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OJT for me was a great experience that I would never forget because it serves as

my first step towards the real world as they all say. I was so glad and excited when I first
found out that on the job training is part of our curriculum. It is kind of like our training
ground about the work and our future career.

In almost 3 months of being an intern at NNIT Philippines Inc, I have gained lots
of knowledge and advices from our superiors. Firstly, I have learned to be keen and adapt
to the new environment by being cautious and observant of how the way things work in
the place and by understanding the company’s culture. At first, I made a few mistakes,
like for example, calling our superiors “Ma’am” because I did not know that they did not
practice such and they all just call each other by their first names regardless of their
position. It was awkward for me to call someone I know that holds a high position, by their
first name because I felt like I was being not respectful but after a few days I tried to blend
in and got used to calling everyone in their first names.

Secondly, I have learned to listen and communicate with the people around me. I
have realized that listening to instruction is important especially when you’re dealing with
important files that is really needed by the company. Also, I have learned to be able to
approach people and communicate with them. At first, I was nervous around people and
communicating verbally was really my waterloo. I was really having a hard time asking
people for help and approaching them, so I was happy when I felt that sense of
achievement inside me because I started to be a little confident about myself whenever I
talk to people. It was a great accomplishment for me.

The third thing I have learned is the importance of time management. Although the
company uses flex time, I have learned that it is still important to manage your time wisely
especially when there are deadlines coming, it would not hurt to sacrifice a bit of time on
lunch break and render more than 8 hours in the company whenever the team is chasing
the deadline. I have also learned the importance of knowing and choosing our priorities
not only in work but in everything that we do in our day to day life.
The fourth thing that I have learned is the importance of workplace attitude. Our
finance manager always gives us advice about attitude in the workplace and how it can
affect everyone around you. I always remember her saying that we must love our job and
if we don’t love our job, find a reason why you even applied for it in the first place and
make that your motivation to be able so that you may establish your goal for yourself and
everyone around you. Because if we don’t love our job or that we are not sincere about
our work, it would be reflected in our outputs and it’s not just your reputation as an
employee your bringing down but also, your team will be affected by the way you work
which means you are also bringing the team down as well. I have totally agreed with her
and saw the effects of having a not so good attitude in the workplace and it was not good
at all. I think that it is best that we should really be able to identify what kind of job we
would not grow tired of loving to be able to bring out the best in us. Attitude is more
important than skills and knowledge because skills and knowledge could be learned and
achieved by practice, but attitude depends upon the person whether he/she will be
sincere in his/her work.

Lastly, I have learned that not everything revolves around work all the time. It is
important to take a rest, relax and have fun sometimes. It was fun being an intern at NNIT
because I felt like I experience the right amount or workloads and the right amount of fun
all together. I always love being able to sit in the same table with the Finance Team
sharing food and stories that are not work related is the best bond we had for me. I felt
so honoured to be part of NNIT Philippines Inc, temporarily because I had fun and enjoyed
working and learning at the same time. I am also thankful to my superiors in the Finance
Team because they welcomed me with warm smiles and took great care of me while I
was with them. I would never forget my OJT experience and NNIT Philippines Inc. It’s
absolutely one of the best things I had experience in my college life.

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