one task
exceedingly well and most AI are still susceptible to error. The Deep blue computer developed by IBM
was able to beat the world champion at chess in 1996, however that AI was incompetent in playing any
other game or even a game of chess on a 20 x 20 board instead of a 19 x 19 board. Siri has been
collecting data since almost a decade yet it still cannot have a full conversation with a human being.
Microsoft’s AI chatbot ‘Tay’ used Twitter to collect data and recognize speech in 2016. It started posting
racist comments in less than 24 hours, something it was not intended for. AI is hence not similar in
intelligence to humans. The risk of ‘Super intelligent AI’ which would control or destroy the human race
is at least decades away as AI is still susceptible to being fooled and cannot adapt to new situations
other than which it is programmed for.

The real risks associated with AI is if AI is programmed to be destructive or if an AI finds a destructive

way to accomplish a nonviolent goal. AI is an invention by mankind, similar to the invention of the wheel
or the steam engine. It’s our responsibility to use it to the benefit of mankind. When the wright brothers
first invented an aero plane carrying man, it paved way for making great strides in human transportation
as well as war. Nuclear power is one of the most sustainable and efficient ways to produce electricity yet
it is destructive if used for genocide. There will always be a destructive potential in AI yet it is the risk
humans have to take if they want to reach the zenith of knowledge, accuracy and precision. In 2015, AI
demonstrated capability to form scientific theory and able to solve a 120 year old biological mystery
regarding flatworms (Collins).Truly the potential of AI for years to come is immense as it enables
humans to solve problems to complex questions that we otherwise may never be able to solve.
regarding flatworms (Collins).

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