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Dear Willing Reader,

You are about to embark on an journey on exploring what makes a good text. Merriam Webster
Dictionary defines the definition of literature as the body of written works produced in a particular
language, country, or age. In regards to the definition of literature, each piece of text, written by different
authors from a variety of backgrounds come together to form what is known as a good text. There are
many different reasons on what defines a good text, but within this collection, it focuses on aspects
including diction, details, plot development, and imagery on different books. From plays, to novels, to
prose passages, and to poetry there are hundreds of stories that would make a good texts using the criteria
stated above. In the case of this collection examples include Catcher in the Rye, To the Lighthouse, M.
Butterfly, A Streetcar Named Desire, The wife’s Lament, and The Story of an Hour. The organization of
this collection of good texts is it is organized based on one of the defined criteria that makes a good texts.
As you go through the collection, each tab will have a criteria and the corresponding book and rationale
that goes with it. In the end, you will read not only know what makes a good text but also examples of
texts that were well written but fall short of my defined criteria on what creates a good text. After putting
this collection together, I have learned how to critically analyze different genres of texts through our my
course of study in AP Literature in order to gather evidence and defend a claim I developed while
reading. It has taught me how to read fast and with a purpose in order to not only ace the question
assigned but the project assigned. After reading this collection, I hope that you will start to critically
analyze the texts you read to form your own opinion on what makes a good text since it is difficult to
form criterion since everyone’s views are different.
Avery Kelly

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