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15 “Sentence” and “Language” Blurred Concepts. ‘What isa sentence? From what do I distinguish a sentence? Or from what do I want to distinguish it? Prom parts of sentences in its system of grammar (like the equation from the equals sign), — or from everything we don't call a sentence, ie. from this chair, my watch, ete. ete.? For that there are written images or sound patterns that are especialy similar to sentences really need not concern us. Or do we have wo say: Only in explaining a system of grammar ean we speak of sentences." “Phe same thing goes for the word “sentence” as for the word “object”, and others: ‘They're only permitted when applied to a limited sphere, and there they're natural, Ifthe sphere is to be expanded so that the concept ean become philosophical, then the meaning of the words evaporates and they are empty shadows. We have to abandon them there and use them back within their boundaries. ‘But now we'd like to say: “A proposition is everything with which I mean something” And if asked “What does to mean ‘something’ mean?”, Pd give’ examples. Now these ex- amples, tobe sure, do have 2 realm of thei own into which the) can be expanded but they don't take me any further. Just as in logic I can’t generalize into the blue. And here it isn’t 4 matter of types, but of the fet that generalization itself is something specific, ie. a sign with predetermined grammatical rules. That means that the indeterminacy of generality is not a logical indeterminacy. As if now we had freedom not only within logical spac, but also the freedom to expand or to change this space. So not only freedom of movement, but an indeterminacy of geometry No sign leads us beyond itself; nor does any argument. “(Uf we say that a proposition is any sign with which we mean something, then one could ask; What do we mean and when do we mean it? While we're using the sign? Ete., ete) °F Lask “What is the general form of a proposition?”, then the counter-question can be: “Do we really have a general concept of a proposition, which we just" want to formulate exactly?” — Just like: Do we have a general concept of reality? 1 a7) 6 Wp Te have w give 2 an! 7 One lv 5. (V) Only in within a grammatical system 8 (MD? / an we speak of the concept of 2 sentence 9 ary + Oy? 10 (Wwe now Sal v a 31 Satz" und , Sprache" verschwimmende Begrffe "Die Frage kann auch lauten: Was geschiebt, wenn ein neuer Satz in die Sprache aufgenome ‘men wird: Was ist das Kriterium dafur, daf er ein Satz ist? oder, wenn das Aufnehmen in ddie Sprache ihn zum Satz stempelt, worin besteht diese Aufnahme? Oder: was ist Sprache? "Da scheint es nun offenbar, da man das Zeichengeben vom anderen Tatigheten unterscheidet. Ein Mensch schlat, it, tinkt, gibt Zeichen (bedient sich einer Sprache). "Was ist ein Satz? wodurch ist dieser Begriff bestimmt? ~ Wie wird dieses Wort (,Satz") in der nicht-philosophischen Sprache gebraucht? Satz, im Gegensatz wou? Ich kenne einen Satz, wenn ich ihn sehe, Diese Frage ist fundamental: Wie, wenn wir eine neue Erfahrung machen, etwa einen neuen Geschmack oder einen neuen Hautreiz kennen lernen: woher weil ich, daB, was diese Exfahrung beschreiben wird,” ein Satz sein wird?!” Oder, warum soll ich das einen Satz rnennen? Nun, mit demselben Recht, mit dem ich vor Beschveiben oder von einer neuen »Exfahrung*" gesprochen habe,” Aber warum habe ich das Wort Erfahrung gebraucht, im Gogensatz. wor? ‘Wie kann ich Uberhaupt von einem neuen , Geschmack™® reden? Ich kann ihn mija nicht vorstellen! Antwort We wird so ein Ausdruce gebraucht? Habe ich denn, was geschehen ist, schon bis zu einem Grade damit charakterisiet, dab ich sagte, es sei eine Exfahrung? Doch offenbar gar nicht, Aber es scheint doch, als hatte ich es schon getan, als hatte ich davon schon etwas ausgesagt: ,daB es eine Exfahrung ist*, In diesem falschen Schein liegt unser ganzes Problem. Denn, was vom Pradikat ,Erfahrung™ silt, gilt vom Pradikat Satz’ "Das Wort Satz" und das Wort ,Erfahrung* haben schon cine bestimmte Grammatik. Das hei, bre Grammatik mu im Vorhinein bestimmt sein und hingt nicht von irgend cinem kunftigen Ereignis ab, lier istauch der Unsinn in der ,experimentellen Theorie der Bedeutung" ausgesprochen, Denn die Bedeutung ist in der Grammatk festgelegt * Wie verhalt sich die Grammatik des Wortes ,Satz" zur Grammatik der Satze? Sate ist offenbar die Uberschrift der Grammatik der Satze. In einem Sinne aber auch die Uberschrift der Grammatik tberhaupt, also aguivalent den Worten ,Grammatik und -Sprach "Wenn ch nun sage aber die Sprache kann sich doch ausdehnen, sist de Antwort Gewi, aber wenn disses Wort ,ausdehnen hier einen Sinn hat, so mul ch et schon wissen, was ich Maney 20 (V)- von inermoaichen even Sinnesertahs 2 ape 21 (Vj: vestelen! = Wie wid 1 Qe? 200 2 Ori 1 aN oKy 23 (MM): /// 1B My 26 O17 16. (Vp: Erfahrang besshriby, 25M) /// 17 (Vj Satis? 26 (M): OK 18 (V): Woh! mit demselben Recht, womit if mit 27. (M): 300 welchem i ich von einer neuen Erfahrung 28 (M)) 19 (Vj habe, BeneExfahreme—rt Sates 20 (MY? Fu ao “Sentence” and “Language” Blurred Concepts. Sle "The question can also be phrased: What happens when a new sentence is admitted into a language? What is the criterion for its being a sentence? Or if being admitted into language Iabels it asa sentence, what does this admission consist in? Or: What is language? 'Now here it seems obvious that one distinguishes using signs from other activities. A person sleeps, eats, drinks, uses signs to communicate (makes use of 2 language). What is a proposition? What defines this concept? ~ Low is this word (“proposition”) used in non-philosophical language? Proposition, as opposed to what? “know a proposition when I see it “This question is fundamental: What if we have a new experience, say getting to know a new taste or a new sensation on our skin: how do I know that what will describe this experi- ence will be a proposition?" Or why should I call it a proposition? Well, with the same justification that allowed me to talk about describing it, orto talk about a new “experience”."” But why did I use the word “experience” — in contrast to what? How can talk about anew “taste"”* is” such an expression used? inthe fist place? After al, can’t imagine it! ~ Answer: how *Llave I toa certain extent already characterized what bas happened in saying that is an experience? Obviously, not at all. But silt looks as if I had already done that, as if 1 had already stated something about i: “that it is an experience”, Our entire problem lis in this fase appearance. For what holds true of the predicate “experience” also holds for the predicate “ proposition’ *"TThe word “proposition” and the word “experience” already have a particular grammar. That is their grammar must be established in advance, It doesn't depend on some future event This also clearly articulates the nonsense of the “experimental theory of meaning”. For ‘meaning is laid down in grammar “Low does the grammar of the word “proposition” relate to the grammar of propositions? “Proposition” is obviously the heading for the grammar of propositions. But in a sense it’s also the heading for grammar in general, and is therefore equivalent to the words grammar” and “language”. IF say: “But language can expand”, then the answer is: Certainly, but if the word “expand” makes any sense here, then [have to know nom what I mean by it, have to be able to state noone yf 18. (Wj about possible nen serse-exoerence 12 A: 19 (V): imagine How's 1B (M21 00K w apriy 1H ano a1 (M/F Mie 2 OM 16 (that what desribes this experience is a 23 (Ms /// proposition? 2 (MD XXX ( 17 (Vy proposition? Most probably the same 25. (M): Xx justification that allowed me totale about anew — 26 (M):) experince. Eamesperionceanctprepestinn 27 (M7 Ful sreeguivaient

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