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What is a maglev train?

Maglev train is a magnetically levitated train which in Indonesian means a magnetic-powered levitation
train is a type of magnetic floating train.

as in its name, the working principle of this train is to use magnetic force to lift the train so that it
floats, does not touch the rail so the friction force can be reduced. The Maglev train also uses magnets
as a propulsion device, with a small friction and the magnitude of the thrust, the train is capable of
traveling at speeds of up to 600 km / h which is much faster than the train in general.

The technology used in the Maglev train.

There are three types of technology used in the Maglev train:

the first is, depends on superconductivity magnets (electrodynamic suspension)

the second then, depends on controlled electromagnetic (electromagnetic suspense)

and the latest is, using a permanent magnet because it is more economical (industrack)

A description of the technology used in the Maglev train.

Magnetic development uses unstable electromagnetic or magnetic fields because the earnshaw:
diamagnetic and superconductivity magnets can sustain maglev stably.

The electromagnetic field also affects the train's design. A very strong magnetic field is needed to lift a
strong train.

The effect of a strong magnetic field is unknown to many people, therefore for passenger security,
protection is needed that can add to the weight of the train, the concept is easy but the technique and
design are very complex.

Newer and less expensive systems are called industrack. This system has the ability to carry loads that
are related to the acceleration of the vehicle because it depends on the induction current on a passive
electromagnetic group by a permanent magnet.
the parts contained in the maglev train

how the maglev train works

The maglev train floats about 10

millimeters above the magnetic
rail. The forward push is made
through the interaction between
the magnetic rails and the
induction engine which also
produces a magnetic field inside
the train
The advantages and disadvantages of the Maglev train.

The advantage of the Maglev train is that it has the ability to float on the rail, so it does not cause
friction. Consequently, theoretically there will be no replacement of rails or train wheels, because there
will be no wear (maintenance costs are much cheaper than ordinary trains). Another advantage is that
there is no resistance force due to friction. The style of air resistance is certainly still there. For that, a
more aerodynamic maglev train was developed again.

While the shortcomings of the maglev train are due to the fantastic shape and speed of the train, the
noise generated when the train moves almost the same as a jet plane, and is considered more disturbing
than conventional trains. In one study, the noise generated by a conventional maglev train with
conventional trains was more noisy, around 5 decibels or 78% more noisy than ordinary trains. Another
disadvantage is the high investment, especially in the rails.

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