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The Effect of Using Guided Writing Procedure Strategy on

Students’ Ability in Writing Descriptive Text

Maria Olva
Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan syarif Kasim Riau, Indonesia
Irwan Susandi
Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan syarif Kasim Riau, Indonesia

This research aims to investigate the effect of using Guided Writing Procedure Strategy
on Students’ Ability in Writing Descriptive Text at State Senior High School 2 Benai of
Kuantan Singingi Regency. This research was an experimental research with quasi-
experimental design by using pretest-post-test. The subjects was the tenth grade. It was
a class experimental (X A), and it was a class control (X B). The technique used to
collect data was a test. The type of the test was written test. In analyzing the data, the
researcher used independent simple t-test and paired sample t-test by using SPSS 16.0
version. Then, the researcher used eta square formula to find out the effect of mystery
strategy. Based the result, it showed that to score is 2.07 <16.462>2.82. Then the effect
size was 0.91, therefore the researcher can conclude that there was a large effect
obtained from students’ ability in writing descriptive text at State Senior High School 2
Benai of Kuantan Singingi Regency.

Key Words: The Effect , Guided Writing Procedure Strategy , Descriptive text

learners gain independence,

1. Introduction comprehensibility, fluency, and
creativity in writing. If learners have
Writing is one of essential English skills mastered these skills, they will be able
that should be mastered by the students. to write correctly.
It plays an important role in learning
English as a Second Language (ESL) or There are many kinds of texts in
English as a Foreign Language (EFL). composition of language. Descriptive
As an important skill, writing should be text is one of the various types of
taught intensively at school. The composition. The word descriptive is a
process of learning writing has been word that can create pictures and
started from junior high school level impression that appeal not only to the
until university level. In learning mind but also to the five senses: sight,
writing, especially in senior high school sound, smell, taste, and touch (Schuster
level, writing has been a compulsory and Simon, 2003: 122). It means that
subject and part of overall evaluation of descriptive text generally is to describe
language learning. Writing skills help or imagine things through different

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sides, whether its sense or form of Based on the preliminary observation

things. Writing a descriptive text is not conducted at SMAN2 Benai on May 11,
an easy job. In writing descriptive text, 2014, it was found that writing was
the students have to arrange the taught by using some techniques.
sentences and details according to Generally, the teacher reviewed the
where the objects being described are characteristics of the texts based on
located (Syafi’i, 2011: 19). genre given including the kinds of the
Moreover, the students should follow texts, the purpose of the texts, the text
the generic structures by describing organizations, and the language
things. Then, descriptive text should be features. Then, teacher asked students to
clear, detail, and render the represented write a simple descriptive text
reality chronologically rather than individually based on the time given.
providing advice. It also focuses on After writing a simple descriptive text,
essential information that is presented in the teacher would give feedback on
a step-by-step manner. students’ writing. In order to increase
students’ writing ability, teachers also
SMAN 2 Benai is one of the supported it by providing other
schools in Kuantan Singingi Regency. programs such as writing their holiday
As a formal institution, this school experiences posted three time of one
provides the learning of English to the semester on billboard and writing love
students, including the learning of letters by two students everyweek.
writing skill. SMAN 2 Benai is one of Based on the description above,
the schools that applies School-Based students have been taught writing
Curriculum (SBC) as its guidance in maximally. Ideally, the students in
teaching and learning process. In SMAN2 Benai are able to write
SMAN2 Benai, English is taught since descriptive texts. In short, students in
the tenth grade. English is taught twice SMAN 2 Benai are not supposed to
a week with the duration of about 45 have problems with their abilities in
minutes. The criteria of students’ writing descriptive text. However, based
passing grade at the tenth grade is 73 on the teacher’s experience in teaching
(interview with English teacher, May writing at the tenth grade students, she
11, 2014). stated that students still face difficulties
in writing descriptive text.
According to School-Based
Curriculum (Depdiknas, 2006:278), the To improve students’ ability in
purposes of teaching English are as writing descriptive texts needs a
follows: suitable strategy for helping them to
solve the problems. There are several
a. Developing communicative writing strategies such as POWER
competence in oral and written Strategy, RAFT Strategy, LESSER
form to achieve informational level Strategy and Guided Writing Procedure
b. Having awareness about the sense Strategy. In this research, the researcher
and the significance of English in applied Guided Writing Procedure
order to increase national Strategy which according to Smith and
competence in global society Bean in Richardson, Morgan, and
Fleener (2006:375) can improve
c. Developing understanding of students’ writing ability.
students about the relationship
between language and culture

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2. Review of Related Literature c. Improve the students' overall

writing abilities through careful
In this part, the researcher
thought and revision
discusses about some keywords. They
are Writing as a Language Skill,
This improvement on the
Descriptive text , and Guided Writing
students' writing is facilitated by
Procedure strategy. According to Smith
the teacher's continual monitoring
and Bean in Morgan (2006:375),
of that writing, which guides the
Guided Writing Procedure Strategy.
students' editing and revision
Guided Writing Procedure Strategy is
processes and eventually leads to a
one of writing strategies. According to
well-thought-out and developed
Smith and Bean (1980), Guided Writing
piece of content area writing.
Procedure Strategy has several
advantages as follows:
Writing is a skill used to transfer
a. Activate and sample students' prior
information and to communicate to
knowledge about a topic to be
other humans by using written
studied before they begin learning
language. Writing is not an easy skill
about it
and activity. According to Hughey
(1983:38), writing is a complex activity
Before learning a topic, the
that desires the writer summing up
students need to activate their prior
his/her abilities to link the words to
knowledge about the topic they
convince the readers. It means that the
want to learn in order to ease them
writer can share their ideas
to understand it. Prior knowledge
communicatively by using writing
becomes a crucial thing when
activity. Therefore, before writing, the
students want to do something
writer needs to know the components of
including writing. Prior knowledge
of students about a topic will help
writing. In line with this idea, Reid
them collect information about the
(1993:28) states that writing is a
topic that they need to write a
complex skill because there are some
completely writing. The ability to
components that should be focused on
integrate their prior knowledge
writing, such as the purpose of writing
about the topic of study with what
and writer’s knowledge of writing.
they learn from a text and then
Pertaining to this idea, Hasibuan
produce a carefully edited, readable
(2007:127) states that writing is a
piece of writing.
process and a product. Process means
that the act of gathering ideas and
b. Sample and evaluate how well
working with them until they are
students can express their thoughts
presented in a manner that is polished
in writing in a specific content area
and comprehensible to readers,
meanwhile, writing as a product means
that the final pieces of writing such a
This strategy ia a useful strategy for
book, has grown out of many steps
writing. Evaluating is one of the process
which make up the process.
of writing to make a good writing. This
strategy provides evaluation for The most important reason for
students’ writing. teaching writing, of course, is that it is a
basic language skill, just as important as

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speaking, listening, and reading to measure how well students’

(Harmer, 1998:79). Writing can not be achievement in writing is.
separated from other skills because they According to Brown (2007:220-
are related to each other. 221), there are two kinds of skill of
Furthermore, writing is an writing as follows:
efficient tool to facilitate and to
reinforce other language skills (Hughey, a. Microskills
1983:6). Reading, vocabulary, and 1. Produce Graphemes and
grammar skills are employed in the act orthographic pattern of English
of writing. The good writing is 2. Produce writing at an efficient
influenced by the components of rate of speed to suit the
writing. If the researcher uses the purpose
components of writing well, their 3. Produce an acceptable core of
writing will be better. words amd use appropriate
Based on the explanation above, word order patterns
it is clear enough that teaching writing 4. Use accptable grammatical
is necessary. Through teaching writing, systems (e.g., tense, agreement,
the other skills such as reading, pluralization), patterns, and
vocabulary, and grammar will be rules.
activated. In writing, the mastery of 5. Express a particular meaning in
vocabulary and grammar have main different grammatical forms
role. Having the good grammar and 6. Use cohesive devices in written
vocabulary will lead the writer to have discourse
good writing. Therefore, by teaching
writing, the other skills will be learned b. Macroskills
indirectly. 1. Use the rhetorical forms and
The basic competence of conventions of written
English language for the tenth grade discourse
students of state senior high 2 Benai 2. Appropriately accomplish the
have stated that the students are able to communicative functions of
communicate oral and written language written texts according to form
in texts of descriptive, narrative, and and purpose
news item. It means that the teacher 3. Convey links and connections
should teach the students some kinds of between events, and
text: descriptive, narrative, and news comunicate such relations as
item. But, in this research, the main idea, supporting idea,
researcher will only focus on writing new information, given
descriptive text. information, generalization,
Teaching writing in the and exemplification.
classroom means that the teacher gives 4. Distinguish between literal and
the explanation to the students what to implied meanings when writing
write and how to write. It means that 5. Correctly convey culturally
students will understand what to do if specific references in the
they understand what to write and how context of the written text.
to write. For example, the teacher 6. Develop and use a battery of
should explain, teach and ask the writing strategies, such as
students to write a text. Then, the accurately assesing the
teacher should assess students’ writing audience’ interpretation, using

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prewriting devices, writing 2. Description: If the object is a

with fluency in the first drafts, person, the writer needs to
using paraphrases and mention the physical features,
synonims, soliciting peer and the way he or she dresses and
instructor feedback, and using his or her personality.
feedback for revising and b. Language Features of Descriptive
editing Text
1. Using adjectives and
The mastery of those skills will compound adjectives such as
determine the type of writing that the white and attractive and
students are able to write. Generally, the beautiful
microskills apply more appropriately to 2. Using linking verbs such as
imitative and intensive writing. While smell, appear, fell, and etc
the macroskills are essential for the 3. Using attributive has and have
succesful mastery of responsive and
extensive writing (composition or
essay). In other word, in writing In teaching writing by using
deescriptive text, what the students need Guided Writing Procedure Strategy, the
is the macroskills of writing. students are asked to synthetize and
Descriptive text is a kind of retain the content area they have been
texts. According to Kane (2000:352), studying. According to Richardson,
descriptive text is a text which says Morgan and Fleener (2006:375), there
what a person or a thing is like. In line are some steps in conducting Guided
with this idea, Zaida (2009:9) stated that Writing Procedure Strategy. The
descriptive text is a text describing a procedures are:
particular person, place or thing.
Oshima and Hogue (2007:61) also state a. The teacher asks students to
that descriptive writing appeals to the brainstorm about the topic they
senses, so it tells how something looks, have already known
feels, smells, tastes, and/or sounds. A b. The teacher asks students to
good description is a word picture; the factstorm and and categorize their
reader can imagine the object, place, or facts
person in his or her mind. Descriptive c. The teacher asks students to write
also describes ideas and examples two paragraphs by using the
focused on particular subject. The social organized list
function of descriptive text is to d. After writing two paragraphs,
describe a particular person, place, or students are asked to read about the
thing. particular topic
According to Sudarwati and e. After reading the topic, the students
Grace (2007:135), descriptive text has are asked to check their draft for
several descriptions, they are: functional writing concerns
a. Generic Structure of Descriptive f. The students are asked to rewrite
Text based on functional needs and
1. Identification: If the object is a revision to incorporate the
person, the writer needs to information from reading
mention the name, occupation, g. Finally, teacher gives reward to the
profession, and career. students who writes the paragraph

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4. Research Method writing descriptive text pre-test mean

scores before treatment between
This research was an
experiment groups and control groups.
experimental research. Gay and
On the other word, Ha was rejected and
Airasian (200:367) said that
H0 was accepted. Second, The
experimental research is the only type
researcher found that the result of t-test
of research that can test hypothesis to
was 2.01 < 7.893>2.68. It can be
establish the cause and effect
assumed that there was a significant
relationship. The design of the research
difference of the students’ ability in
was a quasi experimental research with
writing descriptive text post-test mean
non equivalent control group design
scores after treatment between
which was intended to find out the
experiment groups and control groups.
difference in ability to write descriptive
On the other word, Ha was accepted and
text taught by using Guided Writing
H0 was rejected. Third, The researcher
Procedure Strategy. Quasi experimental
found that paired sample t-test was 2.06
is an experimental situation in which the
<16.462>2.80 It can be conclude that
researcher assigns, not randomly
there was a significant effect of the
participants to groups because the
students’ ability in writing descriptive
experimenter cannot artificially create
text pre-test and post-test mean scores
groups for the experiment (Creswell,
of using Guided Writing Procedure
Strategy on students’ ability in writing
In this research, the researcher
descriptive text at State Senior High
used two groups as sample, namely:
School 2 Benai of Kuantan Singingi
experimental group and control group.
Regency. Then, the effect size for the
For the experimental group, the students
difference above was 0.91, therefore the
were treated with particular teaching on
researcher can conclude that there was a
what problems of research that the
large effect obtained from students’
researcher had. Meanwhile, control
ability in writing descriptive text at the
group was only given a pre-test and
tenth grade of State Senior High School
pos-test without particular treatment as
2 Benai of Kuanan Regency.
given to the experiment group. Both
experimental and control group were
6. Conclusion
tested with the same tests.
This research was conducted to
5. Findings and Discussion find out about students’ ability in
writing descriptive before using Guided
There were some findings of this
Writing Procedure strategy and without
research that were found by researcher.
using Guided Writing Procedure
First, the researcher found that the mean
Strategy, to find out students’ ability in
score for the experimental class before
writing descriptive text after using
using Guided Writing Procedure
Guided Writing Procedure strategy and
Strategy was 51.04 with standard
without using Guided Writing
deviation 5.20000. Whereas, the mean
Procedure Strategy, and to find out
score for the control class taught
whether there was a significant of using
without using Guided Writing
Guided Writing Procedure strategy on
Procedure Strategy was 50.48 with
students’ ability in writing decriptive
standard deviation 3.83319. It can be
texts at the tenth grade of State Senior
assumed that there was no a significant
High School 2 Benai of Kuantan
difference of the students’ ability in

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Singingi Regency. Based on the data experimental class and non-Guided

presentation and data analysis of Writing Procedure Strategy for the
students’ writing ability from control control class the eleventh grade of
and experimental class, it showed that State Senior High School 2 Benai
the result of students’ ability in writing of Kuantan Singingi Regency. It
descriptive text taught by using Guided can be seen from the result of data
Writing Procedure Strategy result of calculation. The mean of the
students’ ability in writing descriptive experimental class post-test score is
text after using Guided Writing 70.32. While the mean of the
Procedure Strategy on students’ ability control class pre-test score is 53.28.
in writing descriptive text is better than Furthermore, to obtained is 7.893
students’ ability in writing descriptive compared with T-table of df=48 in
text taught without using Guided significance of 5% and 1%
Writing Procedure Strategy. To analyze becomes 2.01<7.893>2.68.
the data, the researcher adopted c. For the third hypothesis, there is a
independent sample T-Test formula and significant effect of using Guided
Paired Sample T-Test by using SPSS 16 Writing Procedure Strategy on
version. students’ ability in writing
descriptive text at the tenth grade of
Based on the data analysis State Senior High School 2 Benai
explained in chapter 4, finally the of Kuantan Singingi Regency. It
researcher would like to depict the can be seen from the result of data
conclusions as follows: calculation. The mean of
a. For the first hypothesis, there is no experimental class pre-test score is
significant difference on students’ 51.04, while the mean of post-test
ability in writing descriptive text score is 70.32. Furthermore, to
before giving the treatment for the obtained is 16.462 compared with
experimental class and non-Guided T-table of df=24 in significance of
Writing Procedure Strategy for the 5% and 1% becomes
control class at the eleventh grade 2.06<16.462>2.80.
of State Senior High School 2 d. There is a significant effect of
Benai of Kuantan Singingi using Guided Writing Procedure
Regency. It can be seen from the Strategy on students’ ability in
result of data calculation. The mean writing descriptive text at State
of the experimental class pre-test Senior High School 2 Benai of
score is 51.04. While the mean of Kuantan Singingi Regency. It can
the control class pre-test is 50.88. be seen from the pre-test score and
Furthermore, to obtained is 1.103 post-test score in experimental
compared with t-table of df = 48 in class which were analyzed by using
significance of 5% and 1 % eta squared formula. The result of
becomes 2.01>1.103<2.68. It eta squared was 0.91 or Kp was
means that both experimental class 91%. It means that there is a large
and control class are equivalent effect obtained from students’
before having treatments. ability in writing descriptive text at
b. For the second hypothesis, there is the tenth grade students of State
a significant difference on students’ Senior High School 2 Benai of
ability in writing descriptive text Kuantan Singingi Regency.
after giving the treatments for the

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