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High-performance materials for the inLab system

From all-ceramic zirconium oxide crowns and bridges, custom implant

abutments, to preparing NPM restorations and models milled out of polymer

inCoris offers you an extensive range of materials for your inLab MC XL and inLab MC
X5 milling units. inCoris ZI, inCoris TZI and inCoris TZI C offer outstanding
biocompatibility and aesthetics. inCoris ZI meso allows you to fabricate custom implant
abutments. inCoris CC permits an easy and clean creation of NPM restorations. And
last but not least, inCoris Model blocks provide the perfect choice for creating dental
models with inLab MC XL.

High-performance materials for the inLab system
From all-ceramic zirconium oxide crowns and bridges, custom implant
abutments, to preparing NPM restorations and models milled out of polymer
inCoris offers you an extensive range of materials for your inLab MC XL and inLab MC
X5 milling units. inCoris ZI, inCoris TZI and inCoris TZI C offer outstanding
biocompatibility and aesthetics. inCoris ZI meso allows you to fabricate custom implant
abutments. inCoris CC permits an easy and clean creation of NPM restorations. And
last but not least, inCoris Model blocks provide the perfect choice for creating dental
models with inLab MC XL.

inCoris CCB and inCoris CCCoCr sintering metal for inLab production
inCoris CCB (disc) and inCoris CC (block) are sintering metals based on a CoCr
alloy, which is first milled while oversized under a permanent water cooling. Then
it is compacted by sintering in a furnace under argon atmosphere, for example
with the inFire HTC speed with metal function.
Your benefits with inCoris CCB and inCoris CC:

 Economical: Saves time and money compared with conventional metal casting or centralized
production ‒ added value stays in your lab
 Clean and safe: Permanent water cooling during processing prevents fumes and dust
 Quality: Homogeneous material quality with even shrinkage and no deformation, inclusions,
 Simple process: Scan – design – mill – sinter and the familiar further processing
inCoris CCB (Ronde)
 Wet milling with inLab MC X5
 Standard disc format (98.5 mm)
 6 disc heights in mm (10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20)
 Sintering with inFire HTC speed with metal function
inCoris CC (Block)
 Wet grinding with inLab MC XL
 Four block sizes: mono (16/14/19), medi (40/15/19), maxi S (65/17/40), maxi L (85/22/40)

High-performance materials for the inLab system
From all-ceramic zirconium oxide crowns and bridges, custom implant
abutments, to preparing NPM restorations and models milled out of polymer
inCoris offers you an extensive range of materials for your inLab MC XL and inLab MC
X5 milling units. inCoris ZI, inCoris TZI and inCoris TZI C offer outstanding
biocompatibility and aesthetics. inCoris ZI meso allows you to fabricate custom implant
abutments. inCoris CC permits an easy and clean creation of NPM restorations. And
last but not least, inCoris Model blocks provide the perfect choice for creating dental
models with inLab MC XL.

inCoris CCB and inCoris CCCoCr sintering metal for inLab production

inCoris ZISintered zirconium oxide ceramic

The partially sintered inCoris ZI blocks are designed for the fabrication of crown
copings as well as anterior/posterior bridge frameworks with up to two pontics.
The frameworks are initially milled to an excess size. After they have been
sintered, they acquire the desired characteristics (precise dimensions, density,
strength, shade).

The benefits in brief:

 High-performance ceramic material for finely designed long-span frameworks
 High translucency fulfils stringent aesthetic requirements
 inCoris ZI can be polished and milled
 Outstanding fracture strength and longevity
 Excellent biocompatibility
 Available in various sizes, in four different shades in each case
 NEW: Standard discs (Ø 98.5 mm) in 3 different heights (10, 14, 20 mm)
 Approved for speed and superspeed sintering

High-performance materials for the inLab system
From all-ceramic zirconium oxide crowns and bridges, custom implant
abutments, to preparing NPM restorations and models milled out of polymer
inCoris offers you an extensive range of materials for your inLab MC XL and inLab MC
X5 milling units. inCoris ZI, inCoris TZI and inCoris TZI C offer outstanding
biocompatibility and aesthetics. inCoris ZI meso allows you to fabricate custom implant
abutments. inCoris CC permits an easy and clean creation of NPM restorations. And
last but not least, inCoris Model blocks provide the perfect choice for creating dental
models with inLab MC XL.

inCoris CCB and inCoris CCCoCr sintering metal for inLab production

inCoris ZISintered zirconium oxide ceramic

inCoris TZIHighly translucent sintered zirconium oxide ceramic

inCoris TZI allows you to fabricate anatomically sized crowns and bridges with up
to nine units. Thanks to its high degree of translucency, inCoris TZI does not
require any additional veneering, and thus offers cost-effective and more
aesthetic alternative to non-veneered and partially veneered metal restorations.
The advantages of inCoris TZI:
 Anatomically sized crowns and bridges
 A high degree of flexibility and low storage costs due to the shading options with the
inCoris TZI liquids
 Ideal for critical situations or limited space conditions in relation to the antagonist
 High-performance ceramic for large-span and filigree frameworks
 Outstanding fracture strength and longevity
 Exceptional biocompatibility
 No chipping
 Sintering with inFire HTC speed
o • inFire HTC speed (standard sintering program)
o • inFire HTC speed (speed, superspeed)
o • Classic sintering in all other sintering furnaces
 Can be finalized with commercial and gloss paints
 Software requirement: inLab 3D V3.86 or higher

 Available in 3 block sizes: inCoris TZI mono L (20/19), inCoris TZI 40/19, inCoris TZI 55/19
 Processing with inLab MC XL
 NEW: inCoris TZI discs in standard format
(Ø 98.5 mm)
 Available in 3 disc heights (13, 16 and 22 mm)
 Processing with inLab MC X5

High-performance materials for the inLab system
From all-ceramic zirconium oxide crowns and bridges, custom implant
abutments, to preparing NPM restorations and models milled out of polymer

inCoris offers you an extensive range of materials for your inLab MC XL and inLab MC
X5 milling units. inCoris ZI, inCoris TZI and inCoris TZI C offer outstanding
biocompatibility and aesthetics. inCoris ZI meso allows you to fabricate custom implant
abutments. inCoris CC permits an easy and clean creation of NPM restorations. And
last but not least, inCoris Model blocks provide the perfect choice for creating dental
models with inLab MC XL.

inCoris CCB and inCoris CCCoCr sintering metal for inLab production

inCoris ZISintered zirconium oxide ceramic

inCoris TZIHighly translucent sintered zirconium oxide ceramic

inCoris TZI CPre-shaded translucent zirconium oxide

The user can save time by using the pre-shaded ceramic blocks, as the
restorations no longer need to be dipped in coloring liquid and dried.

Your advantages at a glance:

 Fully anatomical crowns and bridges
 Ideal for critical situations where there is limited space between the restauration and the
 No chipping
 Sintering with inFire HTC speed
o - inFire HTC speed (standard sintering program)
o - inFire HTC speed (speed*)
o - Classic sintering in all other sintering furnaces
 Can be finalized with commercial paints and gloss paints
* Option for "superspeed" in development

 Accurate colors using pre-shaded blocks

(10 classic colors: A1, A2, A3, A3.5, A4, B2, C2, C3, D3)
 Available in 3 block sizes: mono L (20/19/15.5); medi S (40/19/15.5); maxi M (65/40/22)
 Processing with inLab MC XL,
inLab MC X5, CEREC MC, CEREC MC X, CEREC MC XL Premium Package

 NEW: Standard discs (Ø 98.5 mm)

 3 disc heights (13, 16 and 22 mm)
 Pre-shaded discs: A1, A2, A3, A3.5
 Processing with inLab MC X5

High-performance materials for the inLab system
From all-ceramic zirconium oxide crowns and bridges, custom implant
abutments, to preparing NPM restorations and models milled out of polymer

inCoris offers you an extensive range of materials for your inLab MC XL and inLab MC
X5 milling units. inCoris ZI, inCoris TZI and inCoris TZI C offer outstanding
biocompatibility and aesthetics. inCoris ZI meso allows you to fabricate custom implant
abutments. inCoris CC permits an easy and clean creation of NPM restorations. And
last but not least, inCoris Model blocks provide the perfect choice for creating dental
models with inLab MC XL.

inCoris CCB and inCoris CCCoCr sintering metal for inLab production

inCoris ZISintered zirconium oxide ceramic

inCoris TZIHighly translucent sintered zirconium oxide ceramic

inCoris TZI CPre-shaded translucent zirconium oxide

inCoris PMMA Guide

Production of surgical guides
You can design and produce custom surgical guides in our lab quickly and cost-
effectively with inLab SW 15.0 As part of integrated implant planning with Sirona 3D X-
ray systems, surgical guides produced by CAD/CAM are an accurate basis for planning
the surgical procedure. The surgical guide can then be milled in-house using the inLab
MC X5 or inLab MC XL*.

NEW: inCoris PMMA guide

Ideally suited for the production of surgical guides with more than one drilling hole with
inLab MC X5.
Thanks to the standard format (Ø 98.5 mm) the inCoris PMMA guide disc (height 22
mm) can be placed into the inLab MC X5 without any adapter.

Special CEREC Guide blocs in 2 different sizes are available for production of surgical
guides with inLab MC XL*.

* inLab MC XL is limited to surgical guides with max. one drilling hole

inCoris ZI mesoSintered zirconium oxide ceramic for abutments

There is a growing demand for aesthetically perfect implants. Tried-and-tested
CAD/CAM zirconium abutments allow you to respond individually to your patients’
wishes for natural, tooth-colored, all-ceramic implant-borne restorations.

more about implant superstructures

inCoris ModelPolymer blocks for the fabrication of models

The inCoris Model blocks consist of a polyurethane polymer and enable you to mill
models on the inLab MC XL milling unit, exclusively in combination with the prescribed
burs (Shaper 25 and Finisher 10). The blocks are available in the following sizes: S (65
x 40 x 22 mm) and L (85 x 40 x 22 mm).
PREMIA - MULTILAYER Aplicații: substructuri de zirconiu pentru coroane ceramice, coroane, cape, punți
mari Rezistență la încovoiere ridicată și transluciditate scăzută Contracție perfectă Zirconiul de înaltă
rezistență (HS) are proprietăți optime pentru frezare și este recomandat restaurări cu porțelan fuzionat
la schelet de zirconiu. Materialul acceptă excepțional acoperirea cu porțelan iar translucența redusă
acoperă perfect bonturile protetice. Are o rezistență extrem de ridicată la flexiune (aproape de 1500
MPa) și rezistență la rupere mai mare pentru punți și lucrări dificile, unde este necesară o rezistență
suplimentară. Aplicații: restaurari total fizionomice, scheletate, inlay, onlay, coroane, cape Rezistență
ridicată și transluciditate ridicată Cea mai mare valoare a rezistenței la rupere de pe piața dentară
Contracție perfectă Zirconiul înalt translucid (HT) poate fi utilizat pentru restaurări anterioare și
posterioare, total fizionomice și schelete. Este fabricat din materii prime japoneze, are o rezistență la
încovoiere foarte ridicată și deși a fost făcut să fie extrem de translucid, a fost dezvoltat/optimizat în
primul rând pentru a avea cea mai mare valoare a rezistenței la rupere de pe piața dentară de azi.
Zirconiul normal, conform unui studiu al Univer- sităţii din Iowa, are o rezistență la rupere între 4 - 5
MPa m1/2), dar Zirconiul HT are rezistenţă cu adevărat mare - 15-16 MPa m1/2. Aplicații: substructuri
de zirconiu pentru coroane ceramice, coroane, cape, punți mari Rezistență la încovoiere ridicată și
transluciditate scăzută Contracție perfectă Zirconiul de înaltă rezistență (HS) are proprietăți optime
pentru frezare și este recomandat restaurări cu porțelan fuzionat la schelet de zirconiu. Materialul
acceptă excepțional acoperirea cu porțelan iar translucența redusă acoperă perfect bonturile protetice.
Are o rezistență extrem de ridicată la flexiune (aproape de 1500 MPa) și rezistență la rupere mai mare
pentru punți și lucrări dificile, unde este necesară o rezistență suplimentară. Pentru schelete calcinabile
în vederea turnării în metal; transparent, cu umăr sau drept Pentru sisteme CAD-CAM deschise de 98
mm • arde fără reziduuri • pentru verificarea lucrărilor frezate pe modele de ghips • pentru turnare /
presare ceramică • frezare controlată CAD / CAM • verificare preliminare intraorală • Ușor de frezat, nu
aderă de dispozitivul de tăiere • biocompatibilitate 100%, material organic Disc sistem deschis 98 mm
CAD/CAM Discurile E4K PMMA Premia CAD/CAM sunt potrivite pentru realizarea de coroane şi punţi
provizorii, respectiv pentru verificarea lucărilor definitive, înainte de frezarea din ZrO2 Colorat &
translucid. • Calitate optimă a suprafeței, cu reproducerea fisurilor. Delicat cu antagoniștii. • Restaurări
temporare. • Fațetare cu rășini acrilice. • Biocompatibil: fără substanțe iritante • Pentru a se evita
topirea în timpul frezării folosiţi instrumentele de frezare la turaţie mică Culori: A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, B3,
BL1, BL2, BL3 Pentru sisteme deschise 98 mm CAD/CAM; pentru restaurări temporare Culori: A1, A2, A3,
B1. DISC CEARĂ BASE Arde fără reziduuri Pentru sisteme CAD-CAM deschise de 98 mm disc (culori:
albastru, alb)

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