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Leaving off all food for a This Pamphlet Provided

specific period of time. Be Courtesy of: What do I do

certain that your health is good about Fasting?
enough for this type of fast.
(Any food fast should be
considered carefully.)
√ All food and drink for a
period of time
While this kind of fast, usually
do I
for a day or so, can be very
useful, it is also the most
dangerous, because the human

do about
body cannot function without
water for very long.
√ Limited food and drink
Again, this fast is done for a
period of time. Ezekiel went on
an extended fast of this type.
If we understand the measures
correctly, however, Ezekiel was
miraculously sustained through
his fast.
√ Limiting entertainment or
Energion Publications
Limiting movies, television P.O. Box 841 “Is not this the kind of fasting I have
viewing, or the type of books Gonzalez, FL 32560 chosen: to loose the chains of injustice
that one reads can help focus Phone: (850) 968-1155
and untie the cords of the yoke, to set
your mind on spiritual things. Fax: (850) 968-4111 the oppressed free and break every
Web: http:// yoke? Is it not to share your food with
the hungry and to provide the poor
The key to the best type of fast is This brochure is available in quantity. Contact Energion wanderer with shelter— when you see
to discover what helps you focus Publications for more information. the naked, to clothe him, and not to
on God. That is the best fast for All scripture quotations taken from the Contemporary English turn away from your own flesh and
you. Version, Copyright © 1995 American Bible Society. blood?” – Isaiah 58:6-7
Scripture notated as ‘NIV’ are taken from the New International
Version Bible. Copyright © Zondervan Corporation. 1996.
Energion Publications
Copyright © 2005, Henry Neufeld Participatory Study Series

Scholarship in Service
Tell the leaders and people to come together at the temple.
Order them to go without eating and to pray sincerely. – Joel 1:14
What is fasting? with helping us get closer to God, primary impact of fasting is on our
mostly by focusing our attention on listening to what the Holy Spirit
In the Bible fasting refers to God. wants to communicate to us.
restricting one’s diet, including
refraining from eating and drinking The fast that God chooses, as I have health problems that the
entirely. As Isaiah says in the text discussed in Isaiah 58, has to do with doctor says I must eat and take
quoted on the front of this pamphlet, treating other people appropriately my medication routinely. I
fasting can include other activities and carrying out God’s mission. If we want to fast but I am not sure I
that are done for God. are not right with God, fasting is not should.
going to persuade Him to do things He
In modern times, fasting has been would not otherwise do. Do not fast if there is a question of
extended to include giving up other health. If you want to find
activities that are part of one’s What fasting can do is help us focus something to help you focus on
routine, generally things that one on God and bring ourselves more into God find something that you can
enjoys. tune with what God wants us to do. leave off that does not threaten
your health. Cooperate with your
Some types of fasts include not In a fast, when you think of the thing physician. If you have questions
eating for one or more meals, not you have given up, it should be a about the wisdom of fasting,
eating and drinking for a short period remainder to focus your attention on consult your physician and also
of time (always consider your God and to listen for God’s will. your pastor or someone who helps
health), leaving off certain types of Sometimes God’s will might be for you keep you accountable.
entertainment (an evening with the to quit fasting, and take some form of
TV turned off, and limiting your diet action. Give some examples of types of
such as not eating sweets, or fasts.
drinking soft drinks. These are only What is the relationship between
a few examples. fasting, prayer, and actions? √ One or two meals
This is the most common type of
What is the purpose? Is it just to In prayer we tell God how we are fast. Some people will fast a
get God’s attention so He will feeling and thinking and what we single meal in a day, or fast
answer my prayer? want. Prayer, in the sense of from the morning until some
speaking to God, should include time time in the afternoon or
You already have God’s attention— for listening to God’s will. Fasting is evening. This can be done
God doesn’t have any trouble especially useful in focusing us on either a single time, or regularly
keeping up with what people are God’s will and on how we can come on a particular day of the week.
doing. But fasting does have to do closer to God’s plan for us. The √ All food for a period of time

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