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Zarazua, 1

Alexandra Zarazua

Contemporary Composition

Mrs. Van Hill

2 February 2018

Working Mother

A child without love and support is like a bird with no wings. Birds need wings to

fly just as a child needs support and love in life to succeed. According to Brayke

parents do not have to be there for their child 100%. She believes that children need to

turn to someone else, but for how long or how frequent will the child have to turn to

someone else? Parents do have to be there 100% for their children. If parents decide

to have a child they have full responsibility. If parents do not find time to be with their

child it’s possible that he or she will begin to find love in all the wrong places. People

still believe that working parents deserve a break from their children.

Parents should take full responsibility for their children. If parents decide to have

children it is up to them to care for the child and provide care and love. Having a child is

not only to feed them and buy whatever they need. Having a child also means to show

them love and make sure they know they’re loved. As a couple parents have to work

together to make sure the child or children have enough love and support.

If children do not get the love and support they need they will begin to find that

love in the wrong places. According to “There are over one million juvenile

gang members in the U.S., more than three times the number estimated by law

Zarazua, 2
enforcement, according to a recent study.” “Juvenile Gang Members in US Top 1

Million, New Study Finds.” - News and Articles on Science and Technology, 12

Feb. 2015, Juveniles are

becoming more familiar with gangs and deciding to join one to fill in for the love that the

parents are not giving them.

Other people believe that working parents can take a break from working and

their children. Parents come home tired from work and still have more “work”. Parents

do have the right to take a break, but they are still going to need that constant support,

help, and love from parents. No love can compare to the love of a parent or parents.

In conclusion as parents they do have to provide for the child or children.

Parents also have to support and care for their child. There are points in time where

parents do need space, but to what extent?

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