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568 South African Journal of Science 98, November/December 2002 Review Articles

The link between vitamin B12 and

methylmercury: a review
S.M. Chemaly

systems4,5 and the methylmercury diffuses into the water.

Methylmercury reacts with sulphide ion, S2–, (from H2S pro-
The mercuric ion (Hg2+) is methylated in the sediment of aquatic duced by microbes) to give dimethylmercury, (CH3)2Hg, and
systems to give methylmercury (CH3Hg+), which is bioaccumulated mercuric sulphide, HgS. Hg2+ is also converted to HgS by H2S.
in fish and has high toxicity for humans. Methylcobalamin, the Mercuric sulphide is poorly soluble in water and provides a
methyl derivative of vitamin B12 and a coenzyme in enzymatic means of removing mercury(II) from solution and of preventing
methyl transfer, is able to methylate mercury(II). In the chemical the methylation of mercury(II).1,3
reaction, the mercuric ion acts as an electrophile towards methyl- The interconversions between mercury species in sediment
cobalamin in aqueous solution, giving aquocobalamin and methyl- are given below:
mercury. It has been shown that sulphate-reducing bacteria,
Desulphovibrio desulfuricans, methylate mercury(II) in aquatic sed- Hg22+ → Hg(0) + Hg2+ → CH3Hg+
iments and that they use methylcobalamin to methylate mercuric ↓S2–
ion. The methylation of mercury may be promoted by a synergistic HgS
interaction between sulphate-reducing bacteria and methanogens.
2CH3Hg+ + S2– → (CH3)2Hg + HgS

Methylation of mercury takes place under both aerobic and

Mercury and methylmercury anaerobic conditions but occurs much more rapidly under
Mercury is poisonous in all its forms: as mercury vapour from anaerobic conditions. The pH of the medium is important for the
metallic mercury, inorganic mercury and especially organic mer- methylation of mercury — CH3Hg+ is more stable under neutral
cury. The three major species of mercury that are toxic to human to acid conditions but (CH3)2Hg is more stable under basic condi-
beings are metallic mercury, Hg(0); inorganic mercury in oxida- tions. The rate of production of CH3Hg+ is raised by increasing
tion state Hg(II); and organic mercury, in particular methyl- salinity of water.1
mercury. The effects of mercury on the health of humans
Methylmercury is a major pollutant of aquatic systems and is
depend on the particular species of mercury and the route by
bioaccumulated in fish and shellfish. Up to 1.5% of the total
which it is absorbed. Metallic mercury is absorbed mainly via the
mercury in sediments and about 2% of the mercury in seawater
lungs and the skin and causes damage to the lungs and the brain.
exists as methylmercury but about 80% of the total mercury in
Inorganic mercury(II) is taken up via intestinal absorption from
fish is methylmercury.1 Fish appear to have a low rate of elimina-
contaminated food or water and gives rise to corrosion of the
tion of methylmercury and the amount of methylmercury in fish
intestinal tract and kidney failure. Organic methylmercury is
increases with age and size; the methylmercury does not appear
also taken up via intestinal absorption and causes damage to the
to harm the fish.3 The Minamata and Niigata disasters in Japan
brain and the developing foetus. Both mercury(II) and methyl-
were caused by the eating of fish contaminated by methyl-
mercury are soft acids (large and polarizable metal ions) and
bond well with soft bases, such as the sulphydryl groups of
cysteine residues in proteins. Methylmercury is more toxic than Methylcobalamin and related methylcorrinoids
mercury(II).1 The reason that methylmercury is so toxic for Methylcobalamin, which is the methyl derivative of vitamin
humans is that it is lipophilic and is thus able to pass through the B12, was first proposed as the methylating agent for mercury by
blood–brain barrier. The methylmercury then reacts with Wood and coworkers6 and independently by Jensen and
sulphydryl groups in proteins in the brain, causing irreversible Jernelöv,7 both in 1968.
damage to cells of the central nervous system.2 Methylmercury The structures of vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) and methyl-
can also cross the placental barrier and this leads to accumula- cobalamin are given in Fig. 1. Cobalamins contain a central
tion in the foetus.3 cobalt atom in the Co(III) oxidation state and are six-coordinate.
Mercury is the only metal that is a liquid at room temperature. The cobalt is coordinated by five nitrogen atoms, four from the
Inorganic mercury exists as mercury(I) and mercury(II). Mer- delocalized corrin ring (in the equatorial plane) and one from
cury(I) is almost insoluble in aqueous solution. Mercury(I) is a the 5,6-dimethylbenzimidazole base, which is connected via a
dimeric species, Hg22+, with a strong Hg–Hg bond. In aqueous nucleotide side-chain to the corrin ring. The sixth coordination
solution, Hg22+ undergoes disproportionation to give metallic position is occupied by CN in vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) and
mercury (Hg0) and the mercuric ion (Hg2+), both of which are CH3 in methylcobalamin. Methylcobalamin contains a Co–C
highly toxic. The mercuric ion is very much more soluble in F-bond. The Co(III) cobalamins (3d6 electronic configuration)
aqueous solution than the mercurous ion. The mercuric ion can can be reduced to Co(II) and Co(I).8 Cobalamin in the Co(I) oxi-
be methylated to give methylmercury (CH3Hg+), which is 50 to dation state (3d8) is four-coordinate and approximately square-
100 times more toxic than the mercuric ion.4 The conversion of planar; it has two electrons in the d z2 orbital and is a very good
mercuric ion to methylmercury occurs in the sediment of aquatic nucleophile.9
*Department of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, University of the Witwatersrand Medical
The biological function of methylcobalamin (and related
School, 7 York Road, Parktown 2193, South Africa. E-mail: methylcorrinoids) is to act as a coenzyme in enzymatic methyl
Review Articles South African Journal of Science 98, November/December 2002 569

(N5-methyltetrahydromethanopterin) and coenzyme M (Fig. 2),

which is catalysed by a corrinoid-dependent methyltransferase:
5-CH3-tetrahydromethanopterin + H-S-coenzyme M →
tetrahydromethanopterin + CH3-S-coenzyme M
The corrinoid used is 5’-hydroxybenzimidazolylcobamide and
it is active in the Co(I) oxidation state.12
In the reaction sequences of both methionine synthase10 and
the corrinoid-dependent methyltransferase of Clostridium
thermoaceticum,11 the Co(I) acts as a nucleophile towards the
methyl group of 5-CH3-tetrahydrofolate to form a methyl
corrinoid and then the methyl group is transferred to a methyl
acceptor, regenerating Co(I). The methyl corrinoid can be con-
sidered formally as a complex of Co(I) with a methyl carbonium
ion and the Co–C bond is broken by heterolytic cleavage (SN2) in
which the transition state corresponds to (CoI + CH3+).
Methylcobalamin is synthesized and used by many microor-
ganisms and bacteria and is present in the natural environment.
The biological function of methylcobalamin is its action as a
Fig. 1. Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) and methylcobalamin. For cyanocobalamin methylating agent and this is obviously useful to the organism.
R = –CN and for methylcobalamin R = –CH3. However, methylcobalamin can also play a role that is harmful to
the environment by methylating mercury(II) to give methyl-
transfer reactions. Methylcobalamin is the coenzyme for mercury, which is more toxic to higher organisms. Methyl-
methionine synthase, which catalyses the transfer of a methyl cobalamin could methylate mercury(II) in the environment by
group from 5-CH3-tetrahydrofolate (N5-methyltetrahydro- two possible routes. First, methylcobalamin of natural origin
folate, Fig. 2) to L-homocysteine in order to give L-methionine, as could methylate mercury by a purely chemical or abiotic route.
follows: Second, microorganisms or bacteria could be implicated and
cob(I)alamin + 5-CH3-tetrahydrofolate → methylcobalamin could methylate mercury(II) by means of
CH3-cobalamin + tetrahydrofolate enzymatic catalysis using a biotic route. Enzymes using
H 3N + methylcobalamin or related methylcorrinoids in the process
of biomethylation of natural substrates could react with
CH3-cobalamin + CH-CH2-CH2-S– → mercury(II), resulting in the methylation of mercury.3

Chemical reaction of methylcobalamin with mercury(II)
H3N+ The reaction of methylcobalamin with mercury(II) in aqueous
cob(I)alamin + CH-CH2-CH2-S-CH3 solution to give aquocobalamin and methylmercury is as

OOC follows:
CH3-cobalamin + Hg2+ + H2O → H2O-cobalamin + CH3Hg+.
Methionine synthase is found in humans and other mammals
as well as in microorganisms.10 The reaction between methylcobalamin and mercury(II)
Acetogenic bacteria synthesize acetic acid by reducing carbon occurs under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions.13 The opti-
dioxide. In Clostridium thermoaceticum, a corrinoid-dependent mum pH for this reaction is 4.5.14 Methylmercury reacts further
methyltransferase takes part in the formation of acetyl-co- with methylcobalamin to give dimethylmercury, (CH3)2Hg, but
enzyme A from coenzyme A (Fig. 2). The corrinoid used is this reaction is much slower than the reaction of mercury(II)
5’-methoxybenzimidazolylcobamide (which has the 5’-methoxy- with methylcobalamin.15 The methylation of mercury(II) by
benzimidazole base instead of 5,6-dimethylbenzimidazole) methylcobalamin is shown in Fig. 3.
rather than cobalamin. The reactions are as follows: Methylcobalamin can be considered as a complex of Co(III)
with a methyl carbanion and the Co–C bond can be broken by a
corrinoid iron sulphur protein + 5-CH3-tetrahydrofolate →
reaction in which the transition state corresponds to (CoIII
CH3-corrinoid iron sulphur protein + tetrahydrofolate
+CH3–).16 Mercury(II) acts as an electrophile towards the Co–C
CH3-corrinoid iron sulphur protein + acetyl-coenzyme A F-bond in an SE2 mechanism and heterolytic cleavage of the
synthase → corrinoid iron sulphur protein + CH3-acetyl- Co–C F-bond takes place. The methyl carbanion (CH3–) is trans-
coenzyme A synthase ferred to mercury, giving methylmercury (CH3Hg+).13,14,17–20 The
coordination position on the cobalt occupied by the methyl
CH3-acetyl-coenzyme A synthase + coenzyme A-SH →
group in methylcobalamin is taken up by water, giving aquo-
coenzyme A-S-C-CH3
O Mercury(II) also complexes with the nitrogen atom of the
The corrinoid that reacts with 5-CH3-tetrahydrofolate is in the 5,6-dimethylbenzimidazole base of cobalamin in an equilibrium
Co(I) oxidation state.11 reaction. The nitrogen atom is thus removed from coordination
Corrinoid proteins are involved in the synthesis of methane with cobalt, giving the ‘base-off ’ form of methylcobalamin. The
from carbon dioxide and hydrogen and from acetate by ‘base-off ’ form also reacts with mercury(II) to give methyl-
methanogenic archaea. One of the steps in this pathway in mercury but this reaction is 3000 times slower than the reaction
Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum is the formation of with the ‘base-on’ form. The coordination of the 5,6-dimethyl-
methyl-coenzyme M from 5-CH3-tetrahydromethanopterin benzimidazole ligand in the position trans to the methyl group
570 South African Journal of Science 98, November/December 2002 Review Articles

speeds up the transfer of the methyl carbanion

(CH3–) to mercury(II), when compared to the coor-
dination of H2O (or no ligand).13,14,17–20 When the
Co–C bond of methylcobalamin is polarized in
the direction of (CoIII + CH3–) by the ‘pull’ of Hg2+,
the reaction is further promoted by the ‘push’ of the
5,6-dimethylbenzimidazole ligand (which is a
good donor ligand).16,17
In general, transfer of a methyl carbanion to a
metal takes place when the standard reduction po-
tential of the metal (E0) is greater than 0.8 V.18,19 The
E0 for the Hg2+/Hg couple is +0.85 V.1 Both CH3-
tetrahydrofolate and S-adenosylmethionine,
which are (in addition to methylcobalamin) the
most important biological methylating molecules,
transfer the methyl group as a carbonium ion and
so would not be suitable methylators for positive
Hg2+ ions.3,14,21

Methylation of mercury — abiotic or biotic?

There have been many reports of the methylation
of mercury(II) by bacteria under various condi-
tions. 3 , 2 2 , 2 3 In 1968 Wood 6 reported that a
methanogenic bacterium from an aquatic sediment
is capable of using methylcobalamin to methylate
mercury(II) and proposed that transfer of a methyl
group from methylcobalamin to mercury(II) in bio-
logical systems may occur as a non-enzymatic pro-
cess. However, in 1985, Compeau and Bartha24
reported that sulphidogens methylate mercury in
aquatic sediments and that methanogens and
acetogens do not.24 There is controversy about
whether bacteria methylate mercury by an abiotic
or a biotic route. In the abiotic route, the Fig. 2. Tetrahydrofolic acid, tetrahydromethanopterin, coenzyme A and coenzyme M.
methylcobalamin (or methyl corrinoid) is pro-
duced enzymatically but the methylation of mercury(II) occurs from the carbon-3 of serine and that it is transferred to
by a non-enzymatic chemical reaction. The abiotic route is rea- tetrahydrofolate in order to give 5-CH3-tetrahydrofolate. The
sonable because the chemical reaction between methyl- methyl group is transferred from 5-CH3-tetrahydrofolate to a
cobalamin and mercury(II) to give methylmercury takes place cobalt-containing species and the methylated cobalt-containing
fairly rapidly in aqueous solution at slightly acidic to neutral pH.
Also, acetogens and methanogens produce large amounts of
cobalamins as well as other corrinoids25 and these are available
for the methylation of mercury. In the biotic route, bacteria use
their corrinoid-dependent methyltransferase enzymes to
methylate mercury(II); enzymatic catalysis of the methylation of
mercury takes place.
Compeau and Bartha24,26 discovered that sulphate-reducing
bacteria were the most important methylators of mercury in
anoxic aquatic sediments. Strains of Desulphovibrio desulfuricans
(a sulphate-reducing bacterium or sulphidogen) were isolated
and shown to methylate mercury.24,26 Sulphate-reducing bacteria
(such as Desulphovibrio species) use sulphate as an electron
acceptor, reducing it to sulphide; this provides a means of detoxi-
fying mercury(II) by converting it to the insoluble mercuric sul-
phide.4 The identification of D. desulfuricans as bacteria that
methylate mercury was therefore surprising because D. desul-
furicans would be expected to prevent the methylation of mer-
Bartha and coworkers 24,26–31 studied the methylation of
mercury by sulphate-reducing bacteria, with the objective of
discovering the methyl donor and finding out if enzymatic catal-
ysis takes place. They proposed, based on radiocarbon incorpo-
ration from pyruvate and serine into methylmercury, that in
D. desulfuricans the methyl group of methylmercury originates Fig. 3. Reaction of methylcobalamin with mercury(II).
Review Articles South African Journal of Science 98, November/December 2002 571

species then methylates mercury(II).27 The reactions are as zyme A synthase reaction.29 In a later paper, Pak and Bartha31
follows: suggested that the acetyl-coenzyme A synthase reaction, if
[Co] Hg(II) reversed, could play a role in the demethylation of mercury by
5-CH3-tetrahydrofolate → CH3-Co → CH3-Hg
It was suggested that a cobalamin or a related cobalt porphyrin It appears that other sulphidogens are able to methylate mer-
was involved in the methylation of mercury(II) by D. desul- cury(II). Regnell and coworkers33 proposed that sulphate-
furicans, on the basis of inhibition of mercury methylation reducing bacteria belonging to the genus Desulphobacter rather
by propyl iodide and reversal of inhibition by light.27 (n-Propyl than Desulphovibrio also methylate mercury using methyl-
iodide reacts with cob(I)alamin to give n-propylcobalamin and cobalamin. They based this conclusion on the presence of the
the n-propyl group is removed in the presence of light.8) phospholipid fatty acid 10Me16:0 (characteristic of Desulpho-
In a later paper, Choi and Bartha28 showed that Desulphovibrio bacter) in sediment from a freshwater lake contaminated with
desulfuricans LS contains cobalamin as its only corrinoid. D. desul- mercury and the strong correlation between the amount of
furicans LS was grown in the presence of 57CoCl2 and a corrinoid methylmercury, amount of cobalamin and this phospholipid
was extracted and purified. The corrinoid was determined to be fatty acid. In Desulphobacter, the fatty acid 10Me16:0 is biosynthe-
cyanocobalamin by high-performance liquid chromatography sized by the transfer of a methyl group from methionine to the
and 97% of the 57Co radioactivity was associated with cyano- double bond in a straight-chain monosaturated fatty acid.33 They
cobalamin. The identity as cyanocobalamin was confirmed suggested that a methyltransferase, using methylcobalamin as a
using UV-visible spectroscopy and fast atom bombardment cofactor and involved in the biosynthesis of 10Me-branched
mass spectroscopy. Methylcobalamin was prepared from the fatty acids could methylate mercury(II) in this system. An alter-
cobalamin isolated from D. desulfuricans LS and 14CH3I and was native suggestion was that acetogenic bacteria, which contain
shown to methylate mercury(II) spontaneously. They con- large amounts of cobalamins, could stimulate the growth of
cluded that D. desulfuricans LS methylates mercury(II) using Desulphobacter, which would then methylate mercury.33
methylcobalamin as the methyl donor. 28 The corrinoid, There is strong evidence that sulphidogens do methylate
5’-methylbenzimidazolylcobamide (which has the 5’-methyl- mercury(II) under certain conditions and that methylcobalamin
benzimidazole base instead of 5,6-dimethylbenzimidazole), is is the methyl donor in this process. Whether or not the methyla-
present in some sulphate-reducing bacteria.32 The methyl form tion of mercury(II) by sulphate-reducing bacteria is due to enzy-
of 5’-methylbenzimidazolylcobamide (and other corrinoids matic catalysis is open to question. I think that, for sulphidogens,
containing analogues of 5,6-dimethylbenzimidazole) should methylcobalamin is probably produced enzymatically but the
also be capable of methylating mercury. methylation of mercury(II) may occur by a non-enzymatic or
Choi, Chase and Bartha29 proposed in 1994 that methylation of abiotic route.
mercury(II) by D. desulfuricans LS is enzymatically catalysed. There has been a great deal of controversy about the synthesis
They isolated a single Co-corrinoid protein with a size of approx- of methylmercury in nature: abiotic versus biotic and methano-
imately 40 kDa and proposed that this protein is the in vivo gens versus sulphidogens.34 This controversy has been partially
methyl donor in D. desulfuricans LS. They showed that methyla- resolved by a cooperation between two species of bacteria! Pak
tion of mercury(II) by cell extracts of D. desulfuricans LS under and Bartha30 found that cocultures of D. desulfuricans LS (a
reducing conditions followed Michaelis-Menten kinetics with sulphidogen) and Methanococcus maripaludis (a methanogen)
a maximum specific activity of 0.73 nmol min–1 (mg of cell grew well on sulphate-free lactate medium and at the same time
protein)–1. They found that the optimal conditions were pH 6.5 they were active in methylating mercury(II). Neither species
and temperature 35°C and that the activity decreased in the could grow individually on the sulphate-free lactate medium
presence of air. They found that the rate of methylation of because D. desulfuricans LS could use lactate as its organic sub-
mercury(II) in the presence of cell extracts of D. desulfuricans LS strate but did not have a suitable electron acceptor (no sulphate
was much greater than the rate of transmethylation by free present) and M. maripaludis could not use lactate as its organic
methylcobalamin (600 times greater at pH 7) and that saturation substrate. D. desulfuricans LS alone synthesized only a small
kinetics were observed; they suggested that these observations amount of methylmercury and M. maripaludis alone did not syn-
‘proved that in vivo Hg2+ methylation is an enzymatically thesize methylmercury. D. desulfuricans LS can oxidize lactate to
catalysed process’.29 However, in order to prove that the pyruvate and the pyruvate gives rise to CO2, acetate and hydro-
Co-corrinoid protein is the enzymatic catalyst for the methyla- gen (as reducing equivalents). M. maripaludis, in turn, uses the
tion of mercury(II) by methylcobalamin, it is necessary to isolate acetate as its organic substrate and reduces CO2 using hydrogen.
the protein and show that it increases the rate of reaction when This is a cooperative relationship because the D. desulfuricans LS
compared to the rate of the non-enzymatic reaction. supplies M. maripaludis with acetate, which it needs for growth
The transfer of the methyl group from 5-CH3-tetrahydrofolate and M. maripaludis removes the hydrogen, allowing D. desul-
can be considered to take place in two steps:29 furicans LS to grow in the absence of the sulphate electron accep-
tor.30 They proposed that growth of sulphidogens and methano-
(i) 5-CH3-tetrahydrofolate + Co-corrinoid-protein → CH3-Co- gens involving an interaction between the two species similar to
corrinoid-protein + tetrahydrofolate that occurring on the sulphate-free lactate medium would
provide suitable conditions for the methylation of mercury(II) in
(ii) CH3-Co-corrinoid protein + Hg2+ → Co-corrinoid-protein +
anoxic freshwater sediments. The sulphidogens that methylate
mercury also produce H2S, which, in turn, inhibits the methyla-
Choi, Chase and Bartha29 proposed that step (ii) is enzymati- tion of mercury(II). For this reason, situations that permit
cally catalysed. They suggested that either the Co-corrinoid- sulphidogens to be active without using reduction of sulphates
protein in step (ii) acts as a methyltransferase enzyme or that a would be favourable to methylation of mercury(II). Such a situa-
separate methyltransferase is required. They also suggested that tion is the interspecies transfer of hydrogen and acetate between
the methyltransferase could be part of the pathway for the syn- sulphidogens and methanogens, which may be important in the
thesis of acetyl-coenzyme A and take part in the acetyl-coen- methylation of mercury(II) in the environment.30
572 South African Journal of Science 98, November/December 2002 Review Articles

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20. Pratt J.M. (1993). In Biological Properties of Metal Alkyl Derivatives, eds H. Sigel
the Witwatersrand provided financial support.
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