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_____ ~plays ~only a few low tones, ~but ~~it can be used ~to accompany other
instruments or voices.
The primitive ~bagpipe~\The bagpipe is primitive\Because of the primitive
bagpipe\The primitive bagpipe's
This sentence has an incomplete main clause ~...plays... ~and a complete main
clause ~it can be used..., ~which are joined with the coordinate connector ~but.
~To be complete, the incomplete main clause needs a subject. Answer A is the best
answer because it contains the subject ~bagpipe. ~Answer B has an extra verb, and
answers C and D are each missing a subject, so these answers are incorrect.
~Cinderella, ~_____ from ninth-century China, ~featured ~a noiseless slipper of
was a fairy tale\a fairy tale was\a ~fairy tale~\it was a fairy tale
This sentence has a subject ~Cinderella ~and a verb ~featured. ~An appositive can
be used after the comma. Answer C is the best answer because it contains the
appositive ~fairy tale. ~Answers A and B each contain an extra verb, and answer D
has an extra subject and a verb, so these answers are incorrect.
~Children need ~to be aware of driving safety, _____ ~old enough ~to drive or not.
they are\to their\~whether they are~\their not
This sentence contains a complete main clause ~Children need... ~and an incomplete
adverb clause ~...old enough.... ~To be complete, the adverb clause needs a
connector, a subject, and a verb. Answer C is the best answer because it contains
the connector ~whether, ~the subject ~they, ~and the verb ~are. ~Answers A, B, and
D are each missing a connector, so these answers are incorrect.
_____ ~of ~American high school ~students ~successfully ~pass ~math courses in
elementary calculus.
The percent is less than two\At less than two percent\Less than ~two percent~\With
a percent of less than two
This sentence has a verb ~pass ~but needs a subject. ~Students ~is the object of
the preposition ~of ~and is not the subject. Answer C is the best answer because it
contains the subject ~two percent. ~Answer A has both a subject and a verb, answer
B has a prepositional phrase, and answer D has two prepositional phrases, so these
answers are incorrect.
The Australian ~boomerang, ~curved and flat, _____ to the thrower.
the return\and returned\returnable\~returns~
This sentence has a subject ~boomerang ~but needs a verb. ~Curved ~is a past
participle used as an adjective and is not the verb. Answer D is the best answer
because it contains the verb ~returns. ~Answer A has a noun, answer B has part of
an incomplete compound verb, and answer C has an adjective, so these answers are
A fir ~tree growing ~in nature _____ rather like a pyramid.
a tendency to be shaped\the shape tends to be\~tends ~to be shaped\a tendency of
the shape
This sentence has a subject ~tree ~but needs a verb; ~growing ~is a present
participle used as an adjective and is not the verb. Answer C is the best answer
because it contains the verb ~tends. ~Answers A and D are each missing a verb, and
answer B contains an extra subject, so these answers are incorrect.
The ~beaver ~_____, ~which it uses ~to propel itself though the water like a
with a thick, flat tail\it has a thick flat tail\whose tail is thick and flat\~has
~a thick, flat tail
This sentence has an incomplete main clause ~...beaver... ~and an adjective clause
~which it uses.... ~The main clause needs a verb to be complete. Answer D is the
best answer because it contains the verb ~has. ~Answer A does not contain a verb,
answer B contains an extra subject, and answer C contains an extra connector, so
these answers are incorrect.
~Seabirds lay ~elongated eggs, _____ ~less likely ~to be blown out of rocky nests.
are\~which are~\they are\therefore, they are
This sentence has a main clause ~Seabirds lay... ~and an incomplete adjective
clause ~...less likely.... ~The adjective clause needs a connector, a subject, and
a verb to be complete. Answer B is the best answer because it contains the
connector/subject ~which ~and the verb ~are. ~Answer A is missing a connector and a
subject, answer C is missing a connector, and answer D has an adverb transition
with incorrect punctuation, so these answers are incorrect.
~Geologists know ~_____ ~commonly found ~enveloped in igneous rock.
that uranium\~that uranium is~\uranium\is that uranium
This sentence has a main clause ~Geologists know... ~and an incomplete noun clause
~...commonly found.... ~The noun clause needs a connector, a subject, and a helping
verb to be complete. Answer B is the best answer because it contains the connector
~that, ~the subject ~uranium, ~and the helping verb ~is. ~Answers A and C are each
missing a helping verb, and answer D contains an inverted verb and connector, so
these answers are incorrect.
~On American rails in 1913 ~_____ more than 10,000 ~Pullman sleepers, ~which gave
rest to 100,000 passengers a night in the world's biggest hotel chain.
~were~\train cars were\the train cars\being
This sentence has the introductory place expression ~On American rails in 1913 ~and
the subject ~Pullman sleepers. ~To be complete, the sentence needs an inverted verb
following the introductory place expression. Answer A is the best answer because it
contains the verb ~were. ~Answer B contains a subject and verb that are not
inverted, answer C contains a noun, answer D contains a reduced verb, so these
answers are incorrect.
~Benny Goodman, ~who made swing music popular, _____ along with his band ~after
performing ~at the Palomar Ballroom in Los Angeles in 1935.
to become an overnight success\becoming an overnight success\in becoming an
overnight success\~became ~an overnight success
This sentence has an incomplete main clause ~Benny Goodman... ~and a complete
reduced adverb clause ~after performing.... ~The incomplete main clause needs a
verb to be complete. Answer D is the best answer because it contains the verb
~became. ~Answer A contains an infinitive, answer B contains a reduced verb, and
answer C contains a prepositional phrase, so these answers are incorrect.
In the preparation of pie crusts, biscuits, or scones, _____ ~are beaten ~with the
fat ~until the dough is ~crumbly, ~at which time the liquids are added.~
the ingredients are dry\the dry ~ingredients~\to dry the ingredients\drying the
This sentence has an incomplete main clause ~...are beaten..., ~a complete adverb
clause ~until the dough is..., ~and a complete adjective clause ~at which time the
liquids are added. ~To be complete, the main clause needs a subject. Answer B is
the best answer because it contains the subject ~ingredients. ~Answer A contains an
extra verb, answer C contains an infinitive and its object, and answer D contains
an incomplete verb, so these answers are incorrect.
~A skier ~~making telemark turns ~_____ to be genuflecting down the mountain.
that appear\~appears~\in the appearance\appear
This sentence has an incomplete main clause ~A skier... ~and a complete reduced
adjective clause ~making telemark turns, ~which describes the noun ~skier. ~The
incomplete main clause needs a verb to be complete. Answer B is the best answer
because it contains the verb ~appears. ~Answer A contains an extra
connector/subject, answer C contains a prepositional phrase, and answer D contains
a plural verb which cannot be used with the singular noun ~skier, ~so these answers
are incorrect.
~Superconductivity will revolutionize ~the way that energy is used for the next
millennium, and _____ the first truly superconductive substance ~will be remembered
~as a technological hero.
what the discovery of\the discovery of\whose discovery of\~whoever discovers~
This sentence has a main clause ~Superconductivity will revolutionize... ~and an
incomplete main clause ~...will be remembered.... ~The main clause needs a subject,
and a noun clause can function as the subject of a main clause. The noun clause
needs a connector, a subject, and a verb to be complete. Answer D is the best
answer because it contains the noun clause connector/subject ~whoever ~and the verb
~discovers. ~Answers A and C are each missing a verb, and answer B contains a
nonpersonal subject that has an illogical meaning with ~as a technological hero,
~so these answers are incorrect.
~Should ~_____ California cuisine, ~you would find ~an eclectic mix of Asian,
European, Latin American, and other influences.
try\~you try~\trying\you tried
This sentence has an incomplete inverted conditional ~Should ~and a main clause
~you would find.... ~The sentence needs a subject and a base verb following ~Should
~to be complete. Answer B is the best answer because it contains the subject and
base verb ~you try. ~Answer A is missing a subject, answer C contains a reduced
verb, and answer D contains a past tense verb, so these answers are incorrect.
~^=A@^ ~~estimated ~52 million Americans are doing at least some of =their@ |=work@
from home by using =computers@.
In this sentence, the article ~A ~is used in front of the word ~estimated, ~which
begins with a vowel sound. To correct this sentence, you can change ~A ~to ~An~.
The ~bee hummingbird ~=of the@ Caribbean =is@ ^=the smallest of@^ the amethyst |
~woodstar =bird@.~
This sentence has two similar phrases ~bee hummingbird ~and ~woodstar bird. ~The
comparative form is needed to show how the two are related. To correct this
sentence, you can change ~the smallest of ~to ~smaller than.~
Nearly ~every plant ~that develops ^=roots ~are@^ ~=dependent on@ the mechanical |
and chemical environment =provided by@ the silicate structure =of@ clay.
In this sentence, the singular subject ~every plant ~does not agree with the plural
verb ~are. ~~Every ~is always grammatically singular in English even though it may
have a plural meaning. To correct this sentence, you can change ~roots are ~to
~roots is.~
Levi jeans ~=were@ ~first ~^=wear@^ ~~by ~California gold miners and were =made@ |
popular in the 1950s =by@ James Dean and Marlon Brando.
This sentence includes the incorrectly formed passive expression ~were...wear by.
~A passive verb requires a past participle following the helping verb. To correct
this sentence, you can change ~wear ~to ~worn.~
Small cars are involved in ~^=less@^ ~~accidents ~than large ones, but large |cars
are =considered@ more safe =when@ involved in =accidents@.
This sentence includes the uncountable quantifier ~less ~accompanied by the
countable noun ~accidents~. To correct this sentence, you can change ~less ~to
When =hunting@ for fish, dolphins =emit@ loud clicking sounds =to confuse@ |
~^=theirs@^ ~~prey~.
In this sentence, the possessive pronoun ~theirs ~is used with the noun ~prey~. A
possessive pronoun cannot be used with a noun. To correct this sentence, you can
change ~theirs ~to ~their~.
Both helicopters and =tiltrotors@ are capable of vertical and =horizontal@ |flight,
but helicoptors are ~=neither@ ~as fuel ~efficient ~~nor ~as ~^=speedily@^ ~|as
The adverb ~speedily ~is not parallel to the adjective ~efficient. ~The paired
connector ~neither...nor ~indicates that these structures should be parallel. To
correct this sentence, you can change ~speedily ~to ~speedy.~
The ~stegosaurus ~weighed approximately two tons, yet ~^=their@^ ~brain |=cavity@
was =merely@ the size =of@ a golf ball.
In this sentence, the plural possessive adjective ~their ~refers back to the
singular noun ~stegosaurus~. A possessive must agree with the noun to which it
refers. To correct this sentence, you can change ~their ~to ~its~.
=During flight@, the ~forces ~~of ~~lift and thrust ~~^=overcomes^@ ~the
=counterforces@ |of weight =and drag@.
In this sentence, the plural subject ~forces ~does not agree with the singular verb
~overcomes. ~~Lift and thrust ~are objects of the preposition ~of ~and are not
subjects. To correct this sentence, you can change ~overcomes ~to ~overcome.~
The =ancient@ game of chess, once =the@ game of eccentrics, ~=is@ ~all of a |sudden
~^=boom@^ ~in grade schools.
In this sentence, the helping verb ~is ~is followed by the base form ~boom. ~The
helping verb ~is ~should be followed by either a present participle or a past
participle. To correct this sentence, you can change ~boom ~to ~booming.~
The first successful planetary probe ~^=has reached@^ ~Venus =in@ December |1962
after =it@ ~made ~a stunning =180 million-mile@ voyage.
This sentence includes the present perfect tense verb ~has reached ~and the past
tense verb ~made. ~The present perfect tense should not be used with the past tense
(unless the past tense follows ~since~). To correct this sentence, you can change
~has reached ~to ~reached.~
Most people do not realize that =sixty percent@ of the English words that are |used
every day =in this century@ came from Latin and Greek, two |~=^languages early@^~
which are =seldom spoken@ today.
In this sentence, the adjective ~early ~follows the noun ~languages. ~An adjective
should come before the noun it describes. To correct this sentence, you can change
~languages early ~to ~early languages.~
In 1940, =the@ 40-hour =work@ week went into effect under ~^=a@^ ~~Fair Labor |
Standards Act ~=of 1938@.
In this sentence, the general article ~a ~is used with the noun ~Fair Labor
Standards Act~. There is only one Fair Labor Standards Act, so the specific article
must be used. To correct this sentence, you can change ~a ~to ~the~.
Scanning, ~^=dislike@^ ~~reading ~slowly to find the =contextual@ meaning of a |
vocabulary word, is a reading skill that =requires@ the reader to skim |quickly
=through a@ passage to find a key word or phrase.
In this sentence, the verb ~dislike ~is used before the noun ~reading~. The
preposition ~unlike ~should be used before a noun. To correct this sentence, you
can change ~dislike ~to ~unlike~.
Laser surgery to repair =nearsightedness@ ~^=is becoming@^ ~common ~=over@ ~~the |
past =several@ years~.
This sentence includes the present progressive tense verb ~is becoming ~and the
present perfect time expression ~over the past several years. ~The present perfect
tense should be used with this expression. To correct this sentence, you can change
~is becoming ~to ~has become.~
Economic reports often focus on unemployment, but =underemployment@ |is equally
detrimental =as@ underemployed people have =either@ more time |or ~^=unusing@^
~~skills ~to offer the workplace.
In this sentence, the active adjective ~unusing ~is used to describe the noun
~skills~. A passive adjective is needed to create a logical meaning. To correct
this sentence, you can change ~unusing ~to ~unused~.
=Typically@ less than ~half ~of the ~trees ~in =a coniferous forest@ ~^=is@^ ~|old-
growth =timber@.
In this sentence, the singular verb ~is ~does not agree with the plural object of
the preposition ~trees. ~Because the subject is the expression of quantity ~half,
~the verb should agree with the object. To correct this sentence, you can change
~is ~to ~are.~
A candle ~=^relied@^ ~on the =capillary action@ of the wick, which ~=keeps@ ~the |
flame =supplied with@ molten wax as it ~burns~.
This sentence includes the past tense verb ~relied ~and the present tense verbs
~keeps ~and ~burns. ~The resulting meaning is not logical. To correct this
sentence, you can change ~relied ~to ~relies.~
~Freeware ~is =a@ category =of@ software that ^=mostly@^ ~distributed ~on =the@ |
Internet or through computer bulletin boards.
This sentence includes the active verb ~distributed ~when a passive verb is needed.
A passive verb is needed because the subject ~Freeware ~should receive the action
of the verb. To correct this sentence, you can change ~mostly ~to ~is mostly.~
The sheep industry =has been breeding@ larger ~^=sheeps@^ ~to make lamb |chops
closer =in size@ to pork chops and therefore more =attractive@ to the |consumer.
This sentence includes the incorrect plural noun ~sheeps~. ~Sheep ~is the
irregularly formed plural of the singular noun ~sheep~. To correct this sentence,
you can change ~sheeps ~to ~sheep~.
Benjamin Britten's opera {Peter Grimes{ =primarily@ uses the orchestra as |the
=accompanist@, but during "Sea Interludes" the orchestra ~is ~~^=lone@^ ~in |
=carrying@ the opera.
In this sentence, the adjective ~lone ~is used after the linking verb ~is~. This
type of adjective can only be used in front of a noun. To correct this sentence,
you can change ~lone ~to ~alone~.
Two presidents of the United States of America =were@ from Vermont; |=one was@
Chester Arthur, and ~^=other@^ ~=was@ Calvin Coolidge.
In this sentence, the indefinite adjective ~other ~is used instead of the definite
pronoun ~the other~. To correct this sentence, you can change ~other ~to ~the
According to in-the-know analysts, ~=the higher@ ~a bull market climbs, |~=the
more@ ~insecure stock market investments will be and ~^=the least@^ ~|=likely@
profit taking will be.
This sentence has two parallel comparative structures ~the higher ~and ~the more.
~A third parallel comparative structure is needed in place of the superlative. To
correct this sentence, you can change ~the least ~to ~the less.~
One of the =most electrifying@, ~^=no@^ ~~soon-to-be-forgotten ~moments in Super |
Bowl history =occurred in@ 1989 when quarterback Joe Montana led the |San Francisco
Forty-Niners 92 yards down the field for the |=game-winning@ touchdown.
In this sentence, the adjective ~no ~is used to describe the adjective phrase
~soon-to-be-forgotten~. An adverb should be used to describe an adjective. To
correct this sentence, you can change ~no ~to ~not~.
=In@ liquid form, =an acid@ will turn blue litmus paper red and ~react ~~^=for@^ ~|
=bases@ to form salts.
In this sentence, the incorrect preposition ~for ~is used with ~react~. To correct
this sentence, you can change ~for ~to ~with~.

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