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Task 1:

hadoop fs -mkdir flightdelays

hadoop fs -put ~/datasets/flightdelays/*.csv flightdelays/

Task 2:
a = load 'flightdelays' using PigStorage(',');
b = filter a by (chararray) $4 != 'NA' or (chararray) $11 != 'NA';
c = foreach b generate $0 as year:int, $1 as month:int, $2 as dayofmonth:int, $4 as
$8 as uniquecarrier:chararray, $9 as flightnum:chararray, $14 as arrdelay:int,
$16 as origin:chararray, $17 as dest:chararray;
store c into '/user/horton/flightdelays_clean' using PigStorage(',');

Task 3:
Step 1.
a = load 'flightdelays_clean';
b = group a all;
c = foreach b generate COUNT(a);
store c into 'cleaned_total';

The result is 30,267 records

Step 2.
a = load 'flightdelays_clean' using PigStorage(',');
b = filter a by (chararray) $8 == 'DEN';
c = group b all;
d = foreach c generate COUNT(b);
store d into '/user/horton/denver_total';

The result is 495 records

Step 3.
a = load 'flightdelays_clean' using PigStorage(',');
b = filter a by (chararray) $8 == 'DEN' and (int) $6 >= 60;
c = group b all;
d = foreach c generate COUNT(b);
store d into '/user/horton/denver_late';

The result is 29 records

Task 4:
create external table flightdelays (
year int,
month int,
dayofmonth int,
deptime int,
uniquecarrier string,
flightnum int,
arrdelay int,
origin string,
dest string)
row format delimited
fields terminated by ','
location '/user/horton/flightdelays_clean';

Task 5:
a = load 'flightdelays' using org.apache.hive.hcatalog.pig.HCatLoader();
b = filter a by arrdelay > 0;
c = order b by arrdelay desc parallel 3;
store c into '/user/horton/flightdelays_nonzero' using PigStorage(',');

Run the script with the following command:

$ pig -x tez -useHCatalog flightdelays_nonzero.pig

The output should consist of 13,265 records stored in three files:

-rw-r--r-- 3 horton horton 123265 flightdelays_nonzero/part-v003-o000-r-
-rw-r--r-- 3 horton horton 179581 flightdelays_nonzero/part-v003-o000-r-
-rw-r--r-- 3 horton horton 123013 flightdelays_nonzero/part-v003-o000-r-

Task 6:
Step 1.
select avg(arrdelay) from flightdelays where dest = 'DEN';
Result is 7.26 minutes

Step 2.
select avg(arrdelay) from flightdelays where origin = 'LAX' and dest = 'SFO';
Result is 62.5 minutes

Step 3.
from flightdelays select dest, avg(arrdelay) as delay group by dest order by delay
NOTE: There are many ways to find the highest arrdelay, but the answer is "SFO"
with a value of about 55 minutes

Task 7:
create table sfo_weather_text (station_name string, year int, month int, dayofmonth
int, precipitation int, temperature_max int, temperature_min int) row format
delimited fields terminated by ',';
load data local inpath '/home/horton/datasets/flightdelays/sfo_weather.csv' into
table sfo_weather_text;
create table sfo_weather stored as Orc as select * from sfo_weather_text;

Task 8:
set hive.execution.engine=tez;
create table flights_weather as select f.*, w.temperature_max, w.temperature_min
from flightdelays as f join sfo_weather as w on w.year = f.year and w.month =
f.month and w.dayofmonth = f.dayofmonth where f.origin = "SFO" or f.dest = "SFO" ;
The flights_weather table should contain 416 rows

Task 9:
create table weather_partitioned (station_name string, dayofmonth int,
precipipation int, temperature_max int, temperature_min int) partitioned by (year
int, month int) stored as orc;
insert into table weather_partitioned partition(year=2008,month=1) select
station_name, dayofmonth, precipitation, temperature_max, temperature_min from
sfo_weather where year = 2008 and month = 1;

Task 10:
sqoop export --connect jdbc:mysql://namenode/flightinfo --table weather --export-
dir /user/horton/weather --input-fields-terminated-by ',' --username root
--password hadoop

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