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5 Relational-Navigation Analysis

Relationship-Navigation Analysis (RNA) has 5 steps:

1. stakeholder analysis
2. element analysis
3. relationship and metaknowledge analysis
4. navigation analysis
5. relationship and metaknowledge implementation analysis

Relationship-Navigation Analysis has two major purposes. On its own, a relationship analysis
will help the system analyst form a deeper comprehension of the application. This occurs
primarily in steps 1-4. The analyst then must decide which of these relationships actually to
implement. Some may provide only marginal benefit. Others may be very costly or difficult
to implement. These decisions take place in the last step.

4.5.1 Step 1: Stakeholder Analysis

The purpose of the stakeholder analysis is to identify the application's audience. Knowing
who will be interested in an application helps the analyst broadly determine the entire range
of important elements and relationships, and then to focus on these specifically. Especially
those applications with public Web access have a much broader range of stakeholders than
many imagine.

Many analysts, in fact, find this the most enlightening part of the Relationship-Navigation
Analysis. For example, in a recent analysis of a e-Aduan website application, the analysts
started out with the implicit assumption that lecturer would be the only users of the system.
They were only considering putting the information themselves and things that missing.

4.5.2 Step 2: Element Analysis

Here the analysts lists all the potential elements of interest in the application. At one level
these include all types of items displayed in any on-line display such as information screens,
forms, documents, and any other type of display, as well as the screens, forms and documents
themselves. The easiest way to start is to examine each screen and identify each value and
label it contains.
4.5.3 Step 3: Relationship Analysis

Relationship analysis concerns inter-relationships, intra- relationships and metaknowledge.

The analyst should consider each element of interest identified in the prior step in terms of
each of the following general kinds of relationships, for each group of stakeholders. Certain
relationships will be useful to only certain stakeholders.

Relationships can lead to information inside and outside the application. Analysts should not
feel constrained by real-world considerations of availability or implementation cost and
effort. In this step they should exercise their creativity as fully as possible. Only in step 5
should they consider how to implement the relationships and metaknowledge found.

4.5.4 Step 4: Navigation Analysis

Once we identify the relationships, we can think of how the user might access them. The
most straightforward implementation would make each relationship a link, and then provide
simple traversal such as users selecting an anchor and link, and the system displaying the link
destination. But certain relationship types lend themselves to more sophisticated navigation.
The concept of hypermedia includes many other navigation features based on relationships or
links. These include guided tours and trails, overviews and structural query. In this step of
Relationship-Navigation Analysis, the analyst should decide which navigation features might
best serve stakeholders' needs.

4.5.5 Step 5: Relationship and Navigation Implementation Analysis

Clearly step 3 can generate a lot of relationships and step 4 can generate a lot of possible
navigational opportunities. In this step, the analyst must decide which actually to implement.
This step is not the actual implementation, simply the logical decision of which relationships
to implement. Analysts should consider the costs and benefits the actual and marginal of both
implementing and displaying each. We separate this step from steps 3 and 4 so the analyst
can exercise all of his or her creative talents there without constraint by real world
4.6 Interaction Design

Interaction design is about facilitating interactions between users and products in an apps
or websites. According to the Interaction Design Foundation, “the goal of interaction
design is to create products that enable the user to achieve their objectives in the best way
possible.” In other words, interaction designers are responsible for creating every element
on a screen that a user might interact with, whether through clicking, swiping, tapping, or
some sort of action.

The five dimensions of interaction design serve as a helpful model to understand what it

1D: Words
should be simple to understand and should communicate the right amount of information
to the user. For example, too much detail can overwhelm, while too little information can
cause confusion.

2D: Visual representations

For example images, typography, and icons, should supplement the words to
communicate information to the user.

3D: Physical objects or space

refers to the actual hardware and objects that a user interacts with. For example, are they
using a smartphone or a laptop.

4D: Time
refers to how users might measure progress, with sound and animation for example, as
well as how long they spend interacting with the first three dimensions.

5D: Behaviour
The previous dimensions define the interactions of a product. It also includes the
reactions of users and the product.
4.7 Informatioon Design

Information design is the practice of presenting information in a way that efficient and
effective understanding of it. The term has come to be used specifically for graphic design for
displaying information effectively, rather than just attractively or for artistic expression.
Information design is closely related to the field of data visualization and is often taught as
part of graphic design courses. Often, this is visual in nature because of our dependence on
sight. But the area looks at all forms of representation, or modalities:

 Visual: Information is represented such that it can be seen

 Auditory: Information is represented such that it can be heard
 Kinesthetic: Information is represented such that it can be touched

Some representations have more than one modality, as in the case of a television commercial,
which has both a visual mode and an auditory mode.

4.8 Functional Design

Functional Design is a paradigm used to simplify the design of web application, software or
hardware. A functional design assures that each modular part of a device has only one
responsibility and performs that responsibility with the minimum of side effects on other
parts. Functionally designed modules tend to have low coupling and the interface for the
particular part in the web pages.

4.8.1 Advantages

The advantage for the functional design is that if a web pages module has a single
purpose, it will be simpler, and therefore easier to design and implement.

Systems with functionally designed parts are easier to modify because each part does
only what it claims to do.

Since maintenance is more than 3/4 of a successful system's life, this feature is a
crucial advantage. It also makes the system easier to understand and document, which
simplifies training. The result is that the practical lifetime of a functional system is
longer. In a system of programs, a functional module will be easier to reuse because it
is less likely to have side effects that appear in other parts of the system.
4.8.2 Technique use

For the web application there will be the pages or interface in the form or static view
for the user to see the information or input the data to use that particular web
application services. Every pages that use in the web application has its own
responsibility to a users such as home pages, login , sign up session and others.

Figure 4.8.2 Example interface for the web application

4.9 Technical Design

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