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5 Year Plan

Where do I see myself, is a constant question I get asked from my friends, family, and

especially my teachers on a regular writing assignment. To be quite exact, currently this fall of

2019 I will be starting my first year of college at UC Merced. Now UC Merced wasn’t my first

choice that I wanted, but over time it really grew on me also a big part of that was because I got

into no other UC. Aside from that sad news of not getting into any other UC’s, i was ecstatic

when I got accepted into UC Merced, to pursue a undeclared major in natural science with an

undeclared minor in social science. To this current day, I still am unsure of what I would like to

do for said the rest of my life, however I do have a plan on what areas I do want to pursue. Those

sides have always been natural sciences in a molecular level, like biology or microbiology.

Those to have been areas of enlightenment for me which turns into research based Ideas i’ve

always had. Where do social science play, you may ask. Well I like combining things together,

and have a feeling that if you can combine both natural science and social science together you

will get not 1, but many possibilities that will extend your future. One of the main reasons, as to

why I want to cmbine both of them, is because this year I had an opportunity to research of a

topic on how strep throat can cause adolecents to be mentall defficient or have mental disability

as they grow older, because of a minor throat infection. It is known as PANDAS, which not only

causes pain to the child who is afflicted with the infection, however they could start developing

other side effects like depression, anxiety, ocd, Tourettes Syndrome. That research assignment

alone, inspired me to want to pursue that same nature of researching that involves both natural

diseases to have severe effects to the mind, and make it become ill willed.
Within that time, I would hopefully be graduating with 4-5 years at UC Merced. As for

what is further ahead, it is quite hard to say the least. I am unsure what the future holds of course,

but I would like to get the opportunity to work with a professor to further my own theories into

other possible effects that are caused by common to deadly diseases. I wouldn’d mind going

back to live in the bay area, my old home town just to “spread my wings”, and leave thy nest.

Yes it is a scary turnout, knowing that I could fail at any moment but within 5 years for now it is

never a better time than that to make as many mistakes as possible and to be able to learn from

them. I am not expecting this next 5 years to be easy, I expect them to be nitty gritty experiences

that might want me to call it quite for the rest of time, but that is when I will know that I have to

go further not just for my family, but for myself. Yes, the cliche change for yourself and not

others, but it is fundamentally the truth to have a better viewpoint on difficult situations and not

just to flee the mission.

Like I said countless times in this essay, who really knows what will happen in the next 5

years of my said life. Who knows I might change my major to something completely different,

but that is what I am ready for in college and “adult” life. For my ideals to change and adapt to

the world and no longer feel to be dependent on others. This time I will pave my own path on

how I will get to where I want to be.

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